
Parsley tea is good for weight loss because it has diuretic properties that help reduce fluid retention and swelling in the legs and belly, which favors a dry body and a more defined silhouette. In addition, parsley tea facilitates digestion because it stimulates production ...
Sage tea is an excellent home remedy for digestive problems because this medicinal plant has digestive properties that facilitate the digestion of food. Ingredients 2 g of sage leaves 150 ml of boiling water Method of preparation Add the chopped sage leaves in the ...
Watercress is rich in vitamin C, A, iron and potassium, which are important for strengthening the immune system and fighting bacteria. See how to use this plant.
Artichokes can be used in many ways and for different purposes. Check out some recipes with artichoke.
Pomegranate peel tea is an excellent home remedy to relieve sore throat or sore throat. See how to make this tea and how to prepare a pomegranate juice with great benefits
Centella asiatica tea is an excellent home remedy to reduce cellulite, since the plant has vasodilating properties that improve blood circulation, helping the body to destroy the fat cells that make up cellulite. However, to increase the effectiveness of this ...


Ginger can be used to relieve nausea and nausea because it is able to relax the gastrointestinal system. Learn how to relieve nausea with ginger.
Ginger is a medicinal plant that has many health benefits, among them, it is able to relieve the feeling of nausea and vomiting. See how to prepare teas and juices with ginger against nausea.
Bitter orange tea is an excellent home remedy for weight loss, as it has antioxidant properties that cleanse the body, reducing fat and
Chamomile tea is a very popular home remedy worldwide, being used to treat various health problems. Due to its properties, this is an excellent option to treat skin problems that cause inflammation, such as eczema, insect bites or burns. Look...
Yam tea can be consumed by both men and women, as it is able to strengthen the immune system, improve the digestive process, control blood cholesterol and glucose levels and prevent cardiovascular disease, for example. Women of childbearing age usually ...
Orange is a great ally against flu and cold because it strengthens the immune system, leaving the body more protected against all diseases. Check out how to prepare 3 delicious recipes to fight cough and throat irritation more quickly and effectively. The cold is a ...
The rue tea for intestinal worms has a strong deworming property that helps to eliminate some types of intestinal worms, reducing symptoms such as colic, swollen belly and diarrhea, for example. However, the rue is not able to eliminate all types of worms, being ...
Fennel is able to improve digestion, fight gases, increase breast milk production and also helps to combat baby's cramps. Check out more indications and how to prepare this tea
Senna tea is a home remedy that is popularly used by people who want to lose weight fast. Understand if it really works and what the health risks of its use may be
Boldo tea is an excellent home remedy against digestive problems, cold sweats, malaise and liver problems such as hepatitis. Discover the benefits of boldo tea. Tea can be prepared with the leaves of boldo, a medicinal plant with the scientific name Peumus boldus Molin, which ...
Tea made with chamomile, fennel and laurel helps with digestion and reduces baby's cramps. See how to prepare and the dose the baby needs to take.
An excellent home remedy to fight urinary tract infection is to drink horsetail tea because its leaves have diuretic properties that increase urine production, which consequently helps to eliminate the microorganisms present in the bladder and urethra, which are the cause. ..
Valerian tea is a great natural option to fight anxiety, as it has soothing properties. See how valerian tea is made and how to relieve anxiety more easily.
Guaco tea is a great homemade solution to end persistent cough, as it has bronchodilator and expectorant action. This medicinal plant can be associated with Eucalyptus, being an excellent home remedy option for relieving cough. Check out 3 great recipes
Parsley is a great natural diuretic that helps fight urinary tract infection. Learn how to prepare the best recipes with this aromatic herb.
Diuretic teas eliminate excess water and fluids from the body, making them excellent options for treating swelling and fluid retention. Parsley, mackerel, hibiscus and green tea are some diuretic tea options. See other recipes and how to prepare
Medicinal plants can be a natural way to improve the symptoms of male impotence, helping to improve circulation in the penis and improving mood. See a list of some plants with studies that point to their positive effect in the treatment of erectile dysfunction
There are teas that can help improve blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels, stimulating lymphatic circulation and reducing swelling. Some examples of teas that can help improve circulation are: 1. Carqueja tea A great home remedy for ...
Fennel, gorse and eucalyptus teas are good options to relieve muscle pain, as they have calming, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, helping the muscle to relax. Muscle pain can happen after excessive physical activity, great effort or as ...
Teas to clean the uterus can be good natural options to eliminate pieces of the endometrium, strengthen the uterine muscle or to facilitate the uterus to return to its normal size after pregnancy. See the best teas and how to take them
These teas can be used to complement the treatment indicated by the doctor, relieving symptoms and speeding up treatment. Check out the recipes to prepare easily at home
These teas are a great natural option to quickly relieve the symptoms of pneumonia and can be used together with the treatment indicated by the doctor. See how to prepare each one
Hemorrhoid teas are made from horse chestnut, rosemary, chamomile, elderberry and witch hazel. Learn how to prepare and how to use each one.