
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a heart problem that can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain. Understand why it happens and how the treatment is done
The compound horse chestnut is a food supplement formed by the combination of herb, sarsaparilla and rutin that improve the venous system by reducing the fragility of capillary vessels. Indications of Compound Horse Chestnut Compound horse chestnut is used to treat ...
Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a rare complication of poorly controlled diabetes that causes changes in the normal functioning of the heart muscle and can, over time, cause heart failure. See what the signs of heart failure are. Generally, this type of ...
Severe heart diseases are diseases characterized by decreased functional capacity of the heart, which can have consequences on the person's personal and professional life.
Promil is a food supplement that has in its composition silymarin, which is a substance extracted from the Cardo Mariano plant, which increases the production of breast milk. Learn how to use
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and causes symptoms such as spotting or a small wound on the skin that does not heal. Since it has a high chance of a cure, treatment should be done as soon as it is diagnosed. Learn more other symptoms, what are the types, possible ...
Carfilzomib is an injectable drug that impedes the ability of cancer cells to produce and destroy proteins, preventing them from multiplying quickly, which slows down the development of cancer. Thus, this remedy is used in combination with dexamethasone and lenalidomide to ...
Fetal cardiotocography is an examination done on women in late pregnancy to assess the baby's health. Find out what it can indicate and how to do it.
The eggplant capsule is a dietary supplement that is indicated for the treatment of cholesterol, atherosclerosis, problems with the liver and bile ducts, as it helps to lower or regulate cholesterol, to decrease the formation of fatty plaques inside the arteries and to increase the secretion of ...
Bottle caries is a situation that can happen in children after consuming sugary drinks, especially before going to sleep, and poor hygiene habits, resulting in the development of caries. Understand what bottle caries is, why it happens and how treatment should be
Check all the care so that the child does not have tooth decay.
Squamous cell carcinoma, SCC or squamous cell carcinoma, is a type of skin cancer that has signs and symptoms such as wounds that do not heal and that bleed easily. It is mainly caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Find out what it is, others ...
The consumption of horse meat is not harmful to health, and the purchase of this type of meat is legal in most countries, including Brazil. In fact, there are several countries that are big consumers of horse meat, such as France, Germany or Italy, consuming it in the form ...
Capillary carboxitherapy consists of the application of small injections of carbon dioxide into the scalp to promote growth and also the birth of new hair strands
Congenital heart disease is the defect in the structure of the heart, which still originates in the maternal uterus. Understand the differences between types and how to treat
Carboxitherapy is a great treatment to eliminate localized fat because it has been scientifically proven to be effective in reducing the fat fold. See more details and if the results are definitive or if the person can put on weight again
There are several causes for anencephaly, but the most common is the lack of folic acid before and during the first months of pregnancy, although genetic and environmental factors can also be the cause of this important alteration of the central nervous system. Some less common causes ...
In carboxitherapy against dark circles, tiny needles are placed that improve blood circulation and even out skin tone. Understand how it is done, how it works, how many sessions to do and the necessary care.
Charcoal is a remedy that prevents intestinal absorption, fighting intestinal gases and preventing a hangover. You can take up to 6 pills a day.
Carboxitherapy is an excellent treatment to remove white, red or purple stretch marks because it regenerates the skin and reorganizes the collagen and elastin fibers, making the skin more uniform. See how it works, the results and who can't do it
Toothache and a small black speck on the tooth can indicate a cavity, which needs to be identified and treated quickly by a dentist.
The causes of constant flatulence are related to excess air within the digestive system and include: Chewing with your mouth open or too fast; Talk while chewing or eating large quantities of food at once; Ingestion of foods that cause gases, such as beans, ...
Dehydration is the main cause of acute kidney failure, and in this case, it is more likely to be resolved, however there are other possible causes and the doctor can indicate how the treatment should be done to increase the chances of cure. Main causes of Renal Failure ...
Catabolism is a natural process in the body in which energy is produced and smaller compounds are used in other body processes. Understand how catabolism happens and how to avoid muscle catabolism.
Catalepsy is a disorder that prevents people from moving due to muscle stiffness, however, the senses and vital functions continue to function, and can take from a few minutes to days. See what causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
The lump on the head usually does not indicate anything serious, but it should be observed and, when any change is noticed, one should go to the doctor to avoid any complications. See what are the main causes of lump in the head and what to do.
The lump in the roof of the mouth can have several meanings and usually does not represent anything serious. However, if the lump does not disappear or causes other symptoms, it is important to go to the doctor so that the diagnosis and proper treatment can be made. See what are the main causes of ...
The lump in the armpit can range from simple causes, such as folliculitis, furuncle or sebaceous cyst, but it can also indicate more serious diseases, such as infections or cancer. Know how to identify what can be, which doctor to look for and what to do in each case
Congenital cataract is a malformation of the lens of the eye that develops during pregnancy and, therefore, the baby is born with a whitish film inside the eye. See the best form of treatment
Cataract is a disease characterized by the impairment of the lens of the eye which leads to progressive loss of vision. Understand what cataracts are, main symptoms and how the surgery is done.
Arthrosis is a chronic disease that has several causes including age, weight and local trauma. It can reach any joint in the body, being more common in the knees, spine, hips and fingers
Any lump in the testicle, with or without pain, should be evaluated by a urologist as it can be a sign of problems such as torsion, hernia or even cancer
Dyspareunia is pain during intimate contact that can arise in anyone and be caused by physical or emotional factors, and the treatment can last for weeks, months or years. Understand what dyspareunia is, main causes and how treatment is done
Chickenpox in the baby causes irritation and itching of the skin, which can make feeding difficult when bubbles appear inside the mouth. Learn to identify the symptoms of chickenpox in a baby, how transmission occurs and how treatment is
In Rett Syndrome the child normally develops until 6 months of age, until signs like lack of interest in people, for example.


Cebion is an oral medicine that has Vitamin C as its active ingredient. This medicine is an Ascorbic Acid used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases that require a higher concentration of vitamin C in the body, as in the case of scurvy and flu and ...


Cedilanide is an antiarrhythmic medication that has Deslanósido as its active substance. This medicine for injectable use, increases the strength and speed of the contraction of the heart muscle and is indicated for those suffering from heart failure and arrhythmias. Its effect is perceived ...