
The brain is one of the most studied organs in the body, but about which less is known. See the most interesting curiosities that have ever been discovered.
Forehead wrinkles can start to appear around 30 years of age, however there are several ways to mitigate these wrinkles, through food, use of appropriate cosmetics and aesthetic treatments. Check out everything you can do to get rid of these wrinkles


Dapsone is an anti-infectious remedy that contains diaminodiphenylsulfone, a substance that eliminates the bacteria responsible for leprosy and that allows to relieve the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as herpetiform dermatitis. This medicine is also known as FURP-dapsone and is produced ...


Damater is a multivitamin indicated for pregnant women because it contains several vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of women and the development of the baby. This supplement contains the following components: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, folic acid, iron, zinc and ...
Hydration, nutrition and reconstruction are the basis of this capillary schedule. See step by step, the best products and the most common questions.
Descongex Plus is a remedy used to treat nasal congestion, which relieves symptoms caused by flu and colds, rhinitis or sinusitis and reduces runny nose. Know how to use, who should not use and what are the most common side effects


Depura or Depura Kids is a supplement based on Vitamin D, which helps to strengthen bones and teeth, and which can be purchased in the form of Depura drops for adults, or in the form of Depura Kids for children. Depura or Depura Kids can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores or food stores ...
The dressing for first-degree burns and minor second-degree burns can be done at home, with cold compresses and ointments, but the 3rd degree need medical attention


Depuralina is a natural dietary supplement based on fibers and probiotics, indicated to eliminate the toxic residues present in the body, leaving it less bloated, favoring the intestinal system and combating fats. Giving a better silhouette and younger skin. Indications ...
Intellectual disability corresponds to the delay in the cognitive development of some children that can happen due to genetic changes or complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Understand what intellectual disability is and how to identify it.
Follitropin delta is a remedy that stimulates ovulation and, therefore, can be used in cases of assisted reproduction, such as in vitro fertilization.
There are 3 types of color blindness, which leads the person to not recognize all colors, know the differences and how to live better with this situation.
Knowing how to care for your teeth during pregnancy helps to prevent oral diseases such as gingivitis and cavities. See 5 tips that can help you avoid these problems
Know what to do when the tooth breaks and is bleeding and when to put the tooth in the milk and go to the dentist immediately.
Macular degeneration is a disease that affects the eyes, causing partial loss of vision, common in the elderly. Check out the main symptoms and how to treat
The cracked tooth appears when the tooth splits when biting too hard or after a blow to the mouth. Learn how to identify and what to do in these cases.
Hemorrhagic dengue is a serious disease characterized by bleeding from the body after the body's reaction to the dengue virus, which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. It is important that hemorrhagic dengue is identified as soon as the first symptoms appear, ...
Lewy body dementia is a degenerative brain disease that alters memory, movement and causes mental confusion. See the symptoms that help to identify, confirm the diagnosis and how treatment is done
Find out how laser groin hair removal is done, how many sessions are required, the important care after each session and other common questions
Laser hair removal can be performed on black skin, without the risk of burns, when using equipment such as the 800 nm diode laser and the Nd: YAG 1,064 nm laser as they maintain the direction of the point energy, affecting only the bulb, which is the initial portion of the hair, and it distributes little ...
The aphrodisiac cuisine stimulates the sexual appetite by increasing the production of sex hormones and improving blood circulation. See 5 easy-to-prepare aphrodisiac recipes at home that you can use to have a hotter day
Pericardial effusion consists of the accumulation of liquid, which may be plasma or blood, in the membrane surrounding the heart, which can cause cardiac tamponade, which is a serious situation that can lead to death. Pericardial effusion can be cured if its diagnosis and treatment are ...
Frontotemporal dementia is a set of disorders that affect specific parts of the brain and cause signs and symptoms such as personality changes, impulsivity, loss of ability to speak and muscle spasms. See more other symptoms and how treatment is done
Depression in pregnancy represents a risk for both mother and baby and, therefore, must be diagnosed and treatment must be indicated by the psychiatrist right after. See how to identify the symptoms of depression in pregnancy and how treatment should be
Adolescent depression is a disease that causes sadness, discouragement and tiredness, and can be serious, putting life at risk. Learn how to identify and what to do to help your teenager
Depo-Provera is a long-acting injectable contraceptive, which has an effect for at least 3 months, however it causes fluid retention, so there may be an increase in weight. See how to take this injection on the right day and what effects can arise


Descon is a medicine used for the treatment of influenza, whose active principle is paracetamol, phenylephrine hydrochloride and chlorphenamin maleate. Descon works by improving symptoms related to colds and flu and can be found in the form of capsules, drops or oral solution.
There are some factors that can make your teeth darker, such as root canal treatment, the ingestion of some food and drinks or strokes resulting from an accident. See what the treatment of each case consists of
The first teeth to be born in the baby occur around 6 months, the front teeth being the first to appear, and the last ones appear at 3 years.
The wisdom tooth is the last tooth to be born, around 18 years of age and it can take several years before it is born completely. Know when to remove wisdom teeth, care to recover faster and warning signs to return to the dentist
Childhood depression can be treated with antidepressant medications, such as Fluoxetine, in addition to psychotherapy. Check out the best ways.
An excellent treatment to eliminate red or white streaks is microneedling, even white ones, even if they are very large, wide or in large quantities. Needle treatment improves 90% of stretch marks, being very effective in reducing its length and width with ...
Contact dermatitis is a type of skin allergy that arises from prolonged contact with a dirty diaper or saliva. Check out photos and what to do.
Herpetiform dermatitis is an autoimmune disease, which causes the formation of small itchy skin blisters, similar to herpes lesions.