Remedies to stop menstruation should be indicated by the doctor. See names and other treatment options.
Hydrosadenitis, which is a chronic skin disease that causes small inflamed nodules to appear under the skin. There is no cure, however, your symptoms can be relieved and controlled with some treatments that include antibiotics, injections of cortioids or surgery, for ...
The light spots caused by hypomelanosis can be mitigated with the use of antibiotic ointments, frequent hydration or even with the use of phototherapy in the dermatologist's office. However, hypomelanosis has no cure and, therefore, forms of treatment must be ...
The most common breastfeeding problems include cracked nipples, stony milk, and hard, swollen breasts, which usually appear in the first few days after giving birth or after a long time breastfeeding the baby. See how to solve these problems
In order to dress the baby, it is necessary to pay some attention to the temperature it is doing so that he does not feel cold or hot. In addition, to make the job easier, you should have all the baby clothes at your side. To dress the baby, parents can pay attention to some tips, such as: Having all the ...
The sty is a common discomfort in children, however, it can be treated at home easily, with natural techniques that relieve pain and itching. See what precautions to take to speed up recovery, as well as when it is advisable to go to the pediatrician to start treatment more ...
Treatment for gallbladder polyps is usually started with frequent ultrasound exams at the gastroenterologist's office to assess whether the polyps are increasing in size or number. Thus, if during the evaluations the doctor identifies that the polyps are ...
The treatment for prostatitis, which is the infection of the prostate, is done according to its cause, being most often recommended the use of antibiotics, such as Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Doxycycline or Azithromycin, for example, since the main cause of prostatitis is infection ...
Rhabdomyolysis is a serious syndrome that causes the destruction of muscle fibers and can happen after direct or indirect trauma to a muscle in the body. Know how to recognize rhabdomyolysis symptoms and how treatment is done
Hypertrichosis, also popularly known as the werewolf syndrome, is an extremely rare condition. Know the main causes and what are the most used treatment options
Most of the time, the baby's hoarseness is caused by excessive crying. However, there are other causes like reflux, allergies and infections.
What it is: Cancer of the salivary glands is rare, being most often identified during routine examinations or going to the dentist, in which changes in the mouth can be seen. This type of tumor can be perceived through some signs and symptoms, such as swelling or appearance of ...
To take care of the baby with reflux, which is the regurgitation of milk after breastfeeding, parents should take some precautions such as placing the baby to burp during and after feedings and avoid lying the baby in the first 30 minutes after meals, as it is normal that due to the immaturity of the tract ...
Treatment for the newborn's transient tachypnea, which can appear up to 2 hours after birth with symptoms such as rapid breathing and bluish skin, is usually done only with oxygen booster to help the baby breathe better, once the problem resolves alone. Per...
Confiare Prevent is a topical ointment indicated for the treatment of baby's diaper rash and to prevent common skin irritations. Confiare Prevent moisturizes protects the skin, because it forms a thin layer that prevents the action of microorganisms present in the urine or feces of the baby that are ...
The grinding of teeth at night does not indicate that the child has worms, but it can be stress, anxiety or nasal obstruction. Thus, to stop the grinding of teeth, relaxation techniques must be performed, but the doctor may indicate other techniques depending on the cause
Treatment for strabismus in adults is usually started with the use of glasses or contact lenses to correct vision difficulties, exercise and in more severe cases it may be necessary to resort to surgery. see more
The B complex is an essential vitamin supplement for the normal functioning of the body, indicated to compensate for the multiple deficiency of B vitamins. See what it is for and how to take it
The vaginal ring is a contraceptive method that prevents ovulation through the effect of the hormones it contains inside. Thus, the woman has no hormonal stimulus for the peak of the hormone to favor ovulation and, therefore, even if the man ejaculates inside the vagina, the ...
The Electra complex is a stage of the girl's development, which usually disappears naturally over time without needing treatment. See which signs help to identify this phase and understand when it may be a problem
High cholesterol can lead to the development of complications that include atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke and stroke.
To treat melasma, creams such as Hydroquinone and Tretinoin are used, in addition to cosmetic treatments, such as peeling. Check out these and other options.
Conception is the moment that marks the beginning of pregnancy and happens when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Usually the result of the conception date is given within 10 days. See how to do this calculation
Condyloma is a wart-like skin lesion that can arise in cases of HPV infection or syphilis. See what treatment options are in each case
What it is: Flat condyloma corresponds to one of the symptoms that arise in secondary syphilis, which is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The flat condyloma corresponds to small red or pink skin lesions that can appear on the sole ...
Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome is a degenerative disease that has no cure and, therefore, its treatment is done to relieve symptoms and help the patient to overcome the limitations created by the syndrome, which are related to the lack of strength in muscles throughout the body.
See the step by step how to put the tampon, its health risks and the warning signs to go to the doctor.
Understand your type of asthma inhaler and how to use it correctly in adults, children or babies to relieve symptoms more quickly. See also some common questions about the use of these devices
Bulimia is an eating disorder that causes complications such as swelling in the cheeks, reflux, mouth sores and tooth problems. Know how to recognize the complications of bulimia and what to do
When the treatment of diabetes is not done properly, injuries and complications in various organs can appear. See what can happen.
The main risk of cryolipolysis is the 2nd and 3rd degree burn, however when the equipment is of quality and has adequate maintenance, it is safe. See more about the risk of cryolipolysis and how it works
The composition of breast milk is ideal for good growth and development of the baby during the first 6 months of age, without the need to supplement the baby's food with any other food or water. Breast milk in addition to feeding the baby and being rich in all ...
Egg freezing is a good option for women who intend to become pregnant after age 35, ensuring egg quality.
Changing the baby's diaper is one of the basic and most important precautions in baby care, because in addition to preventing infections in the urinary system it also prevents the appearance of diaper rash. See how to make the switch in the most correct way and how to decrease the chances of the baby having a rash on the butt