
A great home remedy for shortness of breath caused by respiratory complications is watercress syrup, due to its anti-inflammatory, expectorant and decongestant properties. See the causes and what is good to fight shortness of breath
Check out the recipe for 4 home remedies that you can easily prepare at home to relieve pain and discomfort caused by heel spurs.
Ginseng and rosemary are medicinal plants whose properties help brain function and that is why we recommend these as ingredients of this delicious home remedy that combats memory loss. Memory tends to become worn out over time and it is common to become more inattentive at the end ...
Relieve symptoms of stomatitis and cure thrush faster using these home remedies made with sage, chamomile and calendula.
Jurubeba, thistle and artichoke are indicated to improve the functioning of the liver, being useful to complement the treatment of yellow fever. See more options and how to prepare
An excellent home remedy to combat stress and mental and physical exhaustion is to invest in the consumption of foods rich in B vitamins, such as red meat, milk and wheat germ, and also take orange juice with passion fruit daily because these foods improve the ...
Home remedies are great for complementing cellulite treatments. See which teas, juices and massages help eliminate cellulite.
A good home remedy for eczema, an inflammation of the skin that causes itching, swelling and redness due to an allergic reaction, is to apply a mixture of oats and water to the affected area and then complement the treatment with a compress of essential oil of chamomile and lavender. This one...
To treat pertussis, also known as long cough or whooping cough, you can use herbal teas such as jatoba, rosemary and thyme. See the full recipe and how to use it
An excellent home remedy for hypochondria is lavender and lemon balm tea, however, the infusion of chamomile and melissa is also a good option to calm the obsessive concern for your own health. Lavender and lemon balm tea for hypochondria Lavender and lemon tea ...
To treat tingling naturally, physical activity and increased consumption of foods and teas that improve circulation should be practiced. See more tips
Human scabies is an infection of the skin by mites that cause severe itching, even during treatment. See how to prepare home remedies.
Learn the benefits and how to prepare three excellent natural recipes to take and use on your skin to dry your pimples and keep your skin clean.
Royal jelly is a great home remedy to help prevent acute myocardial infarction. That's because it improves the elasticity of blood vessels. Ingredients 1 liter of bee honey 20g of royal jelly Method of preparation Dilute 20g of pure royal jelly in 1 liter of bee honey and take ...
Echinacea, lung and ginseng teas are good examples of home remedies that can complement the treatment of chikungunya. Here's how to prepare.
Erysipelas arises when a Streptococcus-type bacteria can penetrate the skin through a wound, causing an infection that leads to symptoms such as red spots, swelling, severe pain and even blisters. Although I need to be treated with antibiotics prescribed by ...
What you can do to whet the appetite of children or adults is to drink orange juice, herbal tea or watermelon juice. See how to prepare recipes and when to consume.
To combat diverticulitis, wheat bran, green juice and teas should be included in the diet. Here's how to do it and stay away from the pain.
There are home remedies with melon, potato, ginger or lettuce, which can help to improve the symptoms of esophagitis, which can be used alone or in addition to a treatment prescribed by the doctor. Esophagitis is characterized by an inflammation of the esophagus, leading to the appearance of ...
A great home remedy for muscle weakness is carrot juice, celery and asparagus. However, spinach juice, or broccoli and apple juice are also good options. 1. Carrot juice, celery and asparagus Carrot juice, celery and asparagus is rich in minerals such as potassium, iron and ...
An excellent home remedy for dry intestine or stuck intestine is artichoke, dandelion and senna tea, as these medicinal plants have laxative properties. Ingredients 1 artichoke with leaves and stem 1 handful of dandelion 1 handful of senna leaves Method of preparation ...
Check out the best teas to fight belly pain and put an end to gas and diarrhea.
In addition to placing a wet towel in cold water on the forehead, armpits and neck, the teas of macela, basil help to lower the fever. See more recipes.
To treat hemorrhoids in pregnancy you can do a sitz bath with onion because it reduces inflammation and swelling.
A great home remedy for bruises and wounds is to apply a marigold compress on the injured area because it has healing properties that help with skin regeneration. Ingredients 3 g of marigold flowers 1 cup of boiling water Method of preparation Add to ...
An excellent home remedy for hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating, is to regularly take the sage infusion, since the plant has anti-sweating properties, which prevents and regulates the excessive production of sweat, being useful in cases of stress, anxiety and during menopause. At...
A good home remedy for HPV is to consume daily foods rich in vitamin C such as orange juice or echinacea tea as they strengthen the immune system making it easier to fight the virus. However, none of these treatments replace the use of prescription drugs with ...
Here's how to prepare an amazing home remedy to lighten your armpits naturally.
Learn how to prepare the best plant teas and tinctures to use as a natural mouthwash.