


Tequin is a medicine that has Gatifloxacino as its active substance. This medicine for oral and injectable use is an antibacterial indicated for infections such as bronchitis and urinary tract infection. Tequin has good absorption in the body causing the symptoms of the disease to regress ...
Tecentriq is an immunotherapeutic drug that fights bladder cancer in advanced cases and has not responded to other treatments. Check the leaflet.
Eye tattooing is a very risky technique for changing the color of the eye. Understand the health risks and why they are being advised against by ophthalmologists


Teacrina is a nutritional supplement that improves your disposition, training performance and mental abilities, without causing side effects.
A gene therapy technique, which promises a cure for two types of cancer, is still being studied. know more
Bricanyl is an expectorant syrup that helps in the release of the airways, the main compound of which is Terbutaline. Bricanyl acts inside the bronchi, reducing inflammation and facilitating the passage of air. Indications In diseases that cause bronchospasm, such as asthma ...


Terramycin is an antibacterial medication that has the active substance Oxytetracycline. This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of acute gingivitis and for brucellosis. Indications for Terramycin (What is it for) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; brucellosis; ...
Tesofensina is a remedy to lose weight that takes away hunger and increases the feeling of a full belly, due to the reuptake of substances responsible for the hunger mechanism such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Tesofensin should be taken under medical advice and in accordance with ...
Terconazole is an antifungal medication known commercially as Gyno-fungix. This medication is for vaginal use, used to treat gynecological infections caused by fungi such as candidiasis. Its action eliminates fungi from the body reducing symptoms such as itching and ...


It serves to relieve rheumatic pain, arthritis, bursitis or muscle pain and is used in the form of oil.
The life span for the patient diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is usually short and ranges from 6 months to 5 years. This is because, usually, this type of tumor is only discovered at an advanced stage of the disease, in which the tumor is already very large or has already spread to other organs ...
Iron deficiency anemia should be treated with iron replacement through iron-rich foods and supplementation. See what types of iron supplement, how to take and what side effects
Tamoxifen is a medicine used against breast cancer, in its initial stage, indicated by the oncologist. It can be found in boxes of 10 or 20 mg and should be taken with a little water, having few side effects.
The inflamed tattoo usually leads to the appearance of signs such as redness, swelling and pain at the skin where it was made, and although it can be a normal skin process, it can also indicate the presence of an infection or allergy. Check out how to identify each case and what should be done to ...
The Jelqing technique is a practical and simple way to increase penis size in a natural way. Here's how to do it correctly.
When you cannot get pregnant naturally, you can use techniques such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization or egg donation. Know these options and know when it's time to get medical help


Tenofovir is the generic name of the pill known commercially as Viread, used to treat AIDS in adults, which works by helping to reduce the amount of the HIV virus in the body and the chances of the patient developing opportunistic infections like pneumonia or herpes. Tenofovir, ...
To remove tartar on the teeth, it is necessary to clean with the dentist, with the scraping of the hardened plaque. Learn how to identify and avoid.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on how the person processes and interprets situations and that can generate suffering. know more
Bioenergetic therapy is a type of alternative therapy that is increasingly used to treat psychological and mental blocks, helping in a better balance between body and mind. Better understand what it is, what it is for and how it is made
It serves to fight fungi on the skin like ringworm and can be used in gel, spray or tablets.
Smiling is the most effective way to increase self-esteem, to make your mind lighter and to face everyday situations in a more positive way. Understand what is risotherapy and what are its benefits.
Some spices such as pepper, cinnamon, guarana powder and ginger help to speed up metabolism and lose weight. See how to use them.
The tongue test is an exam that serves to diagnose and indicate the early treatment of stuck tongue. This test is usually done at the maternity hospital by a speech therapist. Find out more
Behavioral therapy, mindfulness, meditation and breathing exercises are some strategies for better sleep. I understand how each one works and how they can help you have a more restful sleep
The Prick test is a test carried out to identify respiratory, food, insect bite or latex allergies. Understand what the Prick test is and how it is done


Tetmosol is an antiparasitic remedy widely used in the treatment of scabies, lice and flatfish, which can be used in the form of soap or solution. Monosulfiram is the active ingredient of a medicine, known commercially as Tetmosol, and produced by the pharmaceutical laboratory ...
The Confirm Strips pregnancy test can be done from the 1st day of menstrual delay and is 99.6% accurate. Learn how to do it
Ticlopidine is the active substance in an antithrombotic medication known commercially as Ticlid. This oral medication is indicated to reduce the risk of thrombosis, since its action increases blood flow and prevents clotting. Indications for Ticlopidine Thrombosis.
Thiabendazole is an antiparasitic medication known commercially as Foldan or Benzol. This medication for oral and topical use is indicated for the treatment of scabies and other types of ringworm on the skin. Its action inhibits the energy of the parasites' larvae and eggs, which end up weakened and ...
The breathalyzer is a device capable of measuring the percentage of alcohol in the blood, making it possible to assess whether the person is capable of doing more complex tasks that can be life-threatening, such as driving or operating heavy machinery. Understand how it works and whether it is possible to cheat the ...
Foot test

Foot test

The heel prick test is a mandatory test that is performed on all newborns from the 3rd day of life, usually at the maternity ward or hospital where the baby was born, where a few drops of blood are collected from the baby's heel and placed in a filter paper that is sent ...
The result of the pharmacy pregnancy test is generally quite reliable, however there are changes in the woman's menstrual cycle, which can cause several doubts, especially when the pregnancy test is negative, but menstruation still does not appear. See the reasons more ...
Tetralysal is a medication with limecycline in its composition, indicated for the treatment of infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracyclines. It is generally used for the treatment of acne vulgaris and rosacea, associated or not with specific topical treatment. This one...