
Kidney cyst is usually a benign disorder that does not result in symptoms. However, when there is back pain and blood in the urine, for example, it may be indicative of a more complex renal cyst, and surgery for removal should be performed. Learn more about kidney cyst
What it is: Cystoscopy, or urethrocystoscopy, is an image exam that is done mainly to identify any changes in the urinary system, especially in the bladder. This exam is simple and quick and can be done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. Cystoscopy can ...
Cysticercosis occurs when a person ingests Taenia eggs, which can cross the stomach, reach the bloodstream and settle in the muscles, heart or brain. Learn the difference between teniasis and cysticercosis, its symptoms and life cycle
The synovial cyst is composed of synovial fluid and is located close to a joint and can appear after a stroke. Find out what are the most common symptoms, how the treatment is done and where it can appear
Kidney stone surgery can be done by laser, shock waves or video. See when each one is indicated and how the recovery looks
Human cytogenetics is a diagnostic strategy option used to evaluate chromosomes and identify genetic changes. See how the human cytogenetics test is done and when it is indicated
Colloid cyst can be found in the brain and usually does not cause symptoms, being benign, not requiring treatment, but it can also be found in the thyroid, and treatment may be needed
It is a lump that appears on the back of the knee due to the accumulation of fluid in the joint, causing pain and stiffness in the area that worsen with movement.
The climacteric is the period of a woman's life that marks the transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive phase, but it is not the same as menopause. Better understand why they are different, how to identify this period and what treatments are available
The creatinine clearance test is ordered to assess kidney function. See how it is done, what it is for and what the reference values ​​are
Cytology is the test that evaluates cells present in body fluids, such as those contained in cysts, nodules or inflammation. Aspiration cytology of the breast or thyroid is the main example. Find out how the exam is done and what you can identify.
Anechoic cyst in the ovaries, breasts, kidneys, thyroid or liver are common, but are not usually serious. Find out how to identify and when treatment is needed or just maintain a regular evaluation
Cytomegalovirus causes symptoms such as fever, sore throat and swollen belly, which can lead to complications such as blindness and paralysis of the legs. See more.
The itchy skin can happen due to some type of inflammatory reaction or use of some cosmetic product, or be due to infections, dermatitis or liver problems, for example. Know the main causes of itchy skin and know what to do
Hallucinogenic mushrooms correspond to a type of responsible natural drug that causes changes in the perception of what is around the person. Know the effects of magic mushrooms and how they work.
Itching in the ear can occur due to simple problems such as the incorrect use of objects in the ear canal or dry skin, but it can also be a sign of more serious changes such as psoriasis, dermatitis or otitis, for example. See what can be and how to treat
Cholangiography is an exam that evaluates the bile ducts and the path of bile from the liver to the duodenum, which serves to diagnose any obstruction in the bile ducts
A coagulogram is a set of tests ordered to check the blood's ability to clot and identify any changes. Understand what the coagulogram is, what it is for and how it is done
Itchy scalp can be caused by factors such as fungal infections, seborrheic dermatitis, lice or allergies. See what to do in these situations and which remedies are most used
In situations of stress, anxiety or depression, the cardiac coherence technique can be used to regulate the heartbeat, stabilizing blood pressure and strengthening the immune system. Cardiac coherence is a breathing technique that promotes ...
Itching of the breasts is common and usually happens due to breast enlargement due to weight gain, dry skin or allergies, for example, and disappears after a few days. However, when the itching is accompanied by other symptoms, it lasts for weeks or does not go away with the treatment, ...
ERCP is an exam that is used to diagnose diseases in the biliary and pancreatic tract, such as chronic pancreatitis, cholangitis or cholangiocarcinomas, for example. See how to prepare, what are the risks and who should not do
Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder, which is most often caused by stones. It is more common to be acute, but it can also develop in a chronic and gradual way. The symptoms that arise are pain, vomiting, fever and chills. Learn to identify and how is ...
Hydrolyzed collagen supplement can be purchased in the form of powder or capsules, to improve the skin and strengthen the joints. Here's how to take it.
Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, transmitted by contaminated water and food. Better understand what it is, why it happens, what symptoms to watch out for and how treatment is done
Itchy throat can be caused by allergies, infections, reflux or exposure to irritants. See what to do and how to relieve each case
Primary biliary cholangitis causes inflammation and destruction of the bile ducts, which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. It causes tiredness and itching of the skin, and although there is no cure, the treatment can control the disease well. Find out how it is done and what the options are for treating this disease.
The itchy eye is a very common symptom that is usually a sign of an allergy. However, it can also indicate an infection. Here's what to do.
The appearance of itchy legs is a relatively common symptom, as in most cases it is related to poor blood circulation. However, there are several causes for itching, which can range from simple situations to more serious problems. See a list of the causes ...
The consumption of burnt food can be bad for your health due to the presence of a chemical, known as acrylamide, which increases the risk of developing some types of cancer, especially in the kidneys, endometrium and ovaries. This substance is normally used in the production ...
The cervix is ​​characterized by the lower portion of the uterus that comes into contact with the vagina and that has an opening in the center, the cervical canal, which connects the inside of the uterus to the vagina and that can be open or closed. See in what situations this happens
Alcoholic coma is caused by excessive alcohol consumption and some of the symptoms are fainting, drowsiness, difficulty speaking and vomiting. See what to do
The right answer is it depends. Meats, fruits and vegetables are good, but frozen frozen food is bad for your health. Understand why and make better choices.
Colposcopy is an examination performed by a gynecologist to assess the vulva, vagina and cervix in detail, looking for signs of disease. See how this exam is done and how to prepare properly