
Hydration of dry skin, elimination of split ends or hydration of cuticles are some of the applications that petroleum jelly can have on a daily basis.
Normally, normal delivery does not change the size of the vagina, as the muscles return to normal after delivery. See what causes and how to treat changes in the vagina
Penicillamine is an oral medicine known commercially as Cuprimine. It has anti-rheumatic and anti-urolytic properties, which in addition to helping in the treatment of arthritis, strengthen the immune system and prevent the body from kidney disease. Indications of ...
Penciclovir is an antiviral medicine that stops the viral multiplication of herpes, allowing faster healing and a reduction in the duration of pain. Penciclovir can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the brand name of Penvir, in the form of lip cream.
Pigeon breast is the popular name given to a rare malformation, known scientifically as Pectus carinatum, in which the sternum bone is more protruding, causing a protrusion in the chest. See what causes this change and how it can be corrected
Check out 5 good strategies to drink alcohol in a moderate way, without getting drunk and hungover the next day.
What it is: Pepsin is a digestive enzyme produced in the stomach, which controls the breakdown of proteins in the body, facilitating the digestion process. For this reason, pepsin is used in medicines, being indicated to accelerate the digestion process, reducing the sensation of ...
What it is: The gallbladder stone in pregnancy is a problem that can arise due to hormonal changes in pregnancy that hinder the emptying of the gallbladder, facilitating the accumulation of cholesterol and the formation of stones inside it. Generally, the gallbladder stone in pregnancy is ...
What it is: Constrictive pericarditis is a disease that appears when a fibrous tissue, similar to a scar, develops around the heart, which may decrease its size and function. Calcifications may also occur causing increased pressure in the veins that lead the blood to the ...
Scientists from a laboratory in Campinas carried out a study that analyzed the effects of nanoparticles on a fish species with genetics similar to that of humans and found that they are not toxic and may in the future be used for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, such as cancer ,. ..
During pregnancy, excessive consumption of fish can be harmful to the health of the mother and baby due to the high concentration of mercury found in the fish. Find out which fish you should avoid and which ones are best.
Perimenopause is the phase that marks the end of a woman's reproductive life and precedes menopause. It is the approach of the last menstruation, around 50 years old, which happens due to the decrease in the production of estrogen. Perimenopause Symptoms Perimenopause symptoms lead many women ...
Hume stone is an excellent natural deodorant, but it also has other aesthetic and health applications. Here's how to use it.
Dry skin is dull and tends to tug, especially after using inappropriate soaps or bathing in very hot water. Very dry skin can become peeling and irritated, in which case it is necessary to follow a treatment for dry skin to ensure its integrity ...
Keytruda is a drug indicated for the treatment of skin cancer, which must be administered by a doctor or nurse every 3 weeks
Benzetacil is a medication that contains penicillin, which can be used for sore throat, respiratory infections and syphilis. Know how to use, who should not take it and what side effects
Pen-ve-oral is a medication derived from penicillin in tablet form that contains potassium phenoxymethylpenicillin, which can be used as an alternative to using Penicillin injection, known to cause a lot of pain. However even Benzetacil injections no longer need ...
Trental is a vasodilator drug that contains pentoxifylline in its composition, a substance that facilitates blood circulation in the body, and is therefore used to relieve symptoms of peripheral arterial occlusive diseases, such as intermittent claudication. This remedy can ...
Kwell is a topical and capillary drug that has Permethrin as its active substance. This medication acts on the parasite's nerve cell membrane causing its death. Permethrin can also be found in pharmacies under the names of Nedax, Clean Hair, Pediletan, Piodrex.
The crooked penis happens when the male sexual organ has some kind of curvature when it is erect, not being completely straight. Most of the time this curvature is only slight and does not cause any kind of problem, but it can also indicate the presence of a condition known as ...
Peptulan is a stomach medicine that eliminates the H. pylori bacteria and facilitates the healing of gastric ulcers. Just take 4 tablets a day.
Peptozil is an antacid and antidiarrheal remedy that contains monobasic bismuth salicylate, a substance that acts directly on the intestine, regulating the movement of liquids and eliminating the toxins present. This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies without the need ...
Conductive hearing loss, also known as hearing loss, is due to a problem in the middle ear or outside the ear, which prevents the sound from reaching the inner ear in a clear and noticeable way. Usually, this problem occurs because the ear canal becomes clogged or the bones of the ...


Permut is a medication that has Betamethasone as its active ingredient. This is a topical medication, effective in the treatment of various skin diseases, such as contact dermatitis and exfoliative dermatitis. Permut has local anti-inflammatory effects that reduce itching, ...
Perfectionism is the desire to perform all tasks perfectly, with no room for error. Learn more about what perfectionism is and how to identify a perfectionist.
Recently, doctors at the Municipal Hospital Souza Aguiar, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, began using the skin of tilapia fish to treat wounds caused by burns. See how tilapia skin can be used in burns
Hydrogen peroxide, known as hydrogen peroxide, is an antiseptic and disinfectant, used locally, which slowly releases oxygen into the wound, which ends up killing bacteria and other microorganisms present in the area. Hydrogen Peroxide is produced by laboratories like York ...
Pericarditis is the inflammation of the membrane that covers the heart that causes very intense pain in the chest, similar to a heart attack. Treatment is done with medicine. Know what causes this inflammation and more details of this disease.
Chemical peeling is an aesthetic treatment made with acids in order to promote skin renewal by removing the damaged layer. Find out how chemical peeling is done, what are the benefits and care after the procedure
A good solution is to do a chemical peel to remove spots, wrinkles and skin lesions by a dermatologist to have a smooth and shiny skin.
Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin disease, which causes large reddish blisters to appear on the skin, which do not break easily. Bullous pemphigoid is curable, however, it is not known exactly what causes the appearance of these blisters, but they are related to ...
What it is: Crystal peeling is an aesthetic treatment widely used to combat acne scars, fine wrinkles or blemishes, for example, without the need to use irritating chemicals for the skin. This is because it is performed with a device that contains aluminum hydroxide crystals in the ...
What it is: Chronic pericarditis is an inflammation of the double membrane that surrounds the heart called the pericardium. It is caused by the accumulation of liquids or an increase in the thickness of tissues, which can alter the functioning of the heart. Pericarditis progresses slowly and gradually, and may persist ...
Diamond peeling is deeper and cleanses the skin more, removing dirt and stimulating the production of collagen, which supports the skin.
Pericoronitis occurs when there is inflammation in a tooth in which it is partially covered by the gum, usually the wisdom tooth, with pain, swelling and bad breath, for example. Understand what pericoronitis is, symptoms and how treatment is done.
Some people who experience dry skin may also have acne, but usually these cases are dehydrated skin, which is very common in oily skin. Know which moisturizer to use in this situation and which products can help improve skin quality
The swollen penis is usually normal, but when accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain and burning when urinating and itching, for example, it may be indicative of infection, it is important to consult a urologist. Know the main causes of penis swelling and what to do.