


Cetaphil is a product used to clean and hydrate sensitive skin and can be used on the face to treat fragile skin after acne treatments, for example. Cetaphil can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of cream, soap or shampoo and has in its formula ...
Cefaliv is a medicine used to treat headaches and migraine attacks. See how to use, who should not use and the possible side effects that may occur
Ketoconazole is an antifungal used to treat candidiasis and dermatitis and is used by the doctor's indication. This medicine can be used in tablets by adults and children and is sold in pharmacies. Indications Nizoral is indicated for vaginal or oral candidiasis, in cases ...


Ketonax is a medication that has Ketoconazole as its active ingredient. This medication is an oral and topical anti-fungal, used to treat infections caused by fungi such as mycoses, chilblains and white cloth. Symptoms such as itching and irritation will diminish over the course of ...
It is used in allergic conjunctivitis and is applied to likes directly in the eye.
Ceftriaxone is a penicillin-like antibiotic that can be used to treat infections like pneumonia or meningitis.
Homemade slimming tea is a mixture of white tea, green tea and red tea. White tea prevents the accumulation of dietary fat in the body and red and green teas are rich in caffeine and phytates, which help to burn the fat deposited in the body. Ingredients 1 tablespoon ...
Capillary cauterization is an aesthetic treatment that closes the structure of the strands, in order to end the frizz and regain the smoothness and hydration of the strands.
Cêflipe is indicated for the treatment of flu and cold symptoms, relieving fever and muscle pain, which should be taken 3 to 4 times a day.
Mumps can cause an infection in the testicles increasing the risk of male infertility. See how to identify and treat.
Night blindness is a condition that causes difficulty in seeing at night and can be caused by some problems such as glaucoma or xerophthalmia. Better understand why it happens, what the symptoms are and how the treatment can be done
To lose weight, consume 2 capsules of centella asiatica 3 times a day after meals or drink 3 cups of your tea. See more tips.
Eye cellulitis is caused by infections, which causes pain and swelling in the eye, in addition to fever. Know when it can be serious and what causes it.
Recently, researchers at the Federal University of Goiás found that ear wax can be used effectively in the diagnosis of cancer, increasing the chances of curing the disease. Understand how the study was done and how it can help in the early diagnosis of cancer
Keratitis corresponds to the inflammation of the outermost part of the eye, the cornea, being characterized by redness, severe pain and a burning sensation in the eyes. See what other symptoms and how treatment is done
Keratoconus is a degenerative disease that causes corneal deformation and symptoms such as difficulty seeing close by and sensitivity to light. See other symptoms that help identify the problem and how treatment can be done
Actinic keratosis is a benign change in the skin, which causes red-brown, scaly, rough and hard lesions. It is mainly caused by exposure to the sun and in people over 40 years old. If left untreated for becoming cancer, so know what the treatment is like and how ...
Seborrheic keratosis is a benign lesion that can appear on the skin, especially on the chest, back and neck, which has a similar appearance to a wart and a color that varies from brown to black. Learn how to identify seborrheic keratosis and how treatment should be
Cerazette is a birth control pill that can be used while breastfeeding, as it does not contain estrogen. See how to take and what are the most common side effects
Certolizumab pegol is an immunosuppressive substance that reduces the response of the immune system, more specifically a messenger protein that is responsible for inflammation. Thus, it is able to reduce inflammation and other symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or ...
Cervarix is ​​a vaccine that protects against diseases caused by HPV, which is the Human Papillomavirus, as well as helping to prevent the appearance of precancerous lesions in the genital region of women and children over 9 years of age. The vaccine should be applied to the arm muscle for ...


Cetirizine is an antiallergic remedy, indicated for the relief of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis or urticaria.
Raspberry ketone capsules contain ingredients that help to increase metabolism and burn more fat in less time. Learn how to take.
It serves to prevent asthma, bronchitis and rhinitis and to treat conjunctivitis, being sold in tablets, syrup or eye drops.
Centrum is a vitamin supplement indicated to prevent or treat deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. Know the different formulas available.
Keratoconjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye that affects the conjunctiva and the cornea, causing symptoms such as redness of the eyes, sensitivity to light and the feeling of sand in the eye. There are two main types: infectious and dry. See the symptoms and how to treat each one
Erbitux is an antineoplastic for injectable use, which helps to stop the growth of cancer cells. This medicine can only be used as directed by a doctor and is for hospital use only. Usually, this medication is applied to the vein by a nurse once a week to control ...
An excellent home remedy to lower high cholesterol is eggplant tea because eggplant is not only an excellent source of fiber, but also has antioxidant action that helps to lower high cholesterol and excess blood fat. This eggplant tea should only complement the ...


Champix is ​​a remedy that helps facilitate the smoking cessation process, as it binds to nicotine receptors, preventing it from stimulating the central nervous system. The active ingredient in Champix is ​​Varenicline and the drug can be purchased in conventional pharmacies under the ...
Infectious cellulitis is an infection of the deepest layers of the skin that can develop in people with skin cuts or diseases, such as eczema or ringworm. Symptoms include redness of the skin, swelling and a burning sensation. Understand better why it happens and what signs to stay ...
Chronic cervicitis is a constant irritation of the cervix, which mainly affects women of childbearing age. Some symptoms include pain in the uterus, genital itching and pain during intercourse. See other symptoms and how to treat
Ketoconazole is used for the treatment of various types of mycosis and dandruff, and is available in tablets, ointment or shampoo. See how to use each one and what are the most common side effects that can occur during treatment
Stem cells have been used to treat various health problems. Understand what they are, what types exist, when they can be used and what are the advantages of saving this type of cells at birth
Ketoprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug, also marketed under the name Profenid, which works by reducing inflammation, pain and fever. See in what situations it can be used and how to take it correctly
Vick pyrena tea is indicated to fight fever and body pain caused by flu. See how to prepare and care.