
The Dash Diet was created to reduce blood pressure, but it also helps you lose weight and control diabetes. See list of foods and menu.
The 1200 calorie diet is a low calorie diet that is used in the nutritional treatment of some overweight people, to lose weight in a healthy way. See how the diet is made and check out an example menu
To ensure that you get the most out of Carnival it is important to avoid drinking to excess, drinking plenty of water and wearing fresh clothes. See other tips.
Apple diet

Apple diet

The apple diet consists of eating an apple before every meal to decrease your appetite. The apple is a fruit that besides being rich in fiber has few calories and that is why it helps you lose weight, but for the apple diet to work it has to be accompanied by a ...
Keeping the diet as a housewife can seem complicated, but here are 7 easy strategies to lose weight and include the family in the new routine.
The carbohydrate diet serves to decrease intestinal inflammation caused by diseases such as Crohn's and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. See what to eat.
The diet for interstitial cystitis, which is an inflammation of the bladder, should be rich in vegetables and fruits, fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meats. Controlling the weight, keeping it within the appropriate height, is also part of the treatment of interstitial cystitis. This attitude slows down the ...
The ketogenic diet for epilepsy is based on a diet rich in fats, with a moderate amount of protein and low in carbohydrates. It reduces the number of disease attacks by at least half and helps to decrease the need for medications
Constant diarrhea can be caused by a number of factors, the most frequent being infections by viruses and bacteria, prolonged use of medications, food allergies or intestinal disorders. See how to identify each cause and how to treat
The Fodmap diet removes foods that are poorly absorbed in the intestine and that cause gas and poor digestion, such as apples, wheat and beans. See the list of allowed foods and how to make this diet
Usp diet

Usp diet

The USP diet is a low-calorie diet that reduces carbohydrate intake, such as rice, pasta, bread or toast. In the USP diet to lose weight, you can eat eggs, ham, steak, fruits, coffee and vegetables, such as lettuce, cucumber, celery, green beans, carrots and tomatoes. However, they are ...
Following this diet can help you lose many pounds in a short time, maintaining a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
The lean protein diet is based on the consumption of foods rich in protein, but which contain few calories such as poultry, fish, vegetables and legumes, for example and, after two weeks, fruits. In this diet, foods with carbohydrates such as rice, pasta or ...
This low calorie diet has only 1200 calories and is very good for losing weight fast, but for this diet to show results, it is important that it is done for 3 days. In addition, she must be accompanied and supervised by a health professional, such as the nutritionist who must ...
The Ayurveda diet originates in India and aims to promote longevity, vitality, physical, mental and emotional health. It does not work as a diet to cure diseases, but to prevent them and to improve the health of the body and mind. This diet encourages weight loss ...
To keep the diet on the barbecue, you should follow tips such as avoiding going hungry, choosing lean cuts like titty and duckling, and eating salad. See more.
People with type O blood should include plenty of meat in the diet and avoid milk and dairy products. See permitted and prohibited foods and full menu
In the sleep diet or Sleeping Beauty diet it is necessary to take sleeping pills several hours in a row to avoid eating. See the dangers.
The ascites diet is simple to follow, as it consists especially of reducing the salt in the diet and increasing the consumption of diuretic foods, such as cucumber, beet, pineapple, watermelon or tomato. To reduce the dietary salt, without losing flavor in meals, can be used ...
According to the blood type diet, people with type A blood can benefit from a diet rich in vegetables and low in meat and cow's milk and its derivatives
The diet in the gall bladder crisis must consist of low-fat foods, reducing the consumption of fried foods and sausages, ingesting a greater amount of water because these precautions help to reduce the symptoms of gall bladder crisis such as abdominal pain and discomfort. The food is a ...
The autoimmune hepatitis diet helps to lessen the side effects of drugs that have to be taken to treat autoimmune hepatitis. This diet must be low in fat and alcohol-free because these foods can aggravate some symptoms of the disease, such as nausea and discomfort ...
To increase the baby's weight gain during pregnancy, one should consume foods rich in proteins, good fats and vitamins. See menu.
Some foods used to fight depression are eggs, milk, fish and seeds. See what to eat and what to avoid in the diet to fight depression.
The cellulite diet consists of improving blood circulation, decreasing fat and sugar intake and also eliminating toxins from the body. To achieve these goals, food must be rich in water, fruits, seeds, legumes and vegetables because these foods facilitate the ...
In the HCG diet you should consume a maximum of 500 kcal and take doses of the HCG hormone daily. See menu, learn how to do and know the dangers
See how to prepare teas, juices, soups and vitamins to lose weight quickly, without losing health.
The Paleolithic diet is an option that can be used by people who want to lose weight or better control blood sugar levels, as in the case of pre-diabetes and diabetes. This diet is based mainly on the consumption of fresh and natural foods, avoiding processed foods
Food for arthritis and osteoarthritis should be rich in anti-inflammatory foods to relieve joint symptoms related to the disease, promoting the person's quality of life. Know what to eat in arthritis and osteoarthritis
The diet for people with kidney stones should be low in salt, protein and high in fluids. In addition, some supplements should only be used according to the guidance of the doctor or nutritionist, as
Exaggerated during the party and now need to lose weight? See our 1-day diet to detoxify your body and make your body cleaner.