Home remedies to inhibit appetite have as main objective to naturally reduce the desire to eat, promoting the feeling of satiety, which can result in weight loss, for example. Learn more about appetite suppressants. Some homemade options that are capable ...
Lingua, also known as adenitis, are painful lumps that form as a result of an infection close to the lymph nodes. This inflammatory response can manifest in the region of the armpits, neck and groin, for example. A great home remedy to treat ...
One of the best home remedies to relieve the burning sensation in your eyes is washing with saline. See how to do this washing correctly and also check out other homemade options to relieve burning faster
A quick way to remove dark circles is to apply a cold compress to the face, but there are other natural solutions, such as chamomile tea bags. Check out more options
Some great home remedies for gout are diuretic teas such as mackerel, in addition to fruit juices enriched with vegetables. See how to prepare the best recipes.
Drinking kale juice with oranges, raspberry tea or herbal tea is a natural way to regulate menstruation, avoiding large blood losses. However, heavy menstruation, which lasts for more than 7 days, should be investigated by the gynecologist because it can be a sign of ...
These remedies with pumpkin, onion, yam or lemon are excellent options for eliminating the boil at home. However, they should not replace the doctor's instructions. Check the recipe of each one
Good options of home remedies to relieve the symptoms of polycystic ovary and even help those who want to get pregnant is the natural treatment with yellow uxi tea, cat's claw or fenugreek, because these medicinal plants together help to fight the polycystic ovary, fibroids, endometriosis, ...
See how to prepare home remedies with orange, propolis, honey, ginger, peppermint, among others, to combat sore throat and irritation in this region
Scalp irritation can cause scaling and severe itching. See 3 natural remedies to prepare at home and end this hassle.
A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to fight and prevent cancer. See 3 homemade recipes that help prevent cancer from setting in
To combat physical and mental tiredness, you can take a banana vitamin with guarana powder, which is energizing and increases the mood quickly. Check out the recipes below
See how to prepare home remedies that help lighten the spots that may appear during pregnancy
A good home remedy to strengthen bones is to drink horsetail tea daily and take the flaxseed strawberry vitamin. These home remedies can be taken daily and are especially suitable for elderly people with osteoporosis and as a method of preventing the disease. However...
An excellent home remedy for ingrown hairs is to exfoliate the area with circular movements. This exfoliation will remove the most superficial layer of the skin, helping to unclog the hair. However, in addition to exfoliating, it is also important to avoid wearing clothes ...
An excellent home remedy to regulate the intestine is papaya juice with plum because it is rich in fibers that increase the fecal cake and stimulate bowel movements. Ingredients 5 plums 1 papaya 1 orange 2 tablespoons of flaxseed 100 ml of water Method of preparation Put ...
In case of a bee sting, remove the sting of the bee with tweezers or a needle, being very careful that the poison does not spread, and wash the area with soap and water. In addition, a good home remedy consists of applying the aloe gel directly on the site of the bite, allowing it to act ...
An excellent home remedy for rubber bite is to put a mixture of sweet almond oil with clove and chamomile on the skin, as they act to alleviate the symptoms that can happen due to the bite, in addition to being able to prevent mosquito bite . Another homemade option to avoid ...
Propolis extract, garlic or black tea are homemade and natural remedies that help to treat cold sores or genital herpes. See others.
A good home remedy for hyperthyroidism is to drink lemon balm, agripalma or green tea daily because these medicinal plants have properties that help to control thyroid function. However, they do not exclude the treatment indicated by the doctor. O...
To help relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism, fucus can be used, which is a type of kelp that helps regulate the functioning of the thyroid. Some medicinal plants can be prepared in the form of tea such as dandelion, gentian, sorrel, centella asiatica and ginseng. Know ...
An excellent home remedy for infantile roseola is ash tea, as this medicinal plant has antipyretic properties that help to lower the fever characteristic of this disease. Infantile roseola is a disease caused by a virus of the herpes family, very common in ...
The purple spots that appear on the skin can be removed in a homemade way like making a cold compress, with ice and even through arnica ointment. See other options on how to remove bruises from the skin
A great home remedy for scabies is rue tea due to its insecticidal, soothing and inflammatory properties. Ingredients 10 g of dried rue leaves 500 ml of water Preparation Place the water in a pan and bring to a boil. Then add the rue leaves, leave ...
Garlic and acacia are indicated to remove 'fisheye', which is a type of plantar wart, because they have the medicinal properties necessary to remove this wart and regenerate the skin, thus relieving pain and discomfort. Fish eye is a type of wart on the foot ...
Some great options for home remedies for ringworm are sage and cassava leaves because they have properties that help fight ringworm and heal the skin. See more options and how to use them.