


Tapazole is a drug that has the active substance Metimazole that serves to treat the thyroid. It inhibits the absorption of iodine and controls the excessive production of hormones, thus alleviating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Indications of Tapazol Hyperthyroidism. Tapazol price ...
Infant suppository is a great option for the treatment of fever and pain, constipation and sputum. Learn how to use it correctly
The surfactant is important for breathing, but it may be lacking in the lungs of very premature newborns. See what happens in your absence


Targocid is a medication that has the active substance Teicoplanin. This injectable drug is an antibacterial indicated for the treatment of diseases such as urinary tract infection and endocartitis. The action of Targocid consists of interfering in the cell wall of bacteria, ...
Migrane is a medication for oral use, composed of active substances, effective in a large number of acute and chronic headaches, as it contains in its composition substances that cause the contraction of blood vessels and have analgesic action. Indications Treatment of ...


Synvisc is an injection to be applied to the joints that contains hyaluronic acid which is a viscous liquid, similar to the synovial fluid that is naturally produced by the body to ensure good lubrication of the joints. This medication can be recommended by ...


Taxotere is a medication that has Docetaxel as its active ingredient. This medicine is used by injection and acts by preventing the spread of cancer cells in the body. This medicine should only be used in case of failure in the previous chemotherapy treatment.
Find out exactly what days you can’t have sex so you don’t risk getting pregnant, and what other contraceptive methods you should use.
Thermogenic supplements are fat burners, which increase metabolism and help you lose weight. See some examples and when to take it.
New drug Tafenoquine promises to cure malaria with just 1 pill. know more
Tafinlar is indicated for skin melanoma and it is recommended to take 150 mg twice a day. Capsules should be taken 1 h before or 2 h after meals.
Tadalafil (Cialis) is an active substance indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Find out how to use it, how it works, who should not use it and what are the most common side effects
Tagrisso is an anti-cancer medicine that is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer. This remedy contains Osimertinib, a substance that blocks the function of EGFR, a cancer cell receptor that controls its growth and multiplication.
Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese martial art that brings several benefits to the body and mind, such as vitality, tranquility, concentration, balance, strength and well-being. People of any age can practice, being very good for the elderly. Find out how and why you should start practicing.


Tegaserode is a medicine known commercially as Zelmac. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, since its action increases the basal motor activity and normalizes motility along the intestinal tract. Tegaserod indications ...
It serves to treat leprosy, AIDS and lupus and is used in tablets according to the doctor's recommendations. Its use is very restricted.
Telithromycin is a medicine known commercially as Ketek. This medication for oral use is an antibacterial indicated for the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. Its effectiveness is due to the interference it makes in the mechanism of action of bacteria that ...
Tamarine is a remedy indicated for the treatment of constipation. See what it is for, how to take it and what are the most common side effects.
Thames 20 is a combined contraceptive pill that contains 75 mcg gestodene and 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol, two synthetic female hormones that prevent the development of a pregnancy. In addition, this pill also helps to reduce the intensity of bleeding, being ...
Thames 30 is a contraceptive with gestodene and ethinyl estradiol, which helps prevent pregnancy. know more
The Points Diet table shows the score for each food, which must be added to not exceed the total points for weight loss. see more
Antioxidant juices are great for preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease. In addition, they stimulate the immune system, help to lose weight and make the skin more beautiful and young. See how to prepare these natural juices
Tantin is a 28-day contraceptive that contains gestodene and ethinyl estradiol. Here's how to take it.
Writing down the calendar when menstruation comes is a good way to discover the fertile period. But if you are tired, we will do it for you.
Tandrilax is used to treat rheumatism, controlling pain and inflammation. It is used in the form of pills by adults. Know the effects.
Thalassemia is a genetic disease that causes mild or severe anemia, depending on the type and severity of the disease. See the types and learn how to identify.
The average size of the penis can vary according to the country of origin, since there are places with higher or lower averages. See what is considered normal and clarify other common doubts about the size of the sexual organ
Ventricular tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia that has a high heart rate, with more than 120 heartbeats per minute. It occurs at the bottom of the heart, and can interfere with the ability to pump blood into the body.
Tarflex is an anti-dandruff shampoo that reduces the oiliness of hair and scalp, preventing flaking and promoting an adequate cleaning of the hair. In addition, due to its active ingredient, the coaltar, this shampoo can also be used in cases of psoriasis to reduce flaking ...
Tarfic is an ointment with tacrolimus monohydrate in its composition, which is a substance that can alter the skin's natural immune response, relieving inflammation and other symptoms. See what it is for, how to use it and what side effects may occur


Tensaldin is a medication used to fight pain and colic, based on dipyrone, caffeine and isometepten mucate. Indications Analgesic and antispasmodic effect, being useful in combating various types of pain and colic. Contraindications In cases of arterial hypertension, ...
Understand what black stripe remedies are, what diseases are commonly used for and what the differences between these remedies are for red stripe remedies
Targifor C is a remedy with arginine aspartate and vitamin C in its composition, which is indicated for the treatment of fatigue. Learn how it works and how to use the medicine


Tensuril is an antihypertensive that has diazoxide as its active substance. This medicine for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure, since its action produces the dilation of blood vessels and decreases the resistance on them, thus the blood pressure ...
Syntha-6 is a muscle-building supplement that must be taken by diluting the content of 1 scoop in about 120 ml of cold water.
Theophylline is an antiasthmatic medication known commercially as Teolong. This medicine for oral use is indicated for individuals who suffer from asthma attacks and other respiratory diseases. Theophylline's action is to relax the muscles of the bronchi and vessels ...


Teoremin is a medication that has Glucametacin as its active substance. This medication for oral use is an anti-rheumatic indicated for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. Its anti-inflammatory action helps to relieve pain and discomfort caused by these diseases, providing a ...
What it is: Cardiac tamponade is a medical emergency in which there is an accumulation of fluid between the two membranes of the pericardium, which are responsible for the lining of the heart, which causes difficulty in breathing, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate, for example. ...