
Secondary bone cancer, also known as bone metastases, is the most common form of cancer in the skeleton and, in most cases, is the result of a primary tumor. That is, before the bones were affected, a malignant tumor developed elsewhere in the ...
Soft cancer is a type of sexually transmitted disease that leads to the appearance of several irregular wounds in the genital region, which can be treated with antibiotics. See other symptoms and how treatment is done
Saw palmetto capsules have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic action and can be used to treat urinary tract infections and asthma. It also acts in the treatment of hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia, as it inhibits the enzyme that degrades the hormone testosterone in a ...
Melanoma is a type of malignant skin cancer that develops very quickly and, therefore, can easily affect other organs through metastasis, when treatment is not started quickly. Know how to recognize the signs of melanoma and understand how the treatment is


Carbacol is the active substance in an anti-glaucoma drug known commercially as Ophtcos. This ophthalmic medicine is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma, since its action decreases intraocular pressure. Indication of Carbacol (What is it for) Glaucoma. Price of ...
Williams-Beuren syndrome is a rare genetic disease and its main characteristics are the child's very friendly, hyper-social and communicative behavior, although it presents cardiac, coordination, balance, mental and psychomotor problems. This syndrome affects the ...
Carbamazepine is an oral medication used to treat epilepsy in adults and children, as well as other diseases such as bipolar disorder, for example. Carbamazepine can be purchased in pharmacies under the trade name Tegretol, Tegretard or Carbamaz, in the form of tablets or ...
Peritoneum cancer is a rare type of tumor that appears in the tissue that lines the entire inside of the abdomen and its organs, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, swollen belly and weight loss for no apparent reason. Find out more about the possible causes, types and how the ...
Carbinoxamine is the active substance of an antiallergic medication indicated for the treatment of rhinitis, itching and other allergic reactions. This medicine for nasal and oral use acts on neurotransmitters reducing the symptoms of allergy such as coughing, itching and redness. Indications ...
It serves to make the sputum more fluid and is used in syrup.
Studies indicate that cinnamon has substances capable of improving brain performance and contributing to the prevention of Alzheimer's. Here's how to use it.
Carb up

Carb up

Carb Up is a food supplement from Probiotics, which gradually fills the body's energy levels, fighting fatigue, facilitating muscle training. Car Up contains BBCA, a substance that helps to raise the levels of glycogen inside the muscles, providing a greater ...
Breast cancer can also affect men and has the same symptoms as a lump on the chest. It appears in men over 50 years of age and treatment is done in a similar way as in women, with removal of the nodule and part of the breast tissue, radiotherapy and use of medications
Anvisa approved the commercialization of products extracted from the cannabis plant, cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, for therapeutic purposes, upon presentation of a medical prescription. Better understand what this means
Breast candidiasis is a fungal infection that generates symptoms such as pain, redness, a wound that is difficult to heal and a sensation of pinching in the breast while the baby is breastfeeding and remaining after the baby has finished breastfeeding. See how the treatment is done to cure this discomfort more ...
At birth, the baby's stomach is the size of a cherry, holding only about 7 ml of milk. See the evolution and know when to have the first meal.
Cranberry capsules are a food supplement that can be used to treat symptoms of menopause and osteoporosis, for example, due to their antioxidant and hormone-regulating properties. In addition, both blackberry and whiteberry can also be used ...


Carmustine is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Becenum. This medicine for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, its action consists in altering the DNA of cancer cells interfering in their ...
Carisoprodol is a substance present in some muscle relaxant medications, such as Trilax, Mioflex, Tandrilax and Torsilax, for example. The drug should be taken orally and indicated in cases of muscle twists and contractures, since it acts by relaxing and causing sedation in ...


Carnabol is a food supplement whose active substances are Buclizine Hydrochloride, L-lysine and others. This medicine for oral use is indicated for different types of nutritional deficiencies and to stimulate appetite. Carnabol's action is to increase the absorption of ...
Capoten is a remedy for high blood pressure or heart failure that should be taken daily, as instructed by the cardiologist.


Carnivor is a food supplement rich in animal proteins to increase muscle mass. Each serving of Carnivor has 50 g of protein from meat, in addition to other ingredients, such as gelatin, maltodextrin, medium chain triglycerides, corn starch, salt, chromium, ...
Researchers at Columbia University in the USA conducted a study in which it was found that excessive consumption of foods with carbohydrates is associated with greater chances of postmenopausal women to have insomnia. Better understand what has been discovered and what can be done to improve ...
Helleva is the trade name of a remedy indicated for male sexual impotence. Learn how to use and what are the most common side effects
Candidiasis in the mouth is a fungal infection, which can be transmitted by kissing. To treat, nystatin in gel or liquid can be used.


Carvedilol is a medication known commercially as Coreg. This medication for oral use is an antihypertensive, its action promotes the dilation of blood vessels, facilitating circulation and decreasing resistance in the vessels. Carvedolol is also used to treat ...
Calcium carbonate is a remedy that can be used in different doses to replace calcium in the body or even to reduce stomach acidity. see more