
The life cycle of Aedes aegypti comprises 4 phases, egg, larva, pupa and adult mosquito. Find out how many days each stage takes and how it plays
Cinacalcete is a substance widely used in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism, as it has a function similar to calcium, binding to receptors that are in the parathyroid glands, which are behind the thyroid. Thus, the glands stop releasing the hormone ...
Cipralex is a medicine that contains escitalopram, a substance that works in the brain by increasing levels of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter for well-being that, when low in concentration, can cause depression and other related diseases. So, this medicine ...
Biliary cirrhosis is a chronic disease in which the bile ducts, present inside the liver, are gradually destroyed, preventing the exit of bile. Understand more about primary and secondary biliary cirrhosis, as well as symptoms and how treatment is done
Ciprofloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, indicated for the treatment of various types of infections, such as bronchitis, sinusitis, prostatitis or gonorrhea, for example. This medicine is available in pharmacies, in generic form or under the trade names Cipro, Quinoflox, ...
The cure for cirrhosis can only be achieved through liver transplantation, since the treatment normally recommended by the doctor only relieves the signs and symptoms and prevents the progression of the disease
Varicocele surgery is usually indicated when a man experiences testicular pain that does not go away with medication, but in other cases it may also be indicated. Understand when it should be done, how it can be done and what recovery is like
Modeling belt refines the waist and disguises the belly, but its use can cause health problems. Understand.
The only way to treat cataracts is through surgery, which is a simple procedure performed under local anesthesia. Find out how cataract surgery is done and what the post-operative is like.
Penile augmentation surgery can help increase the width or length of the male sexual organ. See how recovery is done.
The postoperative period of cardiac surgery consists of rest, preferably in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the first 48 hours after the procedure. That's because in the ICU there is all the equipment that can be used to monitor the patient in this initial phase, in which there are ...


Cisapride is a medicine known commercially as Prepulsid. This medicine for oral use acts by stimulating the functioning of the digestive system, ideal for the treatment of constipation and gastroesophageal reflux. Indications for Cisapride Constipation; indigestion; reflux...
Lasik surgery is indicated to treat or cure vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism so that the person does not need to wear glasses.
The most used myopia surgery is Lasik, which can completely correct up to 10 degrees. See what other types exist, how is recovery and what are the risks associated with this type of surgery
Cisplatin is an antineoplastic remedy for intravenous administration that acts by interfering with cell multiplication and is therefore widely used in the treatment of various types of tumor. Cisplatin cannot be purchased at the pharmacy, as it must be administered at the hospital by a ...
Surgery for astigmatism is one of the treatment options that allows to reconstruct the person's normal vision. Learn how surgery for astigmatism and possible risks are performed.
Surgery to treat uterine prolapse is performed with the aim of placing the pelvic organs in the normal position, and uterus repair or complete removal can be done depending on the characteristics of the prolapse, the general condition of the woman and the desire to become pregnant. See how it is made and how ...
Surgery to remove uterine polyps is often recommended even when polyps do not cause symptoms, such as bleeding outside menstruation and pain, for example. The decision to remove the polyps should be discussed between doctor and patient, especially when not ...
What it is: The cyst in the breast is a small lump that does not characterize breast cancer, nor does it increase the risk of its appearance in the future. It is a benign breast disorder, common in most women of reproductive age, and usually has no symptoms, so it is not necessary ...
Surgery for the removal of pancreatic cancer is an alternative treatment considered by many oncologists to be the only form of treatment that really can cure pancreatic cancer. Know everything about her.
Surgery to remove the prostate is indicated to cure prostate adenocarcinoma, but it can cause sexual impotence and urinary incontinence, which need specific treatment. See what recovery looks like and its health consequences
Surgery for endometriosis is indicated for women who are infertile or who do not wish to have children, since in the most severe cases it may be necessary to remove the ovaries or the uterus, directly affecting the woman's fertility. Thus, surgery is always advised in cases of endometriosis ...
Plastic surgery is done to improve the physical aspect and always depends on the patient's will, and can be done on any region of the body.
Saphenous vein removal, laser surgery and foam injection are some of the options for removing varicose veins. Get to know the complete list of the most used surgeries, when they are used and the care that must be taken in the postoperative period
Gastric ulcer surgery may be necessary in severe cases, where there is perforation of the stomach or heavy bleeding, for example. See when it is necessary to perform the surgery, how it is done and what are the risks
Sinus surgery is usually indicated in cases of chronic sinusitis when there is no sign of improvement in 3 months. Know your risks and how is the post-op
Phimosis surgery, called circumcision or postectomy, protects against disease and improves intimate contact. Know how it is done, its risks and recovery.


Cytarabine is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Aracytin. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, its action prevents the proliferation of cancer and tumor cells. Indications for Cytarabine ...


Citalopram is an antidepressant remedy responsible for inhibiting the reception of serotonin and increasing the activity of the central nervous system that decreases the symptoms of depression in individuals. Citalopram is produced by Lundbeck laboratories and can be purchased at pharmacies ...
The marks left by blackheads and pimples on the face can be removed with treatments such as creams, dermaroller, laser and more. Know the most suitable
Cystinosis is a rare disease that can affect children and cause serious damage to the kidneys and eyes. Understand what the symptoms are, why it happens and how treatment is done to improve quality of life
Microlax is a medication with a laxative effect based on sodium citrate and sodium lauryl sulfoacetate that is not absorbed by the body and should be used as a kind of suppository to eliminate gases and end constipation. Indications Intestinal gases, ...
Tofacitinib Citrate, also known as Xeljanz, is a medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis, which allows relief of pain and inflammation in the joints. This compound acts inside the cells, inhibiting the activity of certain enzymes, the JAK kinases, which prevents the ...


Citostal is an antineoplastic medication that has Lomustine as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of various types of cancer. Its action consists of altering the functions of the DNA and RNA of cells, which prevent the disease from spreading to others ...
Surgery to correct heart murmur is done when there are severe symptoms, suitable for adults and children. Know how it is done and possible risks