
The invigorating bath made with peppermint, lavender or rosemary is a great alternative to reduce physical and mental tiredness and increase energy, as it has analgesic, calming, refreshing and stimulating action. This invigorating bath increases physical and mental well-being, ...
Doderlein bacilli, or lactobacilli, are bacteria that are part of the normal vaginal flora and are responsible for protecting women against infections. Understand what excess Doderlein bacilli is and what they can mean.
Azithromycin is an antibiotic indicated for the treatment of respiratory infections in the ears, skin, soft tissues or genitals. know more
To treat heartburn, pharmacy or home remedies are taken to decrease stomach acidity and reduce the burning sensation. Check the options
Bacitracin + Neomycin is an ointment indicated to treat infections on the skin or mucous membranes, caused by bacteria, which should be used 2 to 5 times a day.
Constant heartburn can be caused by problems such as reflux, gastritis or poor diet, it is recommended to go to the gastroenterologist to make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment. Know other causes of constant heartburn and what to do
Baclofen is a muscle relaxant used in cases of multiple sclerosis or paraplegia to relieve pain and improve movement.
Azoospermia indicates the absence of sperm in the semen and is a major cause of infertility in men. Understand why it happens, how it affects fertility and what treatment options
Balanoposthitis is inflammation of the glans and foreskin, which is most often caused by infection by the fungus Candida albicans, in which there is itching, redness and burning in the region. Understand what balanoposthitis is, causes symptoms and how is treatment
What it is: The gastric balloon, also known as intra-bariatric balloon or endoscopic treatment for obesity, is a technique that consists of placing a balloon inside the stomach to occupy some of the space and make the person eat less, facilitating the weight loss. For...
Common heartburn in pregnancy is caused by an increase in progesterone in the blood, making it possible to combat this symptom with homemade measures or use of medications according to medical advice. See what to do to combat heartburn in pregnancy
The underweight baby is the one born with less than 2.5 kg, which can be diagnosed as small for gestational age during pregnancy. It can be identified that the baby is underweight through ultrasound examination, during pregnancy or shortly after birth. When the doctor ...
Stroke can be ischemic and hemorrhagic, and can cause symptoms such as weakness and dizziness. See how to identify and what to do.
Ballet Fitness is a type of gym exercise in which there is a mixture of classic ballet and weight training movements, promoting increased muscle strength, improved flexibility and increased balance, for example. Learn more about Ballet Fitness and main ...
The moon bath is an aesthetic procedure very performed in the summer and that aims to lighten the hair so that they are not so visible to the naked eye. Understand what the moon bath is and how it is done
The potassium permanganate bath is good for cleaning and disinfecting the skin, being particularly indicated in case of chickenpox in the baby or child. Learn how to use the bath
Baricitinib is a remedy used to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. See how to take it and why it works.
Basaglar is the first biosimilar insulin approved in Brazil, and has the same effect as Lantus insulin. It keeps insulin levels stable throughout the day, with just 1 daily application. See how to use and what effects can arise
Bazedoxifene is a remedy used to relieve postmenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and decreased calcium concentration in bones. Check out its effects.
It serves to improve blood circulation and is used in tablets.


Benefiber is a dietary supplement, from Novartis, rich in fibers that can be used to fight constipation, satiate hunger and improve health in general. Benefiber is composed of parts of grains, vegetables and fruits that are not digested by the human intestine, facilitating the ...
Stroke has several causes and some risks are smoking, high blood pressure, arrhythmias, or even the use of some medicines. See other causes and how to avoid.


Benazepril is a medicine known commercially as Lotensin. This medication for oral use is an antihypertensive and vasodilator, which facilitates blood circulation because it acts by decreasing the pressure in the blood vessels. Indications for Benazepril Hypertension; failure...
Bedaquilina is an antibiotic remedy used in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis that prevents the production of energy in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leading to the death of these bacteria. Bedaquilina is produced by Janssen FarmacĂȘutica and marketed by the name of Sirturo.


Belara is a contraceptive medication that has Chlormadinone and Ethinylestradiol as its active substance. This medication for oral use is used as a contraceptive method, protecting against pregnancy throughout the cycle as long as taken correctly, always at the same time and without ...
The baby is very fond of imitating people and is already starting to add some sounds and syllables to try to speak 'papa' or 'mama'.
The child already recognizes himself in the photos, is quite agitated and likes to play, and it is normal that he no longer wants to be in the stroller and wants to walk on the floor.
The adjustable gastric band is a type of bariatric surgery where a brace is placed that tightens the stomach, causing it to decrease in size and helping the person to eat less and lose up to 40% of excess weight. This surgery is quick, the hospital stay is reduced and the ...
He already shows his personality, likes to eat alone, crawls where he wants to go and some already walk when someone holds him by the hand.
The baby is more active than before and although he still sleeps a lot, he likes to play and makes sounds when trying to communicate.
The child is already full of wants, knows how to eat alone, does not like to share his toys and can start talking from now on.
At this stage the baby already raises his arms to get out of the crib, cries when someone takes off his toy and already recognizes the expressions of fear and anger.
The baby makes sounds, plays with his hands and feet, and is already able to hold his head firmly when lying on his stomach. Learn more details of the baby's development at 4 months