
Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a bacterium present in the gums of cats and dogs and can infect people with compromised immune systems, causing fever, diarrhea and muscle pain, for example. Find out what are the symptoms of Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection and how to treat
Taking artichoke in capsule is a good way to lose weight because it facilitates digestion, eliminating gas and still acts as a mild laxative. See the dose
What it is: Kidney cancer, also known as kidney cancer, is a relatively common type of cancer that affects mainly men between 55 and 75 years of age, causing symptoms such as the presence of blood in the urine, constant pain in the back or increased blood pressure, for ...
Shin pain after physical exertion can be cannellitis, in which case rest and stretching of the affected muscles is recommended. Passing an anti-inflammatory gel also helps, check out more tips
Hybrid capture is a molecular test capable of diagnosing the HPV virus even though the first symptoms of the disease have not appeared. Find out how the exam is done
What it is: Cachexia is characterized by weight loss and marked muscle mass, weakness and nutritional deficiencies that usually cannot be corrected even with a balanced diet recommended by a nutritionist. This situation is usually the result of illness ...
Adhesive capsulitis, also known as 'frozen shoulder', is a situation where the person has an important limitation in shoulder movements, making it difficult to place the arm above shoulder height. Treatment can be done with medicine, physiotherapy or surgery
They are clusters of boils that can cause fever, malaise and pain in the body, needing to be treated with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
Check out the 5 main causes of tiredness in the legs, which range from circulatory problems, diabetes or muscle diseases. Know how to identify and what to do to relieve.
There are healthy, ready-to-eat foods that can replace sweets and fats that allow the game to continue without interruption. Know which
To take ginger capsules for weight loss, you should take 200 to 400 mg, which is equivalent to 1 or 2 capsules a day, for lunch and dinner, or follow the directions on the label of this supplement if they are different. Ginger facilitates weight loss because it speeds up metabolism but ...
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin appears in the cells of the epidermis and can manifest itself in all parts of the body, especially those most exposed to the sun. Learn more about symptoms, causes and treatment
Cardamom is a condiment that can be used in sweet or savory recipes, with health benefits such as improving digestion and releasing the intestine.
The lump behind the ear can have several origins such as infection, acne, lipoma or mastoiditis. Find out more causes, when to go to the doctor and how to treat.
The flesh in the nose occurs when structures on the inside of the nose become swollen and the main symptoms are mouth breathing, snoring and bad breath. Treatment can be done through medication and surgery. Learn about other symptoms, types of treatment and possible ...
Carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates or saccharides, are molecules present in foods whose main function is to provide energy to the body. Better understand the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, what they are for and how your metabolism is
The most common cause is the appearance of a hemorrhoid, however it can also be a sign of more serious situations. See how to identify and treat
Carotenoids are pigments naturally present in roots, leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, which can also be found, although to a lesser extent, in foods of animal origin, such as eggs, meat and fish. See the benefits
Hydronephrosis can occur on a temporary basis, such as during pregnancy, due to compression made by the uterus on the ureters, but other possible causes of hydronephrosis are: Union of the ureter with the renal pelvis is too high; Torsion of the ureteropelvic junction due to displacement ...
Adult chickenpox is stronger and has more intense symptoms, learn how to treat it to recover faster, possible complications and whether it is possible to get chickenpox twice.
The lack of vitamin A in the body is mainly reflected in eye health, skin and the immune system. Understand what the main consequences can be and how the treatment is done to regulate the values ​​of vitamin A in the body
Catheterization is a medical procedure performed to assist in the treatment of various diseases. Understand what is catheterization and main types.
Cardiac catheterization is a procedure designed to identify and treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Check the risks and cautions.
The presence of phlegm in the ear is known as secretory otitis media and occurs more frequently in children under 2 years of age due to the development of the ear and the underdeveloped immune system, which can result in recurrent colds and flu and allergic rhinitis, for example. ..
Cerebral catheterization aims to remove clots that may be obstructing brain vessels, thus preventing stroke sequelae. Learn more about cerebral catheterization and how it is done.
The causes of bursitis in the shoulder include excessive or repetitive strain on the arms above the shoulder line, as can happen in the case of situations, such as: Direct tapping on the shoulder; Fall to the floor and support the weight of the body with the arm extended; Frequent games of volleyball, tennis ...
Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease, common in children, but which can affect adults. Find out if chicken pox gets in the air, if it can catch 2 times, how many days it lasts and what is the best age to have chicken pox.
The causes of fibromyalgia are still unknown, but there are some situations that can worsen pain, such as excessive physical effort, emotional stress, infections, exposure to cold, sleep disorders or physical trauma. Fibromyalgia causes pain throughout the body and ...
The cysts on the back can be lipomas, sebaceous cysts, boils, or in very rare cases, cancer. In most cases, the lump on the back is not a cause for concern, however, you should be aware of the symptoms. see more
Bladder catheterization is a technique that consists of introducing a catheter through the urethra to the bladder in order to drain the urine. There are two types: relief and delay. Understand what they are for, how they are placed and risks
The presence of blood in the phlegm is not always a warning sign, however, if the amount of blood in the phlegm is very high or if it lasts for more than 3 days it can be a symptom of a more serious problem, such as a respiratory infection or even cancer. Check out the main causes and the ...
The PICC catheter is a flexible tube that is located inside the heart vein and serves, mainly, for medication administration. The PICC implantation procedure can be done on an outpatient basis and the person can go home afterwards. Find out more what it is for and the main ...