
Small fingerprints start to appear and the baby can begin to hear the mother's heartbeat and also her voice.


Dexason is an anti-inflammatory medication that has Dexamethasone as its active substance. This topical drug is indicated for the treatment of dermatitis, acne, itching and other skin infections. The drug has rapid absorption by the body and acts to calm irritation.
The baby at 17 weeks of gestation can already start dreaming while sleeping and the bones are getting stronger. At this stage it is already possible to find out the sex of the baby through ultrasound and the mother may experience symptoms such as swelling and sadness. Learn more about fetal development and ...
Dexadermil is an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic cream used to relieve itching in cases of dermatitis or allergy, whose active substance is dexamethasone. Dexadermil is produced by the Legrand laboratory and can be purchased at pharmacies. Indications for Dexadermil Dexadermil is ...
Celestamine is a syrup to fight respiratory and skin allergies whose main compound is dexchlorpheniramine. Indications Asthma, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, angiodema, reactions to drugs, serums, blood, insect bites. Contraindications Children under 2 ...
In these weeks it is already possible to know if it is a boy or a girl and the face is completely formed, but the skin is still very thin and transparent. See other milestones of baby development at 16 weeks of gestation and what changes in the pregnant body


Dextran is an injectable medicine that works by expanding the plasma volume. Dextran indications Plasma volume expansion. Side effects of Dextran Increased urine viscosity and density; increased bleeding time; increased blood volume; itching; ...
Bepanthene is an ointment that helps in the healing of wounds whose main compound is dexpanthanol. Indications Healing of superficial wounds, abrasions, skin irritation, chronic and decubitus ulcers, dry, rough or chapped skin, sunburn, baby rash ...
What it is: This is a chronic disease characterized by a decrease in insulin production and / or resistance to its action. The 2 most common types are type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, but there are also insipidus and gestational types. The diagnosis is determined when through the ...
At 23 weeks, which is equivalent to 6 months of pregnancy, the baby is able to feel the mother's body movements and hearing is sharpened especially for deeper sounds. See what stage of development the baby is in and what changes the mother has at this stage
The development of the baby at 22 weeks of gestation, which is 5 months of pregnancy, for some women is marked by the feeling of feeling the baby move more frequently. Learn more about its development, size and the main changes in women.
Dermatitis is a skin reaction that can be caused by different factors, which can cause symptoms such as redness, itching, flaking and the formation of small blisters. Know how to identify and what to do in each one
Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by excess blood sugar, due to the ineffective action of insulin, which is the hormone responsible for lowering blood glucose. The patient with diabetes mellitus has to have a blood glucose test to know the blood sugar value ...
The 8-month-old baby can already sit alone and even stand on objects, which usually results in falls. See what are the characteristics of the baby with 8 months.
The baby can already open his eyes but he still can't see very well and his skin starts to become less transparent.
Check out a table that indicates how the baby with Down Syndrome develops and start to hold the head, sit, walk and talk.
The baby can hold and pull the umbilical cord and may prefer to stay awake at night, moving more than during the day.
The baby already knows how to differentiate between day and night very well and the skin is not so thin, being more like a newborn. At this stage it is normal for women to feel more sensitive and can also wait with an increase in weight of up to 500 grams until birth
The baby started this week being almost imperceptible but by the end of this week it will be about 2 millimeters long.
At 31 weeks of gestation, which is the end of the 7th month, the baby already reacts more to the stimuli that the mother gives and can move when he hears the father's voice or a familiar song. He is almost ready to be born and more and more like a newborn. Know more.
He already knows how to recognize his mother's voice and calms down whenever he hears it but may be frightened by very low sounds or that he does not know.
At about 19 weeks, which is 5 months pregnant, the woman is already about halfway through the pregnancy and can probably start to feel the baby moving inside the belly. See how the baby is at 19 weeks and what changes occur in the mother during this period
The baby is already preparing for delivery and can turn upside down.
Desonol is a corticoid ointment with anti-inflammatory action that contains desonide in its composition. This ointment is indicated to fight the swelling and inflammation of the skin, favoring the healing and action of the collagen produced naturally by the body. Desonol is a white ointment, which ...
Diane 35 is a pill that prevents pregnancy and should be taken for 21 days, with a 7-day break. See its effects on the body.
The baby is already fully formed and ready to be born but if he wants to spend more time in the belly he will only gain weight and immunity.
Desvenlafaxine is an antidepressant that increases the levels of two neurotransmitters responsible for improving mood. See how it works and how to use
The baby is ready to be born and the mother must be anxious for her arrival.
The baby can be born at any time, but if he wants to spend a few more days in the belly, waiting for a normal delivery he will put on weight and become stronger.
All organs are fully formed, the heart beats approximately 110 to 160 times per minute and delivery can begin at any time.
Loperamide Hydrochloride is an antidiarrheal remedy that helps treat diarrhea because it decreases the activity of bowel movements, increasing the time the stool remains in the intestine and facilitating the absorption of water by the intestine. Loperamide Hydrochloride can be purchased at ...
The development of the baby at 12 weeks, corresponds to the 3rd month of pregnancy in which the baby is about the size of a lemon and its essential development is already complete. See more about the development of the fetus and what changes in the 12-week pregnant woman
The baby may not be noticed but it is growing at full throttle and blood vessels start to form.
The Decadron remedy contains Dexamethasone which is an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic used in case of rheumatism and skin problems.
Dexador is an injectable or tablet medicine, used to treat inflammation and pain, in cases of neuralgia, nerve inflammation, spine pain, among others. Learn more, and see how to use and what side effects can occur
The arms and legs are beginning to appear, as well as the lungs and bones, but the baby is still smaller than the placenta.
It serves to treat allergic symptoms and can be used in ointment, pills or syrup.
What it is: Ionic detoxification, or hydrodetox as it can also be called, is a treatment that aims to detoxify the body by harmonizing the energy flows through the feet. Each detox session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the age of the ...
In men, diabetes can cause sexual impotence and in women it can cause abnormal menstruation and increased chances of miscarriage. Know more.
Despite being very small and still unable to open his eyes, the baby is already influenced by his actions and his emotions.