Fainting, also known as syncope, can happen due to low blood pressure, lack of blood sugar or being in very hot environments. When fainting happens, the person should be laid down with legs elevated so that he / she wakes up from fainting faster. See more about the causes and ...
The bed sheets of a bedridden person should be changed after the shower and whenever they are dirty or wet, to keep the patient clean and comfortable. In addition, using this technique makes the task easier and faster for the caregiver. Generally, the technique for changing the ...
Malnutrition has consequences such as decreased physical growth and reduced learning capacity. See more and find out who is at risk.
Drinking unfiltered tap water or from uncontrolled sources is a major health risk as it can cause diseases such as hepatitis. See the risks
Loneliness is linked to feelings of sadness, stress and anxiety, which can trigger illnesses, such as depression and high blood pressure. Learn more.
Weight loss should be a matter of concern when it occurs unintentionally, without the person realizing that he is losing weight. Know the main causes of weight loss without apparent cause
There are some treatments to decrease the ability to hear, such as washing the ear, performing surgery or putting on a hearing aid to recover part or all of the hearing loss, for example. However, in some cases, it is not possible to treat hearing loss and, ...
Holding poop can result in several health consequences, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures and fecal incontinence. Know why stool should not be held
What it is: Sedentary lifestyle is a situation in which the person does not practice any type of physical activity regularly, in addition to sitting for a long time and not being willing to perform simple day-to-day activities, which has a direct influence on health and well-being of the person, already ...
Hormone replacement consists of taking synthetic hormones, for a certain period of time, to decrease or eliminate the effects of menopause. However, this treatment is contraindicated for some people. Know who shouldn't use
The correct technique to turn a bedridden person sideways allows to protect the caregiver's back and decrease the amount of force needed to turn the patient, which must be turned, at most, every 3 hours to avoid the appearance of bedsores. A good positioning scheme is to place the ...
Honey is contraindicated for children under 1 year old, people with diabetes or honey allergy, or in cases of fructose intolerance. See more.
Thermogenic foods are contraindicated in case of hyperthyroidism, heart disease, high blood pressure and pregnancy. See more cases and side effects.
Dupuytren's contracture is when the person is unable to open the hand completely, with a 'stuck' finger. Usually an elevation in the palm is noticed, which causes pain when it is pressed. Treatment can be with physiotherapy, surgery or collagenase injection
The virus that causes herpes zoster can pass from one person to another, but that does not mean that the person will get the disease. Better understand how the transmission of herpes zoster works and who is most at risk of getting the virus
Whooping cough is treated with antibiotics according to medical advice. Learn more about the treatment of pertussis, how natural treatment is done and how to prevent the disease.
Inflammation in the vocal cords can be caused can have several causes, however all are the result of vocal abuse, so it is very common in singers. See the symptoms that may arise and how the treatment is done
Examination is done with the withdrawal of cord blood during pregnancy to assess syndromes or diseases in the baby. Find out more details.
What it is: Muscle contusion is usually caused by direct trauma that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the region, with the thigh being the most affected area. This type of injury is very common in athletes, especially football players, but it can happen in everyone who practices activity ...
Find out how it happens and how to avoid food contamination in your kitchen to keep your family safe and protected from disease.
Positive ketone bodies in the urine may be indicative of decompensated diabetes, prolonged fasting or a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates, for example. Know other causes of ketone bodies in urine and what to do
To live with the elderly with mental confusion, who does not know where he is and refuses to collaborate, becoming aggressive, one must remain calm and try not to upset him so that he does not become even more aggressive and agitated. The elderly with mental confusion, which can be caused by a mental illness ...
Muscle contracture causes symptoms of pain, discomfort or even a lump in the muscle. Learn how to identify and what to do to treat.
Cerebral contusion is a serious injury to the brain that usually occurs after a severe head injury caused by a direct and violent impact on the head, such as what happens during traffic accidents or falls from a height, for example. Generally, brain contusion arises ...
Eating fast means that the stomach does not have time to send signals to the brain that it is full. In addition to understanding the consequences of eating fast, learn what to do to eat more slowly, lose weight, lower gas and improve digestion
Tiredness, lack of energy and low blood pressure are symptoms of low cortisol. Find out what the causes are and what to do to treat.
Crack is a type of stimulating drug that, once used, causes a rapid euphoria and energy effect. However, it also has a high addictive power and, therefore, ends up being used in very high doses that have great health risks. Better understand what happens in the body with the use ...
Stress and medication use are some causes of high cortisol. Learn other causes and the effect of this hormone on the body
Craniotomy is a surgery in which a part of the skull bone is removed to operate parts of the brain, and it can be indicated to remove brain tumors, repair aneurysms or correct fractures of the skull. Find out more about how craniotomy is performed, recovery and possible ...
The fracture of the rib causes pain when breathing, and the treatment is done with painkillers because there is no way to immobilize the ribs, because this would impair breathing. Know the symptoms, how the diagnosis is made and the care you should take to sit, sleep and drive
Costochondritis is the inflammation of the cartilages that are attached to the ribs that is characterized by intense chest pains. Learn more about how to identify, treat and prevent costochondritis.
Some precautions to be taken in case of scarlet fever, which is a contagious disease caused by a bacterium, more frequent in children and adolescents up to the age of 15, which can also occur in adults, can be: Wash the child's clothes with separate hot water and soap of the rest ...
Cryotherapy is the technique that uses lowering temperatures to treat pain and inflammation. Find out what the indications are and how to do them.
The hormone cortisol is responsible for the sensation of pleasure and well-being, but when it is high it can lead to weight gain, and when low, depression.
Cryptococcosis is an infectious disease caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, which can be found in the faeces of pigeons, trees and soils. Know how to identify cryptococcosis and how treatment is done
Creatinine helps to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys, allowing to identify a kidney injury or infection, for example. Understand what the creatinine test is for and what the results mean
Cryptosporidiosis is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Cryptosporidium, which is responsible for intestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Understand what cryptosporidiosis is, symptoms and how treatment is done