Migraine is a very severe headache, of which its origin is not yet known, but it is thought that it may be related to an imbalance of neurotransmitters and hormones. There are several causes that may be at its origin or that may contribute to ...
A coma is the person's state of unconsciousness that can be caused by infections, head trauma, stroke or be induced by medication. Know other causes of coma, how is the treatment done and what types
Holding the pee and not drinking water during the day, are some factors that facilitate the development of microorganisms and the occurrence of urinary infections. Know the main causes of urinary tract infection and who is most at risk
In addition to physical inactivity and higher calorie consumption, obesity can also be impacted by other factors such as genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders or emotional problems. Learn other causes and what to do in each case
Memory loss has many causes, such as anxiety, depression, loss of vitamins or Alzheimer's, for example. See how to identify and treat
Black urine is most often not a cause for concern, as it is usually related to food or the use of medications. However, when it is frequent it can be indicative of illness, and it is important to seek medical help. Know the main causes of black urine and what ...
Fast and unintended weight gain can happen due to hormonal changes, stress or the use of medications, for example. Understand why you are gaining weight fast.
Keratoscopy, also known as corneal topography, is an eye examination performed to identify changes in the cornea. Understand what keratoscopy is, what it is for and how it is done
Whole grains are an excellent healthy option for breakfast for those who want to lose weight. See a list of the most suitable and how to prepare correctly
What they are: Dendritic Cells, or DC, are cells produced in the bone marrow that can be found in the blood, skin and digestive and respiratory tracts, for example, and that are part of the immune system, being responsible for identifying infection and development gives...
The presence of epithelial cells in the urine is considered normal when 3 cells are seen per analyzed field, however when numerous epithelial cells are identified in the urine it can be indicative of urinary infection or kidney problems, for example. Know the main causes ...
Candidiasis can be caused by sexual contact with the infected person but the most common is that it is caused by hormonal changes and a humid environment
To lose weight, take 3 cups of tea 30 herbs a day or 2 capsules, preferably away from meals. See how to prepare tea and its benefits
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes that can cause symptoms such as strong breath, dry mouth and even confusion. See how to identify this situation and what to do
Tension, or tension headache, usually causes symptoms such as pressure around the head, and pain in the shoulders, neck and scalp. See what treatment options and how to have a massage at home to relieve pain
Check-up means checking your health by performing a series of diagnostic tests and evaluating your results according to the individual's gender, age, lifestyle and individual and family characteristics. The check-up for men aged 40 to 50 must be ...
Sodium cyclamate is a chemical substance used in sweeteners, in the pharmaceutical industry and in the composition of light, diet and zero sugar foods. It is known that 1 dose of sodium cyclamate sweetens 50 times more than 1 dose of sugar and therefore should be consumed in moderation, ...
Drinking tea in the postpartum period is a great way to lose weight because it increases the production of breast milk and therefore the caloric expenditure of the mother's body, and also favors circulation and helps to deflate, especially after cesarean. Know which ones you can take.
Hypovolemic shock is an emergency situation that arises when a lot of blood is lost after an accident, for example. See what to do in this situation
Neurogenic shock is a serious complication that usually appears after a spinal injury and can be life-threatening. Know the symptoms, the causes and know how the treatment is done
Cyanosis is characterized by a blue or purple coloration of the extremities, nails or lips. See what are the causes of cyanosis and how is the treatment done.
Excessive consumption of chocolate can aggravate the pimples because chocolate is rich in sugar and milk, two foods that favor the increase in skin oiliness and the appearance of acne. In addition to it, foods such as breads, sweets, fast food and
Septic shock is a type of more severe septicemia that should be treated as soon as possible in the hospital to avoid serious complications and even loss of life. See which symptoms allow you to identify a septic bun and how the treatment is done
Sauerkraut, originally known as Sauerkraut, is a culinary preparation that is made by fermenting fresh cabbage or cabbage leaves. Know your benefits and how to prepare at home
Chicory is a plant rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers, with several health benefits. Know the main health benefits of chicory and how to consume
Ear, nose and throat surgery is performed on children, usually between 2 and 6 years old, by an otorhinolaryngologist with general anesthesia when the child snores, has difficulty breathing, has recurrent ear infections with impaired hearing. The surgery lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and can ...
The presence of cylinders in the urine is usually indicative of kidney problems, since these structures are formed in these organs. Understand how cylinders and main types are formed
What it is: Transluminal endoscopic surgery, is a type of surgery performed through the natural orifices of the body, leaving no scars. The vagina, rectum, mouth, stomach, urethra and the navel, are the orifices used to perform this type of surgery, the vagina being the orifice ...
Motion sickness, also known as motion sickness, is characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, cold sweats and malaise when traveling. Learn why it happens and what to do
Pulmonary scintigraphy is an exam that identifies and helps in the treatment of lung diseases, such as embolism. Find out how it is done and the directions.