
The presence of a yellow spot on the eye is generally not a sign of a serious problem, being in many cases related to benign changes in the eye, such as pinguecula or pterygium. See the main causes and what to do in each case
Purplish or bluish patches on the newborn baby's skin are Mongolian patches that do not indicate any health problems or need treatment. See how to know if it is a Mongolian stain and how to care
The white spot on the eye, also called leukocoria, can be indicative of serious diseases such as retinoblastoma or congenital cataract, for example. Find out what are the main causes of white spot on the eye and when to go to the doctor.
Cleaning mania can be a disease called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which needs treatment indicated by the psychiatrist.
The disease mania, as hypochondria is popularly known, is a psychological disorder where there is an intense and obsessive concern for health. See the symptoms that may arise and how the treatment is done
The stains on the tongue are usually not severe, being just a sign that it is necessary to improve the brushing of the tongue. However, when the spot does not disappear and is associated with other symptoms, it can be indicative of cancer of the tongue, for example. Know the main causes of ...
The appearance of dark spots on the groin is a common situation, especially among women, since they usually do hair removal in the region or have thicker legs, with more friction and resulting in the darkening of the region. The presence of spots in the groin usually ...
The appearance of red, white or dark spots on the penis needs to be evaluated by a urologist, but it is usually not a serious sign.
Persecution mania is a psychological disorder that usually arises due to low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Find out what are the characteristics that help to identify the chase craze and what to do
Feeding is one of the main causes of tooth stains, to ensure white teeth strategies must be adopted to protect tooth enamel.
The Sucuri Butter Massaging Gel serves to relax and relieve tiredness in the legs, thighs, feet, back, shoulders, neck and lower back. Know more.
Manthus is an equipment used to perform aesthetic treatments indicated to eliminate localized fat, cellulite, flaccidity and fluid retention. See how it works and who should not use
A red spot in the eye can be caused by an allergy, irritation or bleeding from the blood vessels. Learn to identify the causes, what to do to treat and when to go to the ophthalmologist.
Bitot spots are small gray-white spots that appear on the inside of the eye and are usually related to a lack of vitamin A in the body. Learn more about Bitot spots and how the treatment is done.
The displacement of the mandible occurs when the condyle moves out of place, causing pain and discomfort. Learn more symptoms, what causes them and what to do
Mania and Hypomania are phases of bipolar disorder, characterized by excessive euphoria, with symptoms such as happiness, energy, agitation, impatience and impulsiveness that are disproportionate to reality. Understand the differences between mania and hypomania and know how to identify
Maracugina is a natural medicine that helps people sleep better. know more
Maresis is a medication that contains 0.9% sodium chloride, used to treat a stuffy nose, as it has a fluidizing and decongestant nasal action. Check when it is indicated and how to use it
Some home remedies that fight bad digestion are boldo tea and orange juice with cabbage. See more examples and know the most used medicines


Maxalt is a medicine that has the active substance Rizatriptan. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of migraines, its action promotes the relaxation of cerebral blood vessels, reducing the characteristic pains of the disease. Maxalt should only be used if the ...
The temporary pacemaker, also known as temporary or external, is a device that is used to control the heart rhythm, when the heart does not work properly. Know in which situations it is indicated and what precautions to take


Maxcef is a medication that has Cefepime as its active ingredient. This medication is an injectable antibacterial. When administering Maxcef, the characteristic symptoms of bacterial infection, such as pain, inflammation, loss of appetite and nausea, are expected to regress. Indications of ...


Maxidex is an anti-inflammatory medication that has Dexamethasone as its active substance. This ophthalmic medicine is used to treat conjunctivitis, keratitis and other inflammations in the eyeball. The action of this medication is to decrease and relieve symptoms such as pain, ...


MaxBurn is a natural remedy for weight loss based on green tea and açaí extract, which increases metabolism, burns localized fat, reduces appetite and restores the body's energy levels, promoting rapid weight loss. MaxBurn is marketed by Hilê Indústria de ...
Mebendazole is an antiparasitic remedy that works by preventing the use of glucose by parasites, eliminating them from the intestine. Mebendazole can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade names Pantelmin, Necamin, Panfugan, Pluriverm or Ductelmin, in the form of ...
Mebeverine hydrochloride is an antispasmodic remedy that acts directly on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract to relieve spasms and relieve abdominal pain, without affecting normal intestinal motility. Mebeverine hydrochloride can be purchased at conventional pharmacies with the ...
To do the exfoliating massage for the body, you just need a good scrub and a few minutes in the bath. You can buy a scrub at the pharmacy, at the market, at beauty supply stores, but it can also be made at home using natural products, free of parabens. It is...
Spending your own breast milk, lanonine ointment and sunbathing your nipples are the best strategies. Find out what else you can do.
The modeling massage is great for thinning the waist and reducing abdomen measurements. It is vigorous and has better results when cosmetic actives like centella asiatica or caffeine are used. Find out more details
Ponstan is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for oral use whose active ingredient is mefenamic acid. Mefenamic acid is also found under the names mefenam or pontin. Indications Menstrual pain; mild and moderate pain; migraine. Side effects Canker sores; changes in blood; ...


Mefloquine is the active substance in an antimalarial drug. This oral medication works by increasing the acidity of the parasites that end up eliminated from the body, reducing the symptoms and discomfort caused by malaria. Indications for Mefloquine Malaria. Mefloquine Price The price ...
Mega cla

Mega cla

Mega CLA is a supplement used by athletes and those who want to lose weight because it helps to decrease body fat and increase muscle mass. This supplement contains exclusively Clarinol, a polyunsaturated fatty acid from the saffron plant, also known as safflower. Beyond...


Megestat is an antineoplastic medication that has Megestrol as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of cancer, since it acts on cancer cells preventing their proliferation. Megestat Indications Breast cancer; cancer in ...
There is a rejuvenating facial massage, which was created by a Japanese beautician, called Yukuko Tanaka, which promises to reduce the signs of age, such as wrinkles, sagging, double chin and dull skin. See how to do it step by step
Prostate massage is a technique in which the doctor, or the specialized therapist, stimulates the man's prostate, which can help prevent disease and improve its functioning. Find out how the massage is done and what the benefits are