
Goat's milk for the baby is an alternative when the mother cannot breastfeed and in some cases when the baby is allergic to cow's milk. This is because goat milk does not have the Alpha S1 casein protein, which is primarily responsible for the development of cow's milk allergy


Leucogen is an oral immunomodulator of the pharmaceutical company Aché, which uses thymomodulin as an active ingredient. This medicine acts as a stimulant of the body's natural defenses against infections. Indications Chronic bronchitis; Respiratory tract infections; Infections ...
Acaridil is a remedy for worms that is used to treat Ascaris Lumbricoides in tablet form.
It serves for the treatment of allergic reactions and is used in tablets.


Liberan is a cholinergic medication that has Betanechol as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of urinary retention, since its action increases the pressure inside the bladder, stimulating its emptying. Indications of Liberan Retention ...
Consuming frozen frozen food is fattening and can increase blood pressure, cause diabetes and high cholesterol.
Levofloxacin is the active substance in an antibacterial drug known commercially as Levaquin, Levoxin or in its generic version. This medicine has presentations for oral and injectable use. Its action alters the DNA of the bacteria that ends up eliminated from the organism, thus ...


Level is an oral contraceptive that has estrogens and progesterone in its composition, such as levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol and serves to prevent pregnancy and to treat disorders in the menstrual cycle. For the effectiveness of the medicine to be guaranteed it is important that 1 ...
Levothyroxine is an oral medicine used to treat hypothyroidism, goiter or hormone replacement after thyroid removal due to thyroid cancer. Levothyroxine can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of pills, under the trade names Synthroid, ...
Rose milk is an easy-to-find cosmetic product that helps to dry out pimples and remove blemishes from the face. Learn how to use it.
Purgative lemonade is a laxative remedy, with a very bitter taste, indicated to treat constipation problems. The active ingredient of this remedy is Sodium Sulfate, which acts on the body by stimulating bowel movements and softening stools. Purgative Lemonade is produced by ...
Newborn milk is used when breastfeeding is not possible. See when to give the baby adapted milk and which one is more appropriate
Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia or LLC is characterized by an increase in the amount of lymphocytes in peripheral blood, being diagnosed during routine blood tests. Understand what the LLC is, symptoms, how the diagnosis and treatment is made.
Soy milk should only be offered as food for the baby if the pediatrician recommends it, as it has disadvantages such as having less calcium, less vitamin D and vitamin A, and a greater chance of changes at puberty. Soy milk is only recommended in cases of
The fractional CO2 laser is a great treatment to eliminate wrinkles and expression lines, and to remove acne scars. Its result is long lasting and remains for months, leaving the skin smoother and smoother. Check the indications, contraindications and how the procedure is done
Frademicina is an antibiotic used in infections, whose main compound is lincomycin. Indications Infections caused by gram-positive bacteria, penumopathies, infections caused by staphylococci, osteomyelitis, pelvic, obstetric infections, septicemia. Against indications ...


Linezolid is the active substance in an antibacterial medicine known commercially as Zyvox. This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of skin and respiratory infections. Linezolid's action consists of altering the protein synthesis of bacteria, ...
Cow's milk has complex proteins that are difficult to digest, which ends up harming the baby, as its intestine is still too immature to digest this milk, which can end up causing problems such as diarrhea, allergies, low weight
Leukorrhea is a vaginal discharge that can be physiological, being transparent or slightly whitish, or caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria, which make vaginal discharge yellow, greenish or grayish.
Brewer's yeast in capsules is a dietary supplement that stimulates the body's defenses, helping to stay balanced and healthy, as it is rich in B vitamin, mainly vitamins B1, B2 and B6, minerals such as iron and potassium and proteins. This natural supplement should ...
The cure for leukemia usually comes with bone marrow transplantation, but chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy can also help.
Levodopa is a drug indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease that must be taken 3 times a day under medical guidance.
There are two main types of lymphoid leukemia whose treatment symptoms are similar. Learn how to identify lymphoid leukemia and how the diagnosis is made.


Levoid is a medication used for replacement therapy or hormonal supplementation, which helps to treat problems related to the thyroid gland, such as hypothyroidism or thyroiditis. Levoid has in its composition Levothyroxine sodium, a hormone called thyroxine that is normally ...
The increase in leukocytes in pregnancy is normal and occurs mainly due to the baby's development, with normalization of values ​​after delivery. See more about high leukocytes in pregnancy and reference values
The dental contact lens is great for covering yellow, broken or separated teeth. There are two main types: Resin or Porcelain. Know the advantages and disadvantages of each type and see in which cases they can be used
Liberaflux is used to treat bronchial lung diseases with the production of phlegm and bronchospasm, which should be taken 3 times a day.
Levolukast is used to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, containing the active ingredients Montelukast and Levocetirizine.
The forehead lift serves to raise the eyebrows and reduce wrinkles, and can be done by endoscope or not. See the price and how the recovery is.
Acute leukemia is a disease related to abnormal blood cell production that must be identified and treated quickly so that the chances of a cure are greater. Find out what are the symptoms of acute leukemia and if it has a cure.
Thigh lifting is a type of plastic surgery that allows you to restore firmness and slim your thighs. See how it is done, how the scars look and the care that should be taken during recovery.
Limbitrol is indicated for the treatment of depression and should be taken under medical advice.
Lipo 6 black is a natural liquid food supplement, recognized by the FDA, of the nutrex brand. It is a thermogenic product that helps fight fats located in the abdomen, glutes and thighs, in addition to helping to gain muscle mass. The results can be seen in 15 days of use.
Lipo 6

Lipo 6

Lipo 6 is a thermogenic formula indicated to burn the accumulated fat in the body, with quick effects. Indications for lipo 6 Burn the accumulated fat; deflate; control appetite; energy action. Price of lipo 6 The box of 60 capsules, with enough for 1 month of ...
Breast milk is a food used since the earliest times of humanity, but there are still several doubts about its composition and use. See the answer to the 10 most common questions.
Newborn babies up to 3 months of age, do not know how to speak and have difficulty being understood and therefore the only form of auditory communication is crying. However, all babies of all languages ​​and nations are able to indicate that it is necessary to change the diaper, eat, ...