
Lymphocytosis is a situation that occurs when the number of lymphocytes, also called white blood cells, is above normal in the blood. Find out what can cause this change and what to do
If Hodgkin's lymphoma is detected early, the disease is curable, especially in stages 1 and 2 or when there are no risk factors, such as being over 45 or having lymphocytes below 600, and treatment includes chemotherapy, radiation and in some cases...
The sunflower liposome consists of the application of some injections of enzymes in the affected regions. At each session the individual may notice a loss of a few centimeters in the circumference of the waist, arms or thighs. The sessions last an average of 40 minutes and must be followed by a drain ...


Linolen is a slimming medicine that has safflower oil as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for cases of obesity or for individuals who wish to lose only a few pounds in a healthy way. Linolen's action is to block the absorption of fat ...
Burkitt's lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects lymphocytes and causes water, fever, weight loss and other symptoms. This cancer can be associated with virus infections or some genetic alteration, being more common in children. See more about other symptoms, causes, like ...
What it is: Lipostabil is a medication that has phosphatidylcholine in its composition, also known as sodium deoxycholate, indicated for the treatment and prevention of fat embolism. However, this medicine has been imported from Europe and used by beauty clinics, where it is injected ...
Lyothyronine T3 is an oral thyroid hormone indicated for hypothyroidism and male infertility. Indications of Lyothyronine Simple goiter (non-toxic); cretinism; hypothyroidism; male infertility (due to hypothyroidism); myxedema. Liotironina Price The price of ...


Ezetimibe and atorvastatin are the main active ingredients of the drug Liptruzet, from the MerckSharp & Dohme laboratory. It is used to lower levels of total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL) and fatty substances called triglycerides in the blood. In addition, Liptruzet ...
Venereal lymphogranuloma is a sexually transmitted disease characterized by the presence of painless and fluid wounds in the genital region. See what are the symptoms and how to treat venereal lymphogranuloma
Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects white blood cells, it has different types, its causes are not fully known and affects children, young people and the elderly. Treatment involves chemotherapy, radiation therapy and bone marrow transplantation, which can cure the disease.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of lymphatic cancer that affects the body's defense cells and although it can be severe, it has a good chance of a cure.
Lysine is a capsule medicine that helps prevent the onset of herpes virus lesions. Lysine is an essential amino acid, which the human body cannot produce, but which can be consumed through some foods such as meat, milk, soy or fish, for example. This one...
Lithium is an oral medicine, used to stabilize mood in patients with bipolar disorder, and is also used as an antidepressant. Lithium can be sold under the trade name Carbolitium, Carbolitium CR or Carbolim and can be purchased in the form of 300 mg tablets or in ...
Livalo is indicated to reduce high cholesterol levels in the body and should be taken once a day and the recommended dose ranges from 1 to 4 mg.
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma generally has a good chance of a cure, especially when it is of the aggressive type and is discovered at an early stage in young patients.


Lisinopril is the active substance in an antihypertensive medication known commercially as Zestril. This medicine for oral use is indicated for patients with high blood pressure and heart failure, since it acts as a vasodilator reducing the resistance in blood vessels and ...
Lipomax is a herbal supplement indicated to cleanse the liver, helping to improve its function. It should be taken twice a day.
The stuck tongue can be identified by viewing the short bridle, the baby's difficulty in sucking the nipple and moving the tongue out and to the sides. See more how to know if your baby has a stuck tongue and what treatment
Laser liposuction is similar to traditional liposuction, but allows for a more beautiful and sculpted silhouette. See the results and how it works.


Lomir is an antihypertensive and calcium blocking medication that has Isradipine as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure, its action decreases the concentration of calcium inside the cells causing the blood vessels to ...
Loperamide is an antidiarrheal medication that helps to decrease intestinal transit, reducing the occurrence of acute or chronic diarrhea. Loperamide can be purchased at the pharmacy under the trade name Imosec, in the form of tablets for oral ingestion. Price of Imosec The price of ...
The plastered liposculpture allows you to sculpt the body by applying a band in the desired body region, with a cream that helps to lose fat
Liposarcoma is a rare tumor that can spread to various parts of the body and cause symptoms such as lumps under the skin, swelling or weakness, for example. Better understand what this type of cancer is, what signs and symptoms it causes and how the treatment is done
Fissured tongue is a hereditary condition that requires good hygiene to eliminate burning, bad breath and reduce the risk of oral candidiasis. Understand what the fissured language is and how to identify


Lovastatin is a cholesterol-lowering drug known commercially as Lipoclin. This medication for oral use in addition to reducing LDL, also called bad cholesterol and to a lesser extent triglycerides, also increases HDL or good cholesterol a little. Indications for Lovastatin ...


Loniten is an antihypertensive medication that has Minoxidil as its active substance. This medicine for oral use has a direct vasodilatory effect on arterioles and little on veins, this action decreases the resistance in the vessels, keeps the pressure stable and improves circulation ...
The tongue can be a good indicator of the person's health status. Generally, a healthy tongue has a pink, smooth, consistent and homogeneous appearance, however, in some cases, it can change. know more


Lucretin, is a product for intimate hygiene of women that can be presented in powder or as liquid soap. Your presentation can be adult or child. Lucretin contains aluminum and ammonium sulfate, salicylic acid and boric acid. Indications Intimate hygiene; ...
The lipid profile exam includes the measurement of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides, for example. This test should be done to investigate the risk of having a heart disease, such as a heart attack or stroke, so if the values ​​are out of the ordinary it is important to have the treatment. Know ...
Lichen sclerosus is a skin disease characterized by the involvement of the genital region of men and women in which the presence of changes in the thickness of the skin and the appearance of spots in the genital region can be verified. Understand what is lichen sclerosus, symptoms and how it should be ...


Lupron package insert Lupron is an antineoplastic medicine widely used in the treatment of prostate cancer and endometriosis, as its active ingredient is Leuprolide, which prevents the production of hormones in the ovary and testis. Lupron is a medicine for injectable use manufactured by ...
Facial lifting is an aesthetic procedure performed with the objective of reducing the signs of aging, being more performed by women over 45 years old. Know when to do it, how to prepare and how to recover quickly from face lifting
Seminal fluid is a whitish fluid released during sexual intercourse and, therefore, can cause several doubts as to whether it is possible to get pregnant, whether diseases are transmitted and what it is for. See the answers to all these questions
Lyxumia is an injectable solution used to treat type 2 diabetes, in combination with oral antidiabetic remedies, helping to control glycemic indexes. Lyxumia's active ingredient is lixisenatide, being produced by the Sanofi laboratory. Indications of Lyxumia ...
Non-invasive liposuction is an aesthetic treatment that melts localized fat, with excellent results. Find out how it is done, how many sessions to do and how to achieve better results
Lipocavitation, or lipo without surgery, is indicated to eliminate localized fat and cellulite that may not work. See how to ensure your success


Lipodrene is a dietary supplement composed of caffeine and sesame oil that helps to increase fat burning, maintaining a healthy diet rich in omega 3, 6 and 9. Furthermore, due to its caffeine content, it can also be used to increase the energy level, ...