
Learn the benefits of paw-of-the-cow tea for diabetes and what natural solutions exist to control blood sugar.
Dry skin is a relatively common problem that, in most cases, arises due to prolonged exposure to a very cold or hot environment, which ends up dehydrating the skin. See other common causes and what to do
Taking 1 liter of mate tea daily makes you lose weight, being able to improve the functioning of the body, detoxifying and favoring the burning of body fat. It is very effective as a supplement to diet and physical activity. Check out the benefits of mate tea. How to make mate tea To prepare ...
Chamomile tea with cinnamon is a good home remedy to prevent complications of type 2 diabetes, such as blindness and nerve and kidney damage, because its usual consumption decreases the concentration of the enzymes ALR2 and sorbitol which, when they are increased, can cause these ...
An excellent tea to soothe is tea made with passion fruit leaves, as passion fruit has calming properties, also reducing the feeling of anxiety, and can be taken even during pregnancy. This tea is great for those suffering from anxiety, stress or insomnia, as it helps to ...
Omnaris is an anti-inflammatory for nasal use that acts by inhibiting the cells involved in the allergic process. This medicine is not generic. Indications Allergic rhinitis (seasonal or perennial). Side Effects Headache; nosebleed; nasal discomfort; irritation in the nose and ...
It is used for the treatment of asthma and its use is made inhaled through the mouth using a pump.
Green tea in capsules is a dietary supplement that has many benefits such as helping to lose weight and volume, prevent aging and relieve stomach upset and pain, for example. Green tea in capsules is produced by different laboratories and can be purchased in stores ...
Cyclophosphamide is a drug used in the treatment of cancer that works by preventing the multiplication and action of malignant cells in the body. It is also widely used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases as it has immunosuppressive properties that decrease the inflammatory process in the body. THE...
Gino Loprox is an antifungal for topical and vaginal use, which acts by interfering with protein synthesis by the fungus. This medication is generic and can be found in pharmacies with the names of Loprox; Loprox NL; Cellamine; Derm Prox; Fungirox; Micolamine. Indications Superficial ringworm ...
The hormonal implant is a great solution to prevent pregnancy, combat PMS and regulate female hormones. Know your risks and how it works.
Cyclopirox is a fungicidal medicine widely used to treat skin mycosis caused by various types of microorganisms. Ciclopirox can be purchased from conventional pharmacies with a prescription in the form of a solution for skin application, under the trade name Loprox, for ...
Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive remedy that works by controlling the body's defense system, being used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs or to treat some autoimmune diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, for example. Cyclosporine can be found ...


Cilostazol is the active substance in a vasodilator medicine known commercially as Cebralat. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment and prevention of stroke. The action of this medication is to decrease the symptoms of the disease, including ...
Cimetidine is a remedy used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers and other problems related to excess acid in the stomach, as it decreases the acidity of the stomach. Cimetidine can be found commercially under the name Tagamet, Ulcimet or Ulcidine and can be ...
Acid rain is considered when it acquires a pH below 5.6, due to the formation of acidic substances that result from the emission of pollutants in the atmosphere. Know the consequences for the environment and health
Despite calming the baby, the use of a pacifier hinders breastfeeding because when the baby sucks on the pacifier \ "unlearns \" the correct way to get on the breast and then finds it difficult to suck the milk. See other problems caused by the pacifier and make the baby stop crying and sleep without ...
Cinchocaine is a topical anesthetic medicine that works by preventing the generation and transmission of impulses along nerve fibers and terminations, anesthetizing the application site and relieving pain. Chinchocaine can be purchased at conventional pharmacies under the name ...
Cinnarizine is a medicine widely used for travel sickness. It is a cerebral and peripheral vasodilator that acts as an antihistamine and sedative. Cinnarizine can be found in pharmacies with the names of Stugeron, Antigeron, Cinarix, Cinazon, Vessel, Stugerina, in addition to ...
Cicatrene is indicated to prevent and treat infections in the skin or mucous membranes, caused by bacteria. This ointment should be applied 2 to 5 times a day.
The active ingredient in Cicatricure cream is the Regenext IV Complex which stimulates the production of collagen, moisturizes and tones the skin, helping to eliminate expression wrinkles. In the Cicatricure gel formula are natural products such as onion extract, chamomiles, thyme, pearl, walnut, ...
The Cicatricure gel is indicated for cosmetic use and its active ingredient is the Regenext IV Complex, which helps to reduce inflammation and gradually decrease the scars left by acne and stretch marks. This gel is produced by the Genoma lab Brasil laboratory and in its composition are ...
To decrease the thickness of the cesarean scar and make it as uniform as possible, massages and treatments that use ice, such as cryotherapy and laser-based treatments, may be used, depending on the indication of a dermatologist. See more other options to decrease cesarean scar
What it is: Cardiogenic shock happens when the heart loses its ability to pump blood in an adequate amount to the organs, causing a marked decrease in blood pressure, lack of oxygen in the tissues and accumulation of fluid in the lungs. This type of shock is one of ...
Cycle 21 is a 21-day contraceptive, with a 7-day break, which prevents pregnancy and helps control acne. See how to take and its effects
Ciprofibrate is the active substance in a cholesterol-lowering drug known commercially as Oroxadin. This medication for oral use is indicated for patients with high cholesterol and its action consists of altering the functioning of lipoproteins, decreasing the concentration of ...
It serves to treat fibromyalgia and muscle spasms and is used in tablets by adults and children from 15 years old.
Ciproterone is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Androcur. Indications for Ciproterone Inoperable prostate cancer; decreased sex drive. Price of Ciproterona The box of Ciproterona of 50 mg containing 20 tablets costs ...
Ciproeptadina is an anti-allergic medication that is used to decrease the symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as runny nose and tearing, for example. However, it can also be used as an appetite stimulant, increasing the desire to eat. This medicine for oral use in the form of ...
Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used to treat eye infections that cause corneal ulcers or conjunctivitis, for example. Ciprofloxacin can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Ciloxan, in the form of eye drops or ointment ...
Depilatory waxes with natural anesthetic help to decrease sensitivity to pain and reduce inflammation in the follicles after hair removal.
The human body is regulated by an internal biological clock in its day-to-day activities, as is the case with feeding times and waking and sleeping times. This process is called the circadian cycle. See what it is and how it works
It is normal for menstruation to be irregular, last for more days and come with more or less intensity. Find out more details here.
To lose weight, you should consume 1 tablespoon of this seed mixed with water daily 20 min before lunch and dinner. Learn why it works.
Cyclopyrox olamine is a very potent antifungal substance that is capable of eliminating various types of fungi and can therefore be used to treat almost all types of superficial mycosis of the skin. This remedy can be purchased in conventional pharmacies with presentation ...
Infantile Cimegripe is available in oral suspension and drops flavored with red fruits and cherry, which are formulations suitable for babies and children. This medicine has in its composition paracetamol, which is a substance indicated to reduce fever and temporarily relieve pain.
What it is: Cimegripe is a drug with paracetamol, chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylephrine hydrochloride, indicated for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headache, muscle pain and other flu-like symptoms. This medicine is ...