
Decaffeinated is a coffee that has less caffeine than the traditional one, but it is not possible to completely remove the caffeine from the coffee beans, but the amount of caffeine reaches 0.1% of the amount of caffeine before the process and decaffeination. Caffeine can be taken from coffee ...
The causes can be inadequate food, gas, constipation and more serious. Know what they are and what to do in each case
Dermatomes are certain areas of the body innervated by a nerve that exits the spine. See its distribution in the body.
Use of ice, rest and medication are indicated to treat joint effusion. See all the options and what you can do at home to help.
Debridement is a procedure performed to remove dead and infected tissue from wounds to improve healing. It can be done with different techniques such as autolytic, surgical and instrumental. See other techniques and how it is done
Dermatophytosis, also known as ringworm, is characterized by a fungal infection of the skin, which can begin with the appearance of small spots, which can spread to the rest of the body. Know the symptoms and how the treatment is done
In the development of the 2-month-old baby, it is expected that he will make an outline of satisfaction, joy or anguish in his expressions and stop crying when he is placed on his lap. In addition, it is expected that he will already be able to: Move his legs as if he were pedaling; Turn your head ...
Sometimes, during periods of coughing or when brushing your teeth, you can see the appearance of blood in your saliva or phlegm, which can indicate the presence of some disease. See what can be
Malnutrition is the inadequate intake or absorption of nutrients necessary to satisfy the energy needs for the normal functioning of the body. See what are the symptoms and what is child malnutrition.
Also known as depersonification syndrome, this disease causes the feeling that the body belongs to someone else, in addition to blocking emotions.
Deviation of the nasal septum is a situation in which the wall that separates the nostrils is crooked, which causes difficulty in breathing. Learn more about deviated nasal septum and how the surgery is performed.
Deviations in the spine, such as hyperkyphosis, hyperlordosis and scoliosis, can be treated through physical therapy, with specific exercises that can bring the spine to the center of the body, and orthopedic vests can also be used, and in the most severe cases, it may be necessary perform a ...
To overcome cystitis there are some useful tips that, together with the use of medicines, can help to more easily cure the disease. Some suggestions are: Drink plenty of fluids: 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to help eliminate the microbes that cause ...
Molecular diagnosis is used to identify and confirm various diseases, such as cancer and infections. Learn more about what molecular diagnosis is for and how it is done
The 'garbage day' has been widely used by dieters and even athletes, being known as the day when you can eat all the foods you want and in the quantities you want. Find out if this practice is right.
The diet to stay with a negative belly involves reducing the intake of foods with fat and sugar, combined with localized and daily physical exercises. Taking some type of nutritional supplement can be indicated under medical prescription or nutritionist. How to have a ...
Blood and CSF tests are the most suitable for the diagnosis of meningitis. However, other tests may also be recommended. See which tests confirm meningitis.
Green diarrhea can be caused by eating or taking supplements, or in more severe cases, infections or illnesses. See which and how to treat
Yellow diarrhea is most often caused by excessive stress, but it can also mean intestinal infection. See when it can be serious
The morning banana diet consists of eating 4 bananas for breakfast, accompanied by 2 glasses of warm water or a tea of ​​your choice, without sugar. The banana diet was created by Japanese pharmacist Sumiko Watanabe for her husband Hitoshi Watanabe who made this diet very ...
In the pollen diet it is enough to consume 1 tablespoon of industrialized pollen daily to be able to lose up to 7 kg per month, especially if associated with a low calorie diet and regular physical activity. How to consume Pollen to lose weight To lose weight ...
The type AB blood diet has the most food options, as there are few harmful foods. It is enough to feed exclusively on beneficial and neutral foods to be able to lose weight more easily. Beneficial and neutral foods: turkey, duck, pheasant, lamb, rabbit, ...
According to studies, the type B blood diet is the one that most benefits from a diet rich in dairy products, although you should avoid taking ice cream prepared with milk. Other beneficial and neutral foods are: Beef, mutton, rabbit, venison, turkey, veal, tuna, squid, salmon, cod, ...
Dehydration happens when there is an insufficient amount of water in the body, which ends up impairing the functioning of the whole body. However, it is relatively easy to avoid dehydration by simply following some of these steps. See which
Meat diet

Meat diet

The meat diet is based on the exclusive consumption of meat and other sources rich in protein, such as fish and poultry. In addition to proteins, these foods are also rich in fats, which in recent years have come to be seen as good fats, as they are naturally present in foods.
Easy diet

Easy diet

This easy diet only needs to be followed 3 days a week, for 2 months, and at the end of 8 weeks the result should be 10 kilos less. However, to be able to lose weight with this diet it is essential to strictly adhere to the 3 days of diet and the other 4 days of the week do not eat fried foods, ...
To make the flaxseed diet, flaxseed flour should be added to several meals throughout the day. See example of menu and why to lose weight
The 1000-calorie-a-day diet is a low-calorie diet to help you lose weight. This diet accelerates weight loss and helps you lose up to 1 kg per week. See how it's done
The 21-day diet is a protocol created by dr. Rodolfo Aurélio, a naturopath who is also trained in physiotherapy and osteopathy. This protocol was created to help you lose weight and fat quickly, estimating a loss of 5 to 10 kg within the 21 days of diet.
This 800 calorie diet is a low calorie diet that can be used by overweight people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. In this diet, only 800 calories per day should be ingested, which are distributed among the various meals. But, to know which one should be yours ...
The Budwig diet is a diet plan developed by biochemist Dr.ª Johanna Budwig, to help fight cancer or to prevent the appearance of tumors. See how it works and how to diet
In the raw diet only raw foods are allowed and because it does not contain fat this is a good option to lose weight quickly. Check out the menu.
The hibiscus tea diet helps you lose weight because this tea decreases the body's ability to accumulate fat. In addition, hibiscus tea relieves constipation and reduces fluid retention, decreasing swelling. See other benefits of Hibiscus. So, to lose weight with ...
What it is: The Cambridge diet is a calorie-restricted diet, created in the 1970s by Alan Howard, in which meals are replaced by nutritional formulas and are used by people who want to lose weight. People who follow this diet have prepared meals that ...
The ketogenic diet is done with the almost total elimination of carbohydrate consumption, as this helps to reduce tumor growth. Here's how to do it.