
Myocardial scintigraphy is an exam that allows the assessment of blood flow in the arteries of the heart, being used to assess the presence of infarction or other heart problems. See how the exam is done and what preparation is necessary
Bone scintigraphy is an image exam used, most of the time, to identify points of inflammation caused by infections, arthritis, fracture, changes in the blood circulation of the bone, evaluation of bone prostheses or to investigate causes of bone pain, for example
What it is: Renal scintigraphy is an exam done with magnetic resonance imaging that allows you to assess the shape and functioning of the kidneys through the injection, through the vein, of a radioactive substance, called a radiopharmaceutical, which is shiny in the image and which, therefore, , allows you to assess the interior of ...
Whole-body scintigraphy or whole-body research (PCI) is an imaging test that aims to identify tumors, assess disease progression and check for metastasis. Learn more about how PCI is done.
Dorsal hyperkyphosis is a deviation in the spine, characterized by the "hunchback" position, where the person presents the neck, shoulders and head tilted forward. Know the main causes and how the treatment should be
The size of the neck can indicate whether the person is within the ideal weight, and the risk of diseases such as hypertension. The measure for men is 37 cm and for
Cardiopulmonary bypass is a technique used in open heart surgery that uses machines to replace the heart. See how it works.
Thyroid scintigraphy is an exam that assesses the presence of diseases such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or nodules in the thyroid, made with the use of medicines like iodine or technetium, and can last from 1 hour to 2 days. Here's how to prepare.
Adenoid is a set of lymphatic tissues that are located in the region between the throat and the nose and is responsible for recognizing viruses and bacteria and producing antibodies, thus protecting the organism. However, adenoids can grow a lot, becoming swollen and inflamed and ...
Surgery to remove a lump from the breast is known as a nodulectomy and is usually a relatively simple and quick procedure, which is done through a small cut in the breast next to the lump. See how to prepare, how is recovery and what are the possible risks of surgery
Surgery to remove the saphenous vein is indicated when it is clogged or no longer works. See your risks and what the post-operative is like.
What it is: Bariatric surgery by laparoscopy, or laparoscopic bariatric surgery, is a stomach reduction surgery that is performed with a modern technique, less invasive and more comfortable for the patient. In this surgery, the doctor performs the reduction of the stomach through ...
Bunion surgery is performed when other forms of treatment have not been successful and, therefore, aims to definitively correct deformity caused by hallux valgus. Check in what situations is indicated and how is the recovery
Surgery is one of the forms of treatment available for abdominal diastasis. Understand when it is recommended, how it is done and what care should be taken during recovery
Cisternography is a contrast test that generates images that show the fluid that covers the brain and spinal cord, being useful to diagnose fistulas that allow the passage of this fluid to other nearby locations. Find out how this exam is done and more.
Surgery to separate Siamese twins must be performed by a medical team of various specialties, as it is delicate and can take several hours, especially when there is the sharing of several organs by the brothers. Understand how surgery is done for Siamese twins and possible ...
Brain scintigraphy is an imaging test that helps identify brain diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or tumors. Find out how it is done.
Urinary incontinence surgery can be used on men or women, when other treatment options have not worked. See the options.
The surgery of the cleft lip and cleft palate is done after 3 months of life and has great results. See how recovery is and how to take care of the baby
There are some types of surgery for herniated disc removal. Find out how new surgeries are performed, price, risks and post-op.
Perineoplasty is used in some women after childbirth to reduce the size of the vaginal opening and strengthen the pelvic muscles. Know who should have the surgery, how is the recovery and what are the risks
Surgery for tonsillitis or tonsillectomy is only indicated when the person has more than three severe infections in the year or when treatment with antibiotics is not effective. See how the surgery is done to remove the tonsils and how is the recovery
Surgery to remove the gallbladder is usually done when a gallbladder stone is identified in a routine examination and, therefore, it is a scheduled procedure. Understand when it is indicated, how it is done, the types of surgery and how recovery is
To remove hemorrhoids, surgery such as hemorrhoidectomy, technique by THD, PHP or ligation with elastic can be performed, with recovery up to 1 month.
Kinesiotherapy is a set of therapeutic exercises that help in the rehabilitation of different situations, strengthening and stretching the muscles. Check out some examples of respiratory, labor and postural kinesiotherapy
Cystectomy is a treatment option for bladder cancer that involves partial or complete removal of the bladder and surrounding structures. Understand what cystectomy is, when it is indicated and how it is done.
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic bladder problem that can cause symptoms similar to an intestinal infection, such as constant pain in the lower belly and frequent urge to urinate. Better understand what it is, what the symptoms, possible causes and how to treat
Surgery is indicated to remove Morton's Neuroma, when infiltrations and physiotherapy were not enough to decrease pain and improve the person's quality of life. This procedure should completely remove the lump that has formed, and can be performed in the following ways: ...
Surgery is indicated in the case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome when other treatments, such as the use of corticosteroids and physical therapy, have not completely eliminated the symptoms. Find out how it is done, its risks and recovery.
Surgery can cure reflux and end symptoms of discomfort such as stomach pain and heartburn. See when it is indicated and how is recovery


What it is: CLA, or Conjugated Linoleic Acid, is a substance naturally present in foods of animal origin, such as milk or beef, and is also marketed as a weight loss supplement. CLA acts on fat metabolism by reducing the size of fat cells, ...
Clarithromycin is an antibacterial, administered orally or intravenously. It can be found commercially under the names Klaricid, Clamicin, Claritab or helicocid. Tonsillitis indications; pharyngitis; infection of the upper and lower airways; infection of the skin and ...
The dermoid cyst in the ovary consists of a pouch filled with pieces of skin, glands, fluids or even teeth and hair, which is formed during fetal development and is usually diagnosed at childbearing age. See what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done.
Agasten is the trade name of an oral hypoallergenic that inhibits the effects of histamine H1 receptors. Indications Allergic rhinitis, urticaria. Side effects Anemia and other blood changes; increased heart rate; dry mouth; mental confusion; prison of ...
Follicular cyst is the most common type of benign cyst of the ovary, which is usually filled with fluid or blood, which affects women of childbearing age, especially between 15 and 35 years of age. Find out if this type of cyst is serious, if it can be cancer, it gets in the way of getting pregnant ...
Tarlov's cyst can cause back pain and tingling changes. Know the symptoms, tests, how to treat, and if it can become cancer.