To remove a thorn from the skin simply and without using needles, which can make the moment even more painful, use a paste of sodium bicarbonate and after a few minutes the thorn comes out by itself through the same hole that entered. This works because the bicarbonate of ...
All cancer is a malignant disease that can affect any organ or tissue in the body. It arises from an error that occurs in the division of cells in the body and treatment can be done with surgery, immunotherapy, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Find out how it is formed and how the ...
Check out 5 super simple steps to create a habit for your baby to calm down and get to sleep faster and for longer.
A good way to unfurl the baby is to use the "3 Day Potty Training" technique, which was created by Lora Jensen and which promises to help parents remove the baby's diaper in just 3 days. See the step-by-step how to do this technique correctly and be successful when taking the baby's diaper
The marks that appear on the face after a night of sleep, can take some time to pass, especially if they are very marked. However, there are very simple ways to prevent or mitigate them, choosing the right pillow, or even getting them eliminated more quickly.
To find out if the toy is safe for your child, you should always read the instructions and instructions for use of the toy, which are usually found on the packaging and, which must contain the Inmetro symbol, indicate the minimum age and inform about the most common dangers that the toy can cause.
The treatment for generalized congenital lipodystrophy, which is a genetic disease that does not allow the accumulation of fat under the skin leading to its accumulation in organs or muscles, aims to reduce the symptoms and, therefore, varies in each case. However, most of the time it is ...
Applying a little bit of rosehip oil, hypoglycans or aloe vera daily to the skin are great ways to remove the small spots on the skin left by chicken pox. Check out other treatment options and how to avoid getting blemishes
To treat a burn scar, several techniques can be used, which include corticoid ointments, pulsed light or plastic surgery, for example, depending on the degree of the burn. However, it is not always possible to remove the entire burn scar, it is only possible ...
The sebaceous milium, or simply milium, is a skin disorder in which small keratin cysts appear that affect the most superficial layer of the skin in the regions of the face, such as on the nose, eyes, cheeks and behind the ear. Learn how to recognize milium in your skin, and what you can do to ...
The treatment of acne in pregnancy should be done with products for external use so that the baby is not harmful. Check out 4 tips to fight pimples in pregnancy and some homemade solutions.
Dengue in pregnancy is dangerous because blood clotting is reduced and this can cause the placenta to come off and cause an abortion or premature birth. However, if the pregnant woman is well guided by a doctor and follows the treatment correctly, there will be no risks for her or for the ...
Treatment for sacral agenesis, which is a malformation that causes delayed development of nerves in the final part of the spinal cord, is usually started during childhood and varies according to the symptoms and malformations presented by the child. Generally, sacral agenesis ...
See the best natural tips to fight excess sleep during the day and have extra energy for when you need to stay focused, whether to study or work
You should take 10 to 30g of glutamine daily. See details of how to use, benefits and side effects.
The main purpose of treating baby diarrhea is to prevent dehydration. Therefore, maintaining a milk diet, as well as offering rehydration serum, are fundamental strategies to ensure a good recovery. See the amount of serum recommended and other ...
Mormo's disease, common in animals such as horses, mules and donkeys, can infect humans, causing difficulty in breathing, chest pain, pneumonia, pleural effusion and also forming wounds on the skin and mucous membranes. The human being can be infected with the bacterium B. Mallei, which causes ...
The treatment for gout is done with medicines, such as Allopurinol and Colchicine, as a way to prevent or fight crises. In addition, there are also homemade treatment options, such as cold compresses, teas with medicinal herbs, in addition to adequate food, especially avoiding ...
The treatment for adenomyosis can be done through the use of hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs or through surgical procedures according to medical advice. Better understand the treatment options for adenomyosis
Treatment for impingem should be done according to the dermatologist's guidance, and the use of creams and ointments capable of eliminating the fungus and thus relieving symptoms is usually recommended. In addition, it is important to maintain proper body hygiene and avoid sharing of ...
The treatment for osteopetrosis, which is a congenital disease that causes the development of very dense and brittle bones, must be guided by a team of several health professionals, such as a pediatrician, an orthopedist, a hematologist, an endocrinologist and a physiotherapist. ...
Chronic diarrhea can be caused by intolerance or food allergies, infections, genetic or inflammatory diseases. Learn to identify what can cause and understand the main treatment options, which may include medication and changes in diet
Excessive wax in the ear can be a very uncomfortable sensation, especially as it decreases hearing capacity. Check out some options you can do at home to clean the wax and how to do it correctly
Some of the treatments used to remove scars are laser, dermabrasion and surgery. See other options and when to use each technique.
One contraceptive pill should be taken every day, always at the same time until the end of the pack. See more details of the different types of pill
The uterus wound should be treated with vaginal creams or by cauterization. Understand how this treatment is done.
In order to use the outdoor gym, some factors must be taken into account, such as: Performing muscle stretches before starting the equipment; Perform the movements slowly and progressively; Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each device or follow the directions printed on each one ...
Osteoporosis can affect every bone in the body. Therefore, when it appears in the spine it can cause symptoms such as back pain and difficulty to lower. See the best exercises to relieve symptoms at home and also the most used remedies for treatment
To treat oily skin, it is important to take care of the skin correctly, using products suitable for oily skin, as the use of unsuitable products can further increase the oiliness and shine of the skin. Therefore, in order to control excess skin oil it is important to follow these ...
An excellent home remedy for heartburn and burning in the stomach is to take a sip of cold water, but lying on your side and sucking on a lemon also helps.
Ringworm is an infection of the skin or nails caused by fungi, and its treatment involves the use of creams, shampoos, solutions or pills. Find out what the options are and when to use each one
Treatment for fractures of the baby's collarbone is usually done only with immobilization of the affected arm. However, in most cases it is not necessary to use an immobilizing sling, as in adults, it is only advisable to attach the sleeve of the affected side to the baby's clothes ...
Applying ice, ointments, using a tensioner and stretching are strategies to combat knee pain that normally occurs in those who run. Check out.
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome is a disease characterized by increased pressure in the esophagus, which results in vomiting and bleeding. Understand what is Mallory-Weiss Syndrome, causes and how treatment is done