
There are several causes that can be the source of pain in the left arm. Know which and what to do
Spleen pain can be caused by rupture, due to injury or enlarged spleen that can be caused by liver problems, infections or even cancer. See other causes and what treatment
Pain in the right arm can be caused by tendonitis, intense exertion or damage to nerves, muscles and joints. In rare cases it can also indicate a heart attack. Understand the causes, when to worry and what to do in each case.
Poor posture can cause back pain, as it contributes to the weakening of the dorsal muscles, which can lead to structural changes that affect the spine, such as herniated disc, scoliosis, hyperkyphosis or spinal rectification. Here's how to have good posture to avoid pain ...
Pain in the coccyx is not usually a sign of a serious problem, it is almost always caused by situations such as falling while sitting or riding a bicycle. However, it can also indicate other more complicated conditions, such as a cyst or hernia. Understand how to identify each cause and what to do
Hand pain can range from inflammation in the tendons due to repetitive strain to autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, for example. See what are the main causes of hand pain
Neuropathic pain results from damage to the nervous system caused by infections or illness. See what the symptoms are and what the treatment consists of.
Gluteal pain may appear after exhaustive physical exercise, being resolved after rest. However, when gluteal pain starts to limit some daily activities, such as walking, for example, it is important to go to the doctor. See what are the main causes of pain in the ...
Elbow pain is more common after weight training, and affects mainly people who practice repetitive exercise. See more causes and how it treats
Pain in the joints of the fingers is a relatively common type of pain that often arises due to aging and natural wear and tear of the joints, but which can also happen due to strokes in impact sports, for example. See all the most common causes and what to do in each one ...
Ovarian pain is normal during a woman's fertile period, however, if it is very severe it can be a sign of illness. See what they are and what to take to feel better.
Back pain when breathing is usually related to a problem that affects the lungs, but it can also be a sign of problems in other places, from the muscles to the heart. See what are the most common causes of this type of pain and what to do in each case
The pain in the middle of the foot happens mainly because of wearing shoes that are too tight or practicing intense exercise. However, it can also be a consequence of a fracture and, therefore, it is important to consult the orthopedist to make the diagnosis. See what can be pain in ...
Armpit pain can be caused by several factors such as intense muscular effort, water, supporative hydrosadenitis and in more severe cases, it can be the result of lymphoma or breast cancer. See what symptoms and how to treat
Esophageal pain can be caused by diseases such as reflux, esophagitis, esophageal spasm or even cancer. Learn the list of the main causes, and check how to identify the symptoms and treat.
There are several causes for pain in the heel, from changes in the shape of the foot and in the way of stepping, to excess weight, spurs on the calcaneus, strokes or more serious inflammatory diseases. See how to identify each situation and what to do to relieve pain
The pain at the end of the spine can be the result of poor posture when sitting, repetitive efforts or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, for example. Know what pain at the end of the spine can be and what to do
Pain in the middle of the back is usually related to problems in the thoracic spine, such as herniated discs, muscle injuries or osteoarthritis. See the other possible causes and what to do in each situation
Joint pain, popularly known as joints, can be a sign of a problem like arthritis, tendonitis or just the result of a blow. See the most common causes of pain in the different joints of the body and what to do
The pain in the soles of the feet can happen as a result of being overweight or the fact of wearing high heels frequently, and it can also happen due to the type of step of the person, for example. Know the main causes of pain in the sole of the foot and what to do
Foot pain is frequent in pregnancy and occurs due to swelling in the legs and feet, characteristic of this phase. See what to do
Pain in the whole body is usually associated with difficulty sleeping, excessive tiredness and stress. However, it can also mean more serious problems like anemia, lack of vitamin D and even appendicitis. See how to identify and what to do in each case
Pain in the middle of the chest is often suspected of having a heart attack, however, this is one of the rarest causes. The most common is that it is a sign of a less serious problem such as gastritis, costochondritis or even excess gas. See the symptoms of each cause and what to do
Check out 6 simple strategies to do at home to relieve foot pain without leaving the house and feel better quickly.
Nipple pain or itching is usually a sign of an allergy or small friction of clothing, but it can also indicate a more serious problem, such as infection or eczema. Know the main causes of this discomfort and what to do
Bowel pain can have several causes, and the most common are constipation, diarrhea, food intolerance, irritable bowel, among other diseases. Know each one of them and know what to do to improve
Wrist pain can be caused by tendonitis, an open pulse or due to exercise at the gym. See the most common causes and how to treat each one.
Hip pain

Hip pain

Hip pain can be sciatic nerve compression, bursitis or rheumatism. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs can help, in addition to physical therapy. Understand.
Some factors like sinusitis, migraine, headache, stress, muscle tension or tired eyes can cause pain in the forehead that can be accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, pain in the eyes, nose or neck. See how treatment is done for each case
Postural drainage is a technique that serves to eliminate lung secretions through the action of gravity, being indicated in the case of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, pneumopathy or atelectasis
Tendon and Achilles pain can be caused by tendonitis or tendinopathy, and placing an ice pack on the spot and anti-inflammatory ointments may be indicated. Also check out the exercises that can be performed at home