
Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye that arises when you are exposed to an allergenic substance, such as pollen, dust or animal hair. See which symptoms help to identify this condition and how to treat this discomfort
Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually associated with symptoms such as red eye, intense itching and the presence of thick, yellowish skin. See how the treatment can be done and how long the symptoms last
Conjunctivitis in a baby is characterized by the appearance of red eye, with a lot of rowing and irritability. In addition, the baby may also bring his hands to his face more often due to discomfort. See the other symptoms that help identify the condition and how treatment should be done
Conjunctivitis is a relatively normal problem during pregnancy, which can cause a lot of discomfort and make the pregnant woman worried. But is it really a serious situation that can put pregnancy at risk? Understand what can happen to pregnancy and how it should be treated
The main contraindications for endermotherapy, an aesthetic treatment that helps to reduce cellulite and eliminate localized fat, are: Individuals with severe circulatory problems, such as phlebitis or deep vein thrombosis; Cancer patients; Individuals with rheumatism; Obese, ...
The consequences of phenylketonuria can happen when the diagnosis is made late, with a large amount of phenylalanine accumulated in the blood, or when this toxic substance reaches specific areas of the brain, which can result in developmental delay ...
sugar is very important for all cells in the body, as it is the main source of energy used for the correct functioning of the organs. Understand how a lack of sugar can affect various parts of the body, including pregnancy and babies
The contraindications for vaccines only apply to vaccines of attenuated bacteria or viruses, that is, vaccines that are manufactured with live bacteria or viruses, such as BCG vaccine, triple viral, chickenpox, polio and yellow fever. Thus, these vaccines are contraindicated to: ...
Hepatitis C in pregnancy can be transmitted to the baby at the time of normal delivery, however it is very rare for this to happen. Even so, the ideal is that women who intend to become pregnant talk to the doctor in order to carry out, in due time, the necessary tests to ...


Contrave is a medicine used to fight obesity, helping to decrease and control patients' appetite. In addition, Contrave allows you to reduce your waist circumference, preventing diabetes or heart disease, for example. The active ingredient in Contrave combines Bupropion and ...
The storage time of breast milk varies according to the storage method. Outside the refrigerator breast milk lasts between 4-6 hours, inside the refrigerator it can last 3 days and in the freezer it can last up to 9 months. Learn more important details


Copaxone is a drug indicated for multiple sclerosis that has Glatiramer as its active substance. This injectable drug reduces the recurrence of the disease, since it alters the specific autoimmune responses of myelin, a substance whose cell deficiency is the ...
The family constellation is a type of psychological therapy that aims to facilitate the cure of mental disorders, especially those that may be being stimulated by family dynamics and relationships. See how it is made and when it can be used
Vision problems can arise soon after birth or develop throughout life due to trauma, injuries, chronic illnesses, or simply due to the natural aging of the body. See the 7 most common problems and what to do in each case
Coral calcium is a natural source of minerals, free of iodine and phosphorus that helps to assimilate vitamin A better, combats stress and hormonal changes. In addition, it favors bones and dentition making them stronger. This natural product can be purchased at health food stores ...
What it is: Oniomania, also called compulsive consumerism, is a very common psychological disorder that reveals deficiencies and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. People who buy many things, which are often unnecessary, may suffer from more serious emotional problems ...


Cordarex is an antihypertensive medication that has Anlodipine as its active ingredient. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure, since it decreases the concentration of calcium inside smooth muscle cells and in the heart muscle, dilating the ...
The contagion of tuberculosis occurs through the air, through contact with pulmonary secretions of people who have the disease. To prevent tuberculosis, it is necessary to take the vaccine, stay in a ventilated environment and avoid living with people with the suspicion of the disease. Find out more details about ...
Contracep is a contraceptive injection that works by inhibiting ovulation. See what it is for and what side effects of this medication
Contractubex is a gel used to treat scars, which works by improving the quality of healing and preventing them from increasing in size and becoming elevated and irregular. See how to use and what side effects.
Understand why pulsed light cannot be used on dark and tanned skin, in pregnancy, when there is a skin wound and when taking certain medications.
Intimate contact can be maintained during pregnancy, however, some situations such as placenta previa or premature birth can limit intimate contact. Know in which situations you cannot have sex during pregnancy.
What it is: Hair reconstruction is a process that helps to replenish the keratin of the hair, which is eliminated every day due to sun exposure, hair straightening or the use of chemicals in the hair, to make coloring or progressive brushing, for example. example. Generally, the ...
The treatment for deafness in the baby can be done with hearing aids, surgery or the use of some medications, depending on the cause of the deafness, the type and degree of hearing, and the child can recover all or part of the hearing. However, in either case it is important ...
Change in behavior, easy crying, sadness, anguish and anxiety can indicate that there was sexual abuse, see more signs and what to do.
Sexual intercourse in water, especially in jacuzzis, swimming pools or in sea water can be dangerous as it can cause irritation, infection or burns. Know how to protect yourself.
After a heart attack, it is possible to return to sexual activity in about 6 weeks, because, although there is great fear about the functioning of the heart, in most cases the heart muscle has enough time to recover and return to normal functioning to maintain this type in...
Persistent cough that can even cause shortness of breath can be whooping cough, or whooping cough, as it is also called. Know how to treat.
The practice of physical activities is recommended at all ages, since it increases the disposition, prevents diseases and improves the quality of life, however, there are some situations that physical activity should be performed with caution or, even, is not indicated . People with problems ...
Huntington's disease is a genetic disease that causes involuntary movements of the body. See how the treatment is done to decrease the symptoms.
Runny nose, popularly known as a runny nose, is a symptom that arises in diseases where there is inflammation of the nasal cavities. Check out what are the most common causes for the appearance of this symptom and what to do to treat


Coversyl is an antihypertensive medication that has Perindopril as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with high blood pressure, since it acts as a vasoconstrictor by increasing potassium and sodium and eliminating excess fluid from the vessels ...
A recently published study reported that the types of coronaviruses that infect people can stay up to 9 days on plastic, glass and metal surfaces, and can infect people during that time. Learn more about this study and how the coronavirus is transmitted
Cor pulmonale is a condition characterized by an alteration of the right ventricle due to lung diseases. See what are the symptoms and main causes of cor pulmonale.
Running is great for weight loss because in 1 hour of running approximately 700 calories can be burned and in addition running decreases appetite and burns fat, but to lose weight through running you need to run at least 3 days a week. And it is also important to plan the training, ...
The big heart causes tiredness and shortness of breath because blood is not pumped properly into the body. See the complications and treatment of this disease.