
Some great options for home remedies for tonsillitis are gargling warm salted water, fenugreek tea or ingesting peppermint essential oil. See other recipes, how to prepare each and how to use correctly
A good home remedy for a feeling of fullness, such as poor digestion and gases, is to drink tea of ​​thistle-saint because this medicinal plant has properties that help digestion and fight gases. Ingredients 15 g of thistle 500 ml of water Method of preparation Place the ingredients ...
A great home remedy for edema is to take homemade carrot syrup with honey daily as it has diuretic properties. See the recipe: Ingredients 1/2 cup of water 3 carrots 1/2 cup of honey Method of preparation Just beat the carrot in the blender with the water until it is ...
An excellent home remedy for sprains is the immersion bath using warm water and essential oils of rosemary and lavender, because they have soothing, relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties, being very effective in the treatment of sprains and other joint problems, such as .. .
A great home remedy to get fat fast is to take a vitamin from nuts, soy milk and flaxseed. In addition to being a good source of protein, it also has unsaturated fats that increase the calories of this vitamin, helping to gain muscle mass in a healthy way. It is...
The blisters on the feet appear due to the friction between the skin and the shoe or the sock, or when walking barefoot. See 4 completely natural options to make at home and treat blisters faster
A great home remedy for scarlet fever is black tea, since this medicinal plant, also known as milleft, has analgesic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of scarlet fever. However, this tea should not be the only way to ...
Lettuce stalk tea is an excellent home remedy to treat muscle spasms because it calms the nervous system, just like St. John's wort or St. John's wort tea. The tea of ​​choice should be taken throughout the day in the minimum amount of 750 ml, which is four cups ...
Vaginal discharge can be treated naturally with the use of guava leaf tea and through proper nutrition, as this helps the vaginal flora to return to normal. However, if the discharge persists even after 3 days of home treatment, it is advisable to go ...
Strawberry juice with chestnuts, water and vinegar and beet juice are examples of foods that fight cramps and protect muscles. See more.
Hiccups can be quite uncomfortable in some situations, but there are homemade ways to control them. See 5 homemade ways to cure hiccups.
Teas such as chamomile, peppermint and St. John's wort are examples of home remedies that help relieve the symptoms of dengue. See more.
An excellent home remedy for liver cirrhosis is the elderberry infusion, as well as yellow uxi tea, but artichoke tea is also a great natural option. See how to prepare the best natural recipes against cirrhosis in the liver.
Some examples of home remedies for phlegm cough are syrup prepared with onion and garlic or mallow tea with guaco. See more and learn how to prepare these natural expectorants
Medicinal plants such as mastic, celandine, horsetail and licorice can be used in compress form directly on the genital region in case of STDs such as gonorrhea, HPV, herpes, trichomoniasis and chlamydia. Know which plant to use in case of infection and how to use it. Is important...
The feeling of a bloated stomach can be resolved through the consumption of some teas, such as holy thorn and fennel tea, mugwort tea and apple tea, for example, as they stimulate digestion and relieve symptoms. Learn how to prepare home remedies for stomach ...
There are medicinal plants, such as chamomile, hops, fennel or peppermint, which have antispasmodic and calming properties that are very effective in reducing intestinal colic. Learn how to prepare home remedies to relieve colic and intestinal gas
A great home remedy for pharyngitis is pineapple juice with propolis and honey because it has vitamin C and other properties that strengthen the immune system, facilitating the cure of the disease. Ingredients 1 thick pineapple slice 1 cup of water 10 drops of propolis 1 spoon of honey Mode ...
Two great options for home remedies for pain in the legs can be made with angico, castor and fenugreek oil, which are useful in case of poor circulation or feeling weak and tired in the legs. Leg pain is a common symptom at any age and can often be ...
Some great options for home remedies for wounds are applying aloe vera gel or applying marigold compresses to the wound because they help with skin regeneration. Home remedy for wounds with aloe vera An excellent home remedy for wounds is to apply a little bit of the gel ...
Some good home remedies for chicken pox are chamomile and parsley tea, as well as bathing with arnica tea or natural arnica ointment, as they help fight itchiness and facilitate skin healing. See how to prepare and how to use correctly
An excellent home remedy for diarrhea in pregnancy is cornstarch porridge, however, red guava juice is also a good option. These home remedies contain substances that regulate intestinal transit and decrease the amount of water eliminated in the stool, helping to treat ...
The yellowish vaginal discharge is usually a sign of a fungal or bacterial infection. So, although consulting a gynecologist is very important to start treatment, there are some home remedies that can help relieve symptoms faster, complementing the ...
The greenish discharge is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection called trichomoniasis. Here's how to relieve discomfort at home.
The brown discharge, although it may seem worrying, is usually not a sign of a serious problem. However, there are some natural treatments that can help relieve the discomfort caused by discharge, but that should not replace medical treatment. Check out the recipes and how ...
Cold water, ice, propolis or aloe vera ointment are some homemade solutions to stop itchy skin. See the most recommended options
A great home remedy to end headache in pregnancy is to put a cold water compress on your head and rest. It is recommended that the woman sit, leaning in a comfortable place, and breathe slowly and deeply, trying to forget all the worries of the ...
Bath with oatmeal, compress with essential oils and plantain leaves are home treatment options for contact dermatitis. Learn how to prepare home remedies.
Honey syrup with watercress, mullein syrup and anise or honey syrup with honey are home remedies to end sputum. Here's how to prepare.
Taking a home remedy against diarrhea helps to hold the bowel, relieving this discomfort. However diarrhea is a form of defense of the body, being an attempt to eliminate some microorganism from the digestive system and therefore fighting diarrhea can cause the harmful agent ...
Some medicinal plants like Ashwagandha, Agnocasto or Peruvian Maca can be useful for those who are trying to get pregnant and have encountered some difficulties. See what other options and what to do to improve their effect