
The nervous system begins to develop and the heart can already be seen on an ultrasound.
Anyone who has chemically treated hair, either with straightening products or hair dyes, must take special care to ensure the beauty and integrity of the strands. Some tips to keep hair treated with chemistry always beautiful are: Use shampoo and conditioner for hair ...
Childhood diabetes is characterized by excess sugar in the child's blood, when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or when the body has developed some type of insulin resistance. Some warning symptoms include increased thirst, dry mouth and excessive urge to ...
A 35-week pregnancy is equivalent to 8 months of gestation. At this stage, by observing and touching the mother's belly it may be possible to identify where the baby's feet, back and elbows are. See how is the baby's development and what changes in the pregnant
Pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes are at risk of premature delivery, induction of delivery and even of losing the baby. However, these risks can be reduced by keeping the blood sugar level properly controlled throughout pregnancy. Pregnant women who ...
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by little or no production of insulin by the pancreas, resulting in the accumulation of sugar in the blood. Know the main symptoms of type 1 diabetes and how treatment should be
Diascerein (Artrodar) is a drug indicated for the treatment of arthrosis, as it has a protective effect on cartilage, in addition to reducing inflammation and symptoms of the disease. Find out how to take it, when it is indicated and the main effects of this medicine.
Bentyl is an oral medication that acts on the intestine to relieve spasms. This medicine is not generic. Indications Gastrointestinal colic; irritable bowel syndrome. Side Effects Increased intraocular pressure; pupil dilation; eye pain; paralysis of ...
Diabulimia is a serious eating disorder that can arise in people with type 1 diabetes. Because it has very serious complications and can be life-threatening, this disorder must be identified and treated as soon as possible. See the signs of diabulimia, how the treatment is done and ...


Dicinone is an anti-hemorrhagic medication that has Etansilate as its active substance. This medicine for oral and injectable use is used to treat simple hemorrhages, acting to maintain the stability of the capillary wall and stop abnormal bleeding. Indications of Dicinone ...
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease whose blood sugar levels are higher than normal. Find out what are the most common symptoms, tests that help confirm the diagnosis and how treatment is done
Diclofenac Sodium is a medicine known commercially as Fisioren or Voltaren. This medicine, for oral and injectable use, is an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic used to treat muscle pain, arthritis and rheumatism. Indications for Diclofenac Sodium Renal colic and ...
Dieloft TPM is an oral antidepressant indicated for the prevention and treatment of symptoms of depression and other psychological disorders. Its active principle is Sertraline which works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin in the central nervous system. This medicine is produced by ...


Didanosine is the active substance in an antiretroviral drug known commercially as Videx. It is a medication for oral use and is indicated for advanced HIV infection, since its action consists of incorporating it into the DNA of HIV, preventing this viral chain from multiplying and worsening ...
In diabetes insipidus the person feels very thirsty and pee a lot. Understand why this happens, how is the diagnosis and treatment.
Diamicron is an oral antidiabetic, with Gliclazide, which helps to control blood sugar levels, when the diet is not enough to maintain adequate blood glucose. This medicine is produced by Servier laboratories and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in boxes of ...
In the development of the 1-month-old baby, it is expected that he will be more attracted to shiny objects, although his greatest interest is in people. The 1 month old baby is also able to: Try to lift the head for seconds when it is placed face down; Stop moving your feet and arms ...
Paradoxical diarrhea is characterized by the release of mucus with traces of feces through the anus, being more frequent in people with chronic constipation. Know the main symptoms of paradoxical diarrhea and how the treatment is done.
Sexual desire in women depends largely on their physical and emotional well-being. For this reason, there are some simple tips that can help improve women's health and, consequently, help to treat female frigidity. Check out which are
Diad is a morning-after pill that must be taken up to 3 days after intimate contact without a condom or other contraceptive method. Understand.
It serves to treat anxiety, agitation and muscle spasms being used in the form of pills.
The diastema is the space between two teeth and can be easily corrected with the use of dental braces or application of resin, for example. Understand what diastema is and know why teeth can be separated.
It is not always easy to find out if the baby has diarrhea, know how to recognize the characteristics, when to take the baby to the pediatrician and how is the treatment.
Bloody diarrhea in babies can happen because of infections by viruses, bacteria and worms. Once bloody diarrhea is found, it is important to keep your baby hydrated and go to the pediatrician. Learn more about the causes of bloody diarrhea in babies.
Bloody diarrhea can be caused by serious infections or simpler situations. Know the main causes of bloody diarrhea and what to do
Infectious diarrhea can be caused mainly by viruses, bacteria and parasites, and it is important to identify the infectious agent to start treatment and the chances of complications, such as dehydration, mainly decrease. That way, as soon as the ...
The diaphragm is a contraceptive method that takes the form of a flexible ring surrounded by a thin layer of rubber that prevents sperm from entering the uterus, preventing the fertilization of the egg and, consequently, pregnancy. Generally, a woman should consult a gynecologist to ...
Discover 7 tips to leave curly hair defined and hydrated and see how to prepare a homemade combing cream with gelatin.
Find out what tests are needed, how is food, school, development, and other common questions about the person with Down Syndrome.
To relieve the pain of sunburn, it is recommended that the person take a cold water bath and apply a lot of moisturizer to relieve symptoms and accelerate skin regeneration. Check out more tips to relieve sunburn pains and regenerate skin faster
Pneumonia occurs due to infection and inflammation of the lungs. Know what to do to avoid, in adults and children, and when it can be serious.
Some very important tips to reduce baby's gulling include: Prevent the baby from swallowing too much air during feeding and put the baby to burp, during and after feedings. See more tips and how to differentiate from vomiting.