During Christmas and New Year's Eve there is always a lot of food on the table and probably a few extra pounds soon after. To avoid this situation, check out our 10 tips for eating and not getting fat at Christmas: 1. Put the sweets on one plate Put all the Christmas sweets and desserts, ...
Excessive consumption of foods such as garlic, meat and broccoli can favor the strong and bad smell in the body, as they are rich in substances that end up being eliminated in the skin along with sweat. On the other hand, foods like kale, spinach and fruits help to improve metabolism,
Disc degeneration is when the disc present between each vertebra in the spine is degenerating, that is, losing its original shape, which increases the risk of having a herniated disc.
A vegetarian or vegan pregnant woman can have a normal and healthy pregnancy, through a balanced and varied diet. Find out which are the most important nutrients that should be supplemented and how to have a healthy diet
Most of the time, food allergy is confused with food intolerance, as both cause similar signs and symptoms, however, they are different disorders and need different treatment. See the symptoms and foods that cause each disorder
During a pancreatitis crisis, when the patient feels a lot of pain and cannot digest any type of food well, the recommendation is that the diet be zero until the crisis improves. After the major crisis, easy-to-digest foods should be consumed in small quantities, such as
Difficulty swallowing, scientifically called dysphagia or impaired swallowing, can be caused by both nervous changes and situations related to the esophagus or throat. It is important that the cause is identified so that proper treatment can be started and, ...
To combat constipation and loosen the intestine it is advisable to eat more fiber and drink more water. Check out a menu and recipes with laxative effect
Diphtheria is an infectious disease, caused by bacteria, which is characterized by inflammation and damage to the airways, especially in the throat. See what the symptoms are, how the diagnosis is made and how to prevent its onset
In the rheumatism diet it is important to decrease meat consumption in general because they can lead to the accumulation of uric acid in the blood and this could increase joint pain. For that reason we have listed some useful guidelines below: What to eat in case of rheumatism In case of ...
Eating a carbohydrate-free diet can lead to problems such as constipation, mood swings and increased anxiety. To avoid these problems, good carbohydrates should be included in the diet, such as those from fruits and vegetables, and
The weekend diet is a low calorie diet that can only be done for 2 days. In two days you can't compensate for mistakes made in a week, but on the weekend, there is usually more peace of mind and, therefore, it is easier to control hunger attacks that can be ...
After curettage some care is needed, see what they are and also the warning signs
Vegetables are leafy vegetables like lettuce, while vegetables are beans, rice and peppers. See how to differentiate and healthy soup tips.
The calcium-rich diet is important to ensure strong and healthy bones preventing diseases, such as osteoporosis and osteopenia, especially in women with a family history of the disease. Calcium also helps to improve the ability of muscles to contract and is useful for improving the ...
Dyscalculia is the difficulty in learning mathematics, which prevents the child from understanding simple calculations, such as adding or subtracting. Understand why it happens, what symptoms help to identify and how treatment can be done
In the diet for iodine iodine it is not allowed to eat foods like iodized salt, canned meat, sausages, sausages and sausages, breads and some vegetables. This diet is necessary before iodine treatment, and must be followed for 15 days before treatment with radioactive iodine. Look...
When the child exchanges R for L in words like dear or cheap, just like Cebolinha from Turma da Mônica, it can be the disorder Dislalia. See more.
Dysgeusia is a medical term used to describe any decrease or change in taste. See what the main types exist, what they mean and what can cause this type of problem
Dyslexia is characterized by difficulty in writing, speaking and spelling. See how the dyslexic writes and tips for better reading.
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is shortness of breath that occurs during sleep, causing a suffocation sensation. Also understand the other types of dyspnea (orthopnea, platypnea or trepopnea). Find out what causes and how to treat these symptoms.
In the diet to lose belly you should reduce the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, bread and crackers. In addition, it is also necessary to consume more proteins and good fats, such as meat, fish and nuts, as these foods speed up the metabolism and increase the ...
Find out what are the differences between euthanasia, dysthanasia and orthothanasia, which represent different ways of reaching the end of life.
Complex regional pain syndrome affects hands and arms, legs and feet causing pain and swelling. Treatment requires medication and physical therapy.
Symptoms of muscle strain include pain, swelling and difficulty in moving the affected region, and treatment includes the use of medication and physical therapy.
Common eating disorders in childhood and adolescence are mainly anorexia, bulimia and Selective Eating Disorder. See more.
The Perricone diet, or youth diet, is based on increasing the consumption of protein and antioxidant foods, and reducing the consumption of carbohydrates.
The pasty diet has a soft consistency to facilitate the digestion process. See permitted and prohibited foods, and a 3-day menu.
Illness can cause signs of local inflammation and inflamed tongues, in addition to high fever. Treatment includes antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
Gender dysphoria occurs when a person identifies with the opposite sex. Know the symptoms and what the treatment consists of.
What it is: DMAA is a substance present in the composition of some dietary supplements, being widely used as a pre-workout by people who practice physical activities, since this substance is capable of promoting fat loss and ensuring greater energy to perform the exercise.