
Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic remedy that is widely used to relieve the symptoms of rheumatism. See other indications, how to use the drug and what are the most common side effects that may occur
The diet in the treatment of cholecystitis should be low in fats, such as fried foods, whole dairy products, margarine, fatty meats and fatty fruits, for example, to help the patient recover and to relieve symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and gas more quickly. . THE...
The tips given here are simple to follow and help the mother to feel good again with her own image and to lose weight naturally after giving birth, without having to make much effort
Foods with negative calories, such as eggplant, zucchini, and watermelon, have fewer calories than they expend to be digested. See the list.
To combat iron deficiency anemia, also called iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods rich in this mineral, such as meat and vegetables, for example. Thus, there is enough circulating iron capable of constituting hemoglobin, restoring the transport of ...
To lose weight without diet and without exercise, a good option is to start by exchanging white bread for tapioca with cheese, for example, and staying active even if you don't have time to go to the gym, using the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. So, to start losing weight, ...
The diet for anemia should consist of increasing the consumption of foods rich in iron, vitamin C and vitamin B12 that facilitate the absorption of iron by the body. Meat iron is better absorbed than the iron found in vegetables, but both must be present in meals to ...
The lactose intolerance diet is based on reducing consumption or excluding foods containing lactose, such as milk and milk products. Following the lactose-free diet makes the symptoms of lactose intolerance such as diarrhea or abdominal pain disappear. Lactose intolerance ...
In the diet for gestational diabetes, foods containing sugar and white flour, such as sweets, breads, cakes, snacks and pasta, should be avoided, as extra care is necessary because the increase in blood sugar can harm the development of the fetus. Learn more what to eat and what to avoid ...
Diphenhydramine is an antiallergic for oral use, indicated for the treatment of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and urticaria. Diphenhydramine indications (What is it for) Allergic conjunctivitis; travel sickness; allergic rhinitis; parkinsonism; vasomotor rhinitis; urticaria. Side effects of diphenhydramine ...
Nerisone is a topical anti-inflammatory, with local effects that relieve itching and edema on the skin. This medicine is not generic. Indications Atopic dermatitis; nummular dermatitis; aczema; lichen planus; neurodematitis; psoriasis. Side Effects Atrophy of the skin; itching; ...
Durezole, (difluprednate ophthalmic emulsion) is the latest medication developed to treat postoperative eye inflammation and other inflammatory diseases of the eye. This topical application ophthalmic anti-inflammatory steroid has been approved by the northern authority ...


Digedrat is an antispasmodic medication that has Trimebutin as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, since it seems to act through the receptors of the intestinal tract, easing the discomfort caused by this ...


Digitoxin is the active substance in an antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic medication known commercially as Digitaline nativelle. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of congestive heart failure, since its action increases the strength and speed of ...
Diltiazem, sold as Cardizem, is an antianginal and vasodilator drug. Indications High blood pressure, angina pectoris. Contraindications Pregnancy, lactation, severe hypotension, sinus node disease, acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary congestion, atrioventricular block of 2nd and ...
Dimercaprol is an antidote remedy that promotes the excretion of heavy metals in urine and faeces, and is widely used in the treatment of poisoning by arsenic, gold or mercury. Dimercaprol can be purchased from conventional pharmacies as a solution for injection and therefore ...


Dimetrose is the trade name for a synthetic female sex hormone called gestrinone. This hormone is administered orally and has an androgenic, anti-progestogenic and anti-estrogenic action. Indications Endometriosis with or without sterility. Side effects Increased ...


Diminut is a contraceptive medication whose active substances are Ethinylestradiol and Gestodene. This medication for oral use is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy and for the treatment of irregular menstrual cycles. Indications of Diminut (What is it for) Contraceptive method. Price...


Dinill is an eye drop used to treat infections in the eye, such as conjunctivitis or eye irritation, as it prevents the growth of infectious microorganisms in the eye region. The active ingredients of Dinill are benzalkonium chloride and boric acid. Dinill is produced by ...
Dinoprostone is the active substance in an oxytocyte medicine known commercially as Propress. This medicine for vaginal use is indicated to induce labor, since it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and also produces cervical dilation. Indications of Dinoprostone ...
Persantin is a remedy for heart problems, being an antianginal, inhibitor of platelet aggregation and coronary vasodilator. This medicine, which uses dipyridamole as its active ingredient, can be administered orally or through a vein. The use of this medication should only be ...
See how to do makeup step-by-step and learn what tips to follow to do makeup for night and day
Hormonal dysfunction is a health problem that in some women is linked to menstruation and can produce symptoms such as weight gain, acne and excess body hair. The most common hormonal dysfunction in women is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a genetic disease and ...
Distilbenol is indicated to treat advanced prostate and breast cancer and the recommended doses should be indicated by the doctor.
Asthma and bronchitis are two inflammatory conditions of the airways that have some very similar symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing, coughing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and tiredness. For this reason, it is relatively common for both to be confused.
What it is: Dyslipidemia is characterized by a high amount of fat, especially cholesterol and triglycerides, in the blood test, caused, in many cases, by the excessive consumption of fatty foods. There are 2 types of dyslipidemia: Primary dyslipidemia: arises due to factors ...
The flu and cold cause very similar symptoms, however, their treatment may be different. See the main symptoms and how to distinguish.
Infertility may be related to characteristics of women, men or both, which contribute to the difficulty of implanting the embryo in the uterus, initiating pregnancy. In case of difficulty to get pregnant what can be done is to see a gynecologist or ...
What it is: Digeplus is a medication that has in its composition metoclopramide hydrochloride, dimethicone and pepsin, which are used to treat digestive problems such as digestion difficulties, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, fullness, bloating, excess gas. ..
Dihydroergocristine, or dihydroergocrystalline mesylate, is a remedy, derived from a fungus that grows on rye, which facilitates blood circulation to the central nervous system, relieving symptoms such as vertigo, memory problems, difficulty concentrating or changes in the body. ..