
The symptoms of septicemia arise when there is an infection in some part of the body, such as the lungs or urinary tract, for example, which is not treated properly, which favors the spread of the microorganism through the bloodstream and results in symptoms such as fever, nausea, tiredness ...
A heart murmur usually causes symptoms such as tiredness, swelling, excessive sweating, dizziness and chest pain. See more and learn how to treat.
The symptoms of hydronephrosis arise due to the swelling of the kidney that is caused by the accumulation of urine in this organ as a result of an obstruction in the urinary flow. The characteristic symptoms of hydronephrosis include: Fever; Swelling of the kidney, located in the region of the fundus, lateral of the back; ...
The symptoms of PMS or pregnancy are very similar, so some women may have difficulty distinguishing them, especially when they have never been pregnant before. Check a table that differentiates the symptoms.
The rupture of the spleen can be noticed mainly through pain on the left side of the abdomen and that can radiate to the shoulder. Know the symptoms of spleen rupture and how treatment should be
The infant uterus is difficult to identify, as the female external genitals are normal. However, there may be some signs and symptoms that may be indicative of an infant uterus, such as delayed first menstruation, absence of pubic hair and underarms and breasts ...
Yellowing, known scientifically as hookworm, is an infection caused by a larva that causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps and yellowed skin. See other signs and how the diagnosis is made
The climacteric symptoms start to appear between 40 and 45 years and can last up to 3 years, being more intense in some women than others. See the most common symptoms of this phase of a woman's life
Hodgkin's lymphoma is a cancer in the lymphatic system that makes it difficult for the body to work to fight infections. Although it is rare, when it is discovered early and properly treated, it has a good chance of cure. The main symptoms of Hodgkin's lymphoma include: Tongue in the neck, ...


PMS can cause both physical and psychological symptoms, such as irritability, tiredness, abdominal pain, headache, insomnia and depression. See others.
Rectal prolapse is characterized by abdominal pain, feeling of incomplete bowel movement, difficulty defecating, burning in the anus and feeling of heaviness in the rectum, in addition to being able to see the rectum, which is a damp, dark red tissue in the shape of a tube. Rectal prolapse is more common than ...
Ewing's sarcoma is a rare bone disease characterized by pain in long bones, malaise and weight loss for no apparent reason, which occurs most frequently in boys and young adults, usually between 5 and 25 years old. The diagnosis of Ewing's Sarcoma is made through imaging exams and ...
In most cases, the increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood, called hyperuricemia, does not cause symptoms, it is only discovered during a blood test, in which a uric acid concentration above 6.8 mg / dL, or examination urine, which can be viewed ...
These symptoms are usually a side effect of continued use of antipsychotic medications. Find out which are the most common and how the treatment is done.
Hypopituitarism is a rare change that occurs when there is a change in the pituitary in the brain, generating symptoms such as constant fatigue, headache, growth difficulties and even infertility. See other signs and how treatment is done
Appendicitis is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of a part of the intestine, whose symptoms can be confused with other conditions. See which
Symptoms of tetanus usually appear about 2 to 28 days after infection, with fever, muscle spasms and stiff neck. See others
Gallbladder stone is a relatively common problem that can cause symptoms such as severe pain in the right side of the belly, fever above 38ÂșC or yellowish color in the eyes. But these symptoms can also indicate other gastric or intestinal problems. Understand which and when to really suspect ...
Candidiasis is an infection caused by the fungus Candida Albicans and causes symptoms such as itching, discharge, redness and whitish plaques. However, these symptoms can be present in other diseases such as bacterial vaginosis or STIs. Know what other diseases can cause ...
Symptoms of the common cold include coughing, sneezing and a runny nose. See more symptoms, how to differentiate from the flu, and what to do to cure your cold faster.
The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Its function is basically to filter the blood to eliminate toxins and metabolic waste through the urine. Find out more details about this important system and what are the most common diseases that can arise
Diabetes is a relatively common disease that leads to symptoms such as excessive hunger, frequent tiredness, increased urge to urinate and thirst, which can also happen due to dehydration, hypothyroidism or anemia, for example. Learn how to differentiate symptoms and ...
Symptoms such as red eyes, weight loss, mood swings and loss of interest may indicate drug use. Know what signs to watch out for
The main symptoms of tendonitis are localized pain, difficulty moving the affected limb, and swelling and redness at the site. See more about tendonitis in the shoulder, wrist, arm, hand, forearm, hip and knee