
Appendicitis is a severe pain on the right side of the abdomen that needs urgent medical attention. It is usually caused by accumulation of feces in the appendix, but there are other possibilities. The diagnosis is made by the doctor and the treatment is usually surgical. Understand.
It serves to relieve pain and swelling in case of inflammation of the muscle, in migraine or painful menstruation and is used in oral form or ointment.
It serves to treat throat, lung or skin infection and can be used in tablets or oral suspension by children and adults.


Cefamox is an oral medicine that has Cefadroxil as its active ingredient. This medicine is an antibacterial, which works by eliminating bacteria that cause diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis and skin irritations. The regression of symptoms caused by these diseases can be ...
The causes of atherosclerosis include poor diet and physical inactivity, but other habits also influence, such as smoking and genetics. Learn more about the causes of atherosclerosis
Cephalothin is an injectable medicine known commercially as Keflin. This is an antibacterial medication, which works by eliminating bacteria and other microorganisms from the body, which are usually the cause of skin infections, pneumonia and urinary tract infections. Indications ...


Cefotaxime is an injectable medicine commercially known as Calforan. This medication is an antibacterial, which works by eliminating bacteria from the body, being very effective in treating the symptoms of gonorrhea, meningitis and joint infections. Indications for Cefotaxime ...
Cigarettes are the main cause of lung cancer development, however there are other factors that can increase the risk even for those who do not smoke. See what are the other possible causes and who may be at higher risk of developing this type of cancer
Cefixime is an antibiotic that can be used to treat ear infection or urinary tract infection, for example. The dose varies between 200 or 400 mg a day according to medical advice.


Cefoxitin is a medication similar to Kefox (GLA). This medicine is an antibacterial for injectable use, used in the treatment and prevention of infections. Cefoxitin is often used for gonorrhea and in preparation for cesarean section. Indications for Cefoxitin Gonorrhea ...
Cefpodoxima is a medicine known commercially as Orelox. This medication is an antibacterial for oral use, which decreases the symptoms of bacterial infections shortly after its ingestion, this is due to the ease with which this medication is absorbed by the intestine. THE...


Cefzil is an antibacterial medication that has Cefprozil as its active substance. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria such as tonsillitis and skin infections. The action of Cefzil weakens the bacteria, which ends up being eliminated from the ...


Cefuroxime is an oral or injectable medicine, known commercially as Zinacef. This medication is an antibacterial, which acts by preventing the formation of the bacterial wall, being effective in the treatment of pharyngitis, bronchitis and sinusitis. Indications for Cefuroxime Tonsillitis; bronchitis;...
Ceftazidime is the active substance in an anti-bacterial medication known commercially as Fortaz. This injectable medicine works by destroying the bacterial cell membrane and decreasing the symptoms of infection, thus being indicated for the treatment of skin infections and ...
Low birth weight is a term used for babies born under 2,500g that can be caused by a mother's health problems or problems during pregnancy. See more what can cause, what to do and possible complications
Liver fat is usually caused by eating foods high in fat, but other situations such as the use of certain medications and certain diseases can also favor fatty liver. Learn the possible causes, symptoms and how the diet should be to get rid of this ...
The causes of the baby's crying are diverse, such as hunger, dirty diapers or fear, for example, and knowing how to identify why the baby is crying is important to be able to calm the baby. In most cases, crying is the main way that the baby has to alert the parents of some discomfort and, ...
Septic shock is a serious condition, as it is a complication of sepsis, which is the generalized infection of the organism. Any infection can cause septic shock, know who may be at risk and how to identify
The main cause of cervical cancer is the presence of HPV, but there are other risk factors such as not using a condom, having many sexual partners, sexually transmitted diseases and a lack of certain vitamins
High cholesterol can be due to an inadequate diet or excessive alcohol, for example, and can lead to problems such as a heart attack. Know other causes of high cholesterol and its consequences


Celebra is a remedy used to combat the symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis and should only be used as directed by a doctor. It can also be used to relieve back pain and decrease pain caused by colic that arises during menstruation. This medicine has the active ingredient celecoxib ...
Cenaless is a weight loss formula, whose composition is the mixture of Plantago ovata; collagen; vitamin C and anti-humectant (silicon dioxide). It is advisable to take 2 capsules of Cenaless together with a glass of water, at lunch, and 2 more capsules at dinner. Due to its ability to ...
Overwork, heavy traffic, financial worries are a major cause of stress. Learn how to identify and combat this problem.
Cepacol is a mouthwash that has Cetylpyridinium as its active substance. This oral solution is indicated to complement oral hygiene as it eliminates bacteria and germs from the mouth, reducing inflammation, sore throat, and also preventing bad breath. However, this should not ...
Rectal prolapse in adults happens mainly due to the weakening of the muscles that hold the rectum, which may be due to aging, constipation, excessive force to evacuate and intestinal infections, for example. Treatment is done according to the cause of the prolapse, ...
Liver cirrhosis is a disease characterized by chronic and progressive inflammation of the liver and can have several causes, such as the use of medications and virus infections. Find out what are the 8 main causes of liver cirrhosis and how treatment is done
Capillary cauterization is a deep keratin-based hair hydration technique that leaves hair softer, silky and smoother due to its anti-frizz factor. It can be done once a month or every 15 days, when the hair is badly damaged. THE...
Cauterization of the cervix is ​​usually done to treat wounds caused by the HPV virus there. After the procedure, care must be taken to facilitate healing and avoid complications. See how cauterization is done and recovery
The infarction is caused mainly by the accumulation of fat in the arteries, preventing the correct flow of blood to the heart. Know the main causes of heart attack.
Cluster headache has no cure and does not lead to death, know the answer to other common questions.
In addition to the sun's rays, melasma can be caused by the constant use of lamps, computer, TV, cell phone and other objects. Here's how to protect yourself.


Cerwin is a medication that has ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as its active ingredient. This oral medication is used to treat vitamin C deficiency in the body or in situations where the body requires more vitamins than usual, for example in the growth phase. O...
Heartburn can be caused by factors like poor digestion, overweight, pregnancy, alcohol and smoking. See other causes and know what to do in each case.
Alzheimer's disease is caused by a set of genetic and lifestyle changes that can be avoided. Know what they are and how to detect them.


Ketamine is the active substance in general anesthesia known commercially as Ketamin. This injectable drug is used before surgery so that the patient partially loses consciousness and becomes sedated. The action of Ketamine consists of decreasing the perception of pain, but ...
Cephalexin is an antibiotic that can be used in case of infection. Know what it is for, how to take it, who should not take it and what are the most common side effects caused by this medication