Some great natural options for eliminating the pain and discomfort caused by an abscess are aloe sap, the poultice of medicinal herbs and drinking marigold tea, because these ingredients have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing action. See how to prepare and use.
Eating an apple or sipping cold water are good ways to stop heartburn right away. See what else you can do.
Home remedies for respiratory allergy are those that are able to protect and regenerate the lung mucosa, in addition to reducing symptoms and decongesting the airways, increasing the feeling of well-being. An excellent home remedy for respiratory allergy is the juice of ...
An excellent home remedy for lowering pressure is lemon juice and garlic, but burdock tea is also a good option. Lemon and garlic juice to lower the pressure Lemon and garlic juice to lower the pressure is rich in potassium which helps to balance sodium levels in ...
The berne appears when a fly larva enters the skin, causing much discomfort. Learn natural ways to get rid of this problem.
A great home remedy for whitening your knees is a natural milk-based cream, as milk is a natural skin lightener. Ingredients 2 teaspoons of hypoglycans 2 teaspoons of oats 2 spoons (of dessert) of powdered milk 1 spoon of coarse salt 100 ml of water Method of ...
Home remedies, like onion syrup and nettle tea, can be useful to complement the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, helping to control your symptoms, improving breathing capacity. Asthmatic bronchitis is actually caused by an allergy, so another name for ...
Learn how to prepare an excellent home remedy for osteoarthritis with the avocado core and another recipe for a powerful herbal tea.
See how to prepare 3 incredible recipes, full of nutrients that balance the body and keep cramps away.
Giving your baby a few teaspoons of lavender or chamomile tea with fennel can be a natural way to relieve your cramps. These teas are especially suitable for babies who are bottle-fed, but in the case of babies who are still breastfeeding, the best strategy is for the hand to take ...
An excellent home remedy for renal colic and kidney stone is the boldo-do-chile tea with garlic. Ingredients 5 fresh leaves of boldo-do-chile 1 clove of garlic 1 1/2 cup of water Preparation Place all ingredients in a pan and bring to a boil, turn off the heat and cover ...
An excellent home remedy for constipation is to drink the beet juice with apple and orange, as it contains many fibers that help to regulate intestinal transit, effectively fighting constipation. To improve constipation, better known as constipation, it is also ...
The best home remedy to control bleeding is to directly compress the wound, using gauze or a clean cloth and apply a crushed ice pack over it, as this will decrease blood flow by decreasing the caliber of blood vessels in the region. However, if ...
A good home remedy for runny nose, which is the runny nose due to inflammation of the nasal passages, is to take the cashew juice because it is rich in vitamin C, helping to strengthen the body's natural defenses. Ingredients 1 whole cashew, without the chestnut 500 ml of water Method of preparation ...
Washing the feet with vinegar and marigold and then applying the propolis extract is an excellent way to remove the bug from the house in a homemade way.
Gargling with pomegranate or plantain is a good home remedy to remove caseum from the throat. See how to prepare and another natural option
A good home remedy for high cortisol is the consumption of yams because it helps to regulate blood cortisol levels. In addition, yams have a phytosteroid that can lessen the unpleasant effects of excess cortisol in the blood. Just increase the consumption of yams during the ...
The home remedies indicated for ascites serve as a complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and consist of preparations with food and diuretic plants. Know which ones and how to prepare
Some great options for home remedies for atherosclerosis, which is the accumulation of fat inside the arteries, are eggplant and herbal teas like mackerel because these foods have properties that help eliminate these fatty plaques. But in addition to these remedies ...
Check out 3 recipes to lower your glucose and take the test online to find out what your risk of developing diabetes is.
The belly of water can be caused by worms that settle in the intestine and cause swelling of the belly. Check out 3 simple home remedies to end this discomfort
The best home remedy for dehydration is homemade serum, as it replenishes the water and minerals that the body needs to properly perform its functions. Ingredients 1 liter of water; 1 shallow (coffee) spoon of salt; 2 shallow tablespoons of sugar. Method of preparation...
An excellent home remedy for discouragement and tiredness is to drink apple juice with beets. The apple contains properties that promote well-being and beets are rich in iron, which increases hemoglobin in the bloodstream, helping to fight anemia, which can be the source of discouragement.
A good home remedy for dysentery is to take home-made serum because it replenishes fluids and minerals lost in diarrhea. Homemade whey recipe Ingredients 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 coffee spoon of salt 1 liter of water Method of preparation Mix all the ingredients and take ...
A great home remedy for dyshidrosis, which are the little balls that appear on the palms and feet, causing itching, is the jasmine compress because it has emollient, healing, calming and relaxing properties. The treatment for dyshidrosis must be indicated by the dermatologist and can be ...
An excellent home remedy for ovarian cyst is quixaba tea, as this medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory and healing properties that help to deflame the cyst in the ovary, which is a bag filled with liquid that forms inside or around the ovary , relieving ...
A good home remedy for respiratory diseases, such as the flu, cold and cough with phlegm, is thyme tea because it has expectorant properties that help to eliminate phlegm, making breathing easier. Ingredients 1 tablespoon of thyme 1 cup boiling water honey to ...
The sitz bath prepared with medicinal plants is a good home remedy to combat itching in the genital region. See which are the most suitable plants and how to prepare.
Ginger or mauve tea are excellent options to relieve the symptoms of acute bronchitis, but they can also be used in the most chronic cases, to complete the doctor's treatment and accelerate recovery. See how to prepare each of these remedies and how to take
The rash is characterized by the appearance of small red bubbles on the skin. See how to treat this disease with home remedies.
Check out some natural and homemade recipes to relieve the discomfort of burping at home and improve digestion. Some options are boldo or chamomile tea, but papaya seeds can also be used