Various infections, infectious diseases can be transmitted by contact with contaminated soil, intestinal worms, tetanus or fungal diseases. Know what they are and how to identify the main ones
Pain when evacuating is usually related to changes in the anal area, such as hemorrhoids or fissures, but it can also happen due to variations in the stool, especially when they are very hard and dry. See the main causes, their
Dogs can transmit various diseases to people, as they are in direct and frequent contact with bacteria, viruses and parasites that can be found on the ground and in the environment. It is important that the dogs are taken to the vet periodically and are dewormed ...
See the names of anti-inflammatory remedies, antibiotics, in addition to home remedies to combat sore throat, to relieve this discomfort.
What it is: Gestational trophoblastic disease, also known as hydatidiform mole, is a rare complication, characterized by an abnormal growth of trophoblasts, which are cells that develop in the placenta and can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding ,. ..
Ear pain can be avoided by chewing gum, yawning, putting a hot water pad on the ear, or doing the Valsalva maneuver. Know more.
A child's headache usually increases when he makes some physical effort or spends a lot of time on the computer or watching television. It is important to see a pediatrician if the pain is constant and other symptoms appear. Learn more about headache in children and how to treat
Shoulder, back pain, tendonitis and sinusitis are diseases that can be related to work. Know the most common diseases and know how to treat.
There are several diseases caused by fungi, from the most common, such as candidiasis, ringworm or beach ringworm, to the rarest and most serious ones, such as histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis or paraccoccidioidomycosis. Know how to identify the signs and symptoms and what to do to treat
Headache is a very common symptom, appearing at various times in life for several reasons. One of the most common types of pain is headache in the forehead region, which can extend to the temple area. See 5 possible causes and what to do in each situation
Find out which remedies are indicated for the treatment of pain in the lumbar region of the spine
Numbness in the fingers is a symptom that can occur in some people who suffer from diseases, such as fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy or carpal tunnel syndrome, for example. know more
Due to the compromised immune system, people diagnosed with AIDS are more likely to develop other diseases, such as tuberculosis, ringworm or kidney failure, for example. See what are the main diseases that may be related to AIDS.
Urinary tract infection, meningitis, salmonellosis and leptospirosis are diseases caused by bacteria, which are small microorganisms present in the body and in the environment. Know the main diseases caused by bacteria, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Pain in the right side of the belly in most cases is not severe, and in many cases it is just a sign of excess gas in the intestine. But it can also be more worrying, especially when it is very intense or lasts for a long time. Know the main causes of this type of pain ...
In myofascial pain the therapist presses a region a point and the person feels the pain that radiates to another location nearby. Learn how to cure this syndrome.
Pain in the mouth of the stomach can have several causes, such as gastritis, reflux or poor digestion, but it can also indicate serious illnesses such as heart attack or pancreatitis. Know how to identify the signs and symptoms in each case and what to do to treat
TMJ pain is caused by temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), and is accompanied by symptoms such as headache and cracking in the jaw. Know more.
Cervical spine pain, also known scientifically as neck pain, is a relatively common and recurrent problem that can arise at any age. See what are the most common causes and what to do in each situation to end the discomfort, and what remedies can be indicated
Rib pain is uncommon and usually occurs due to a blow to the chest. However, it can also indicate more serious lung problems, for example. See the main causes and what to do in each case.
To treat back pain caused by muscle pain or spinal problems such as a 'parrot's beak' or herniated disc it may be necessary to use a hot-water bottle, take medication, undergo physical therapy and, ultimately, resort to surgery. Learn more options that can help
Face pain can have several causes, from dental problems, headaches, eye or ear diseases and even the dreaded trigeminal neuralgia. Understand how these diseases cause pain in the face, who to look for and what to do to treat.
Muscle pain is a common symptom that can have several causes, but it can usually be treated with rest, stretching and massage. However, when it is frequent or very intense, it may be necessary to use medicines such as Miosan, for example, under medical advice. The best...
Find out exactly what you can do to fight pain in the soles of your feet and feel good quickly and efficiently.