
The presence of crystals in the urine is normal, however when the crystals are identified in large concentrations, it can be indicative of kidney stones or gout, for example. See what are the main types of crystal and what they can be.
Urinary incontinence is characterized by the involuntary loss of small, medium or large amounts of urine. According to scientific research the cure of urinary incontinence is directly related to the muscle tone of the perineum and this can be achieved through the practice of ...
Croup is an infectious disease that occurs mainly in children between 1 and 6 years of age and is characterized by a cough similar to dog bark. Learn more about the disease, symptoms and how treatment is done
What it is: The glycemic curve is the graphical representation of how sugar appears in the blood after eating food and demonstrates the speed with which carbohydrate is consumed by blood cells. Glycemic curve in pregnancy The gestational glycemic curve indicates ...
Check out the best tips to get healed of chicken pox faster and not get marks or spots on the skin.
The patient with a pacemaker must be careful how to keep the cell phone 15 cm away from the cell phone and stay 2 m away from the microwave on. See more important care
Culdocentesis is a diagnostic method that can be used to investigate the cause of bleeding when ectopic pregnancy is suspected, for example. Learn more about culdocentesis, what it is for and how it is made.
Before and after surgery it is important to have a balanced diet rich in healing foods, not to smoke or to take medication without medical advice.
Sibutramine is a remedy indicated to aid weight loss in people with a body mass index greater than 30 kg / m2, after a rigorous evaluation by the doctor. However, because it has effects in reducing weight, it is used indiscriminately, and many effects have been reported ...
Chromium is a nutrient that can be found in foods such as meat, whole grains and beans, and acts on the body by increasing the effect of insulin and improving diabetes. In addition, this nutrient helps in the formation of muscles, as it improves the absorption of proteins in the intestine, and ...
Curettage is a procedure performed by the gynecologist that serves for exams or as a treatment to clean the uterus.
The uterus scraping exam, called endocervical curettage, serves to assess the possibility of uterine cancer, being performed in the doctor's office
Cutting is a weight loss method that aims to decrease the percentage of fat and maintain muscle mass, and is usually performed after the bulking process. Understand what cutting is, how to eat
Find out which treatments promise to permanently eliminate the HIV virus, such as combining a vaccine with vorsnostart, using stem cells and other more modern possibilities
Dependence on any medication can develop in just two weeks of continuous use, even when prescribed by a doctor. This addiction can be both psychological and physical. The medications used to treat anxiety and insomnia include benzodiazepines, drugs ...
After spine surgery, whether cervical, lumbar or thoracic, it is important to take some precautions to avoid complications, even if there is no more pain, such as not lifting weights, driving or making sudden movements. See what are the general care after any surgery. Aftercare ...
What it is: Haglund's deformity is the presence of a bony tip on the upper part of the calcaneus that easily leads to inflammation in the tissues around it, between the heel and the Achilles tendon. This bursitis is more common in young women, mainly because of the use of ...
Dehiscence is a serious complication that can arise in the postoperative period, especially in abdominal surgeries, such as cesarean section. Understand the signs to watch out for, the main causes, treatment and how to prevent dehiscence from arising
Genetic diseases arise due to changes in the formation of the fetus during pregnancy. Check out better what they are, why they happen and what are the main types
The trigger finger appears due to inflammation of the tendon and can cause very severe pain. See how to treat and why it happens.


Cupuaçu originates from a tree in the Amazon with the scientific name of Theobroma grandiflorum, which belongs to the cocoa family and, therefore, one of its main products is cupuaçu chocolate, also known as "cupulate". Cupuaçu has a sour, but very mild flavor, being ...
Vascular dementia corresponds to a neurological alteration caused by the alteration of the blood supply to the brain, resulting in memory loss, difficulty in performing day-to-day activities and lack of attention. Understand what vascular dementia is, symptoms and how it is done ...
Delirium mainly affects the elderly, and causes changes in consciousness and behavior. Learn how to confirm, what are the main causes and what to do to treat
Bone densitometry is an imaging test widely used to diagnose bone changes, such as osteoporosis. Understand how this exam is performed and how to interpret its result
Senile dementia is characterized by a progressive and irreversible loss of intellectual functions, such as altered memory, reasoning and language. It is more common in the elderly and its symptoms can vary from person to person. See the most common symptoms and the options for ...
Chemical dependence corresponds to the abusive use of substances that cause changes in the person's mental state, having a great impact on the person's life. Find out how to identify addiction and how treatment should be
Before surgery, it is important to ask the doctor and nurse for advice about the care that should be taken during the postoperative period, and what precautions to take a few days before the surgery. Learn more in Care Before and After Surgery. Especially when the ...
What it is: Dengue type 4 corresponds to one of the serotypes of dengue, that is, dengue can be caused by 4 different types of viruses that are responsible for the same signs and symptoms. Type 4 dengue is caused by the DENV-4 virus, which is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito and ...
After gym class, weight training or even jogging, eating a fruit salad mixed with low-fat yogurt and a little bit of granola can help keep everything stiff because this is a meal rich in lean proteins and carbohydrates, ideal for muscle recovery. Other good ...
The child may have dengue fever when he has symptoms such as fever and lack of appetite, which are more worrisome in times of disease epidemic. However, dengue in children is not always accompanied by symptoms, so it is often only identified when it is already in one ...
Nasal decongestant is a medication used to reduce the discomfort caused by a stuffy nose. It is usually indicated together with another medication that will act directly on the cause of the discomfort, but in many cases its use is indispensable. Some doctors don't like ...
Dermoscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic method, which is used to analyze the skin in cases of melanoma, seborrheic keratosis, hemangiomas or dermatofibromas, for example. know more